給夜貓讀者 : VOP#4最後十本 !
VOP#4 Last 10 copies !
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▲VOP#4絕版前下手 :
Voices of Photography
Issue 4 : 地景 Landscapes
在這期的《攝影之聲》中,中國攝影師朱鋒從廣告看板裡構築的地景風貌,發掘當代景觀的想像與現實落差;蔣鵬奕透過現代城市與廢墟空間的並置,觸發現代都會繁盛與虛空交錯的衝突心理;在游莉的北方景緻裡,則浮懸著人們渺渺冥冥的存在;而台灣攝影師楊哲一以踏勘中國石灰石礦場,詮釋自然與人為共存的新山水;法國攝影師Mathieu Bernard-Reymond,捕捉同一場景中不斷出現的浮世形影,映射出滄海一栗的百無聊賴。
Artist’s Showcase單元則特別介紹藝術家汪曉青,她在〈母親如同創造者〉中以自己和兒子作為紀錄對象,費時十年以影像書寫母親角色的生命歷程變化。此外這期還收錄了包括資深攝影家莊靈、沈昭良與藝術家陳界仁等創作者及學者,針對「台灣攝影博物館」的成立與發展現況進行的深度對話。
The ways of people looking at the photographs reflects people’s view of the world ; we depend on photography to observe the world, but the real world actually does not exist in the photographs. We might have captured the external world on film, but what we actually see is the internal scenery of our hearts. This time, we will explore how photography creators view the world and their concerns.
In this issue of VOP, Chinese photographer Zhu Feng discovers the difference between the virtual and real contemporary landscape scenery through the pictures of life that advertisement boards construct ; Jiang Pengyi sparks off the psychological clash between the urban prosperity and emptiness by juxtaposing the urban city with abandoned places; You Li paints pictures of the vague and distant existence of humans in her images of the Northern lands; Taiwanese photographer surveys the cement quarries in China and reinterprets the shared shan shui scenery between Man and Nature; French photographer Mathieu Bernard-Reymond captures the repetitive crowds in the same scene and reflects a corner of the mundanity of city lives in his images. The Artist’s Showcase in this issue introduces the artist Annie Hsiao-Ching Wan, who has documented herself and her son for over 10 years in “The Mother as a Creator”, revealing her changing roles as a mother as time passes. Also, experienced photographers Chuang Ling, Shen Chao-Liang and artist Chen Chieh-Jen have an in-depth conversation with creators and academics about the founding and the current developments of the Taiwan Photo Museum.
More : www.vopmagazine.com/vop004/