[CNN大推!來台灣必吃的40種美味小吃] 大家覺得呢????
1. 魯肉飯 Braised pork rice
2. 牛肉麵 Beef noodles
3. 蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet
4. 珍珠奶茶 Bubble tea
5. 虱目魚 Milkfish
6. 擔仔麵 Slack Season danzai noodles
7. 生煎包 Pan-fried buns
8. 割包 Gua bao
9. 鐵蛋Iron egg
10. 鳳梨酥 Pineapple cake
11.甜不辣 Tian bu la (Taiwanese oden)
12.肉圓 Ba wan (Giant meat dumplings)
13.炸雞 Fried chicken
14.蔥抓餅Flaky scallion pancakes
15.蚵仔麵線 Oyster vermicelli
16.臭豆腐 Stinky tofu
17.紅薯 Sweet potato
18.剉冰 Shaved ice mountain
19.胡椒餅 Pepper cakes
20.鼎泰豐小籠包Dumplings at Din Tai Fung Dumpling House
21.魚丸湯 Fish ball soup
22.藥燉排骨 Ribs stewed in medicinal herbs
23.鵝肉 Goose
24.鼎邊銼 Ding bian cuo
25.麻糬 Mochi
26.加熱滷味 Anything braised with Lantern soy sauce
27.筒仔米糕 Tube rice pudding
28.台式早餐(豆漿油條)Taiwanese breakfast
29.豬血湯 Pig's blood rice pudding
30.三杯雞 Three-cup chicken
31.粄條 Ban tiao noodles
32.洪瑞珍三明治 Horng Ryen Jen Sandwich
33.愛玉 Aiyu jelly
34.皮蛋豆腐 Pidan tofu
35.蒸春捲 Steamed spring rolls
36.麻辣火鍋 Spicy hotpot
37.雞翅飯捲 Chicken wing rice roll
38.超大貢丸湯 Giant pork balls soup
39.吳寶春麵包 Wu Pao Chun Bakery Breads
40.便當 Biandang
「din tai fung house beef soup」的推薦目錄:
din tai fung house beef soup 在 Dr Jim的營養資訊粉絲團 Facebook 的精選貼文
1. Braised pork rice 滷肉飯
2. Beef noodles 牛肉麵
3. Oyster omelet 蚵仔煎
4. Bubble tea 珍珠奶茶
5. Milkfish 虱目魚
6. Slack Season danzai noodles 擔仔麵
7. Pan-fried buns 生煎包
8. Gua bao 刈包
9. Iron egg 鐵蛋
10. Pineapple cake 鳳梨酥
11. Tian bu la (Taiwanese oden) 甜不辣
12. Ba wan (Giant meat dumplings) 肉圓
13. Fried chicken 鹽酥雞
14. Flaky scallion pancakes 蔥抓餅
15. Oyster vermicelli 蚵仔麵線
16. Stinky tofu 臭豆腐
17. Sweet potato 地瓜粥
18. Shaved ice mountain 刨冰
19. Pepper cakes 胡椒餅
20. Dumplings at Din Tai Fung Dumpling House鼎泰豐小籠包
21. Fish ball soup魚丸湯
22. Ribs stewed in medicinal herbs 藥燉排骨
23. Goose鵝肉
24. Ding bian cuo鼎邊銼
25. Mochi麻糬
26. Anything braised with Lantern soy sauce燈籠滷味
27. Tube rice pudding筒仔米糕
28. Taiwanese breakfast中式早餐(Sesame flatbread, deep-fried Chinese donuts and soy milk燒餅、油條、豆漿)
29. Pig's blood rice pudding豬血糕
30. Three-cup chicken三杯雞
31. Ban tiao noodles粄條
32. Horng Ryen Jen Sandwich 洪瑞珍三明治
33. Aiyu jelly檸檬愛玉
34. Pidan tofu皮蛋豆腐
35. Steamed spring rolls春捲
36. Spicy hotpot麻辣鍋
37. Chicken wing rice roll 翅包飯(雞翅包炒飯)
38. Giant pork balls soup 爆漿貢丸湯
39. Wu Pao Chun Bakery Breads 吳寶春麵包
40. Biandang 便當