要來上俐媽的英模A, C, I, F班啦😉😉
🏢 俐媽英文教室—搭配詞篇law:
🧑🏻⚖️ enact the law 制定法律
🧑🏻⚖️ adopt/pass the law 通過法律
🧑🏻⚖️ enforce/apply/administer the law 執行法律
🧑🏻⚖️ violate/transgress/ contravene the law 違反法律
🧑🏻⚖️ follow/obey/observe the law 遵守法律
🧑🏻⚖️ abolish the law 廢除法律
🧑🏻⚖️ interpret the law 解釋/詮釋法律
🧑🏻⚖️ revise/amend the law 修改法律
🧑🏻⚖️ challenge the law 挑戰法律
🧑🏻⚖️ civil law 民法
🧑🏻⚖️ criminal law 刑法
🧑🏻⚖️ federal law 聯邦法
🧑🏻⚖️ international law 國際法
🧑🏻⚖️ electoral law 選舉法
🧑🏻⚖️ strict/stringent law 嚴格的法律
🆙 延伸學習:
* file a lawsuit 提出告訴/訴訟
* settle the lawsuit 和解
* lose/win the lawsuit 打輸/贏官司
* dismiss the lawsuit 駁回訴訟
📚 其他相關補充,見 #俐媽英文教室法律篇
dismiss法律 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的精選貼文
【校園新聞】校委會決定終止戴耀廷教席任期 戴:標誌香港學術自由的終結
法律學院副教授戴耀廷去年4月被判串謀作出公眾妨擾罪、煽惑他人作出公眾妨擾罪罪成,判囚16個月,其後獲准保釋等候上訴。教務委員會(下稱教委會)去年6月成立「探討充分解僱理由委員會」(Committee of Enquiry into Possible Good Cause)以商議戴的終身教席去留問題。該委員會曾討論並認為戴於佔中案一事中屬行為不當(Misconduct),但未充分構成「好的因由」(Good Cause),因此教委會並沒有建議解僱戴。
港大校務委員會(下稱校委會)於今日(二十八號)下午五時就戴耀廷的教席去留召開會議。據可靠消息指,校委會最終以投票方式,結果以18:2大比數,通過即時開除戴耀廷的教席,決定即時生效。 根據大學條例第十二(九)條,「除非經過充分調查事實並收到教委會調查結果的建議後,教委會認為有充分理據終止教師的任期,否則校委會不應終止任何教師的任期」,未知道校委會終止的理據。戴耀廷其後於Facebook 專頁作出回應,指出上述事件標誌著香港學術自由的終結,亦相信他的個案足以回答「一國一制是否已來臨到港?」這條問題。戴感謝港大培育戴成為一名法律學生、法律老師、法律學者及法治的守護者。戴亦為目睹所愛的大學沉淪,感到心痛,並盼望在未來見到一所自由的港大重生。
1. 李梓成、葉芷琳、麥東榮回應校委會決定的完整記錄:https://youtu.be/5LFwGDnOEn8
2. 港大校友關注組完整聲明:https://bit.ly/39EeXRJ
3. 校委會名單:https://www.hku.hk/about/governance/governance_structure/the-court/c_council_membership.html
【Campus News】The University of Hong Kong governing council sacks legal scholar Benny Tai; Tai said, “It marked the end of academic freedom in Hong Kong”
HKU council decided to sack legal scholar Benny Tai on Tuesday night (28 July). It has reversed a recommendation by the university senate earlier this month that there was not a “Good Cause” to dismiss him although his actions amounted to misconduct.
HKU Council called out a meeting at 5 today (28 July) regarding the dismissal of Tai. Source added that HKU Council’s decision was made by voting, in which 18 council members supported the decision to dismiss Tai while two were against it. The decision takes effect immediately. However, the “Good Cause” is still unknown. Tai responded to his dismissal on Facebook, “ it marked the end of academic freedom in Hong Kong”, and his dismissal gave a representation of “one country one system”.
Lei Tsz-shing, student representative of the HKU governing council expressed his disappointment and anger with the decision to sack Tai. Lei said the council would revisit Tai’s dismissal if he appeals, which would be heard next year. Lei also pointed out University president Zhang Xiang did not cast a vote. Lei expressed great disappointment in his act since Zhang should have fought for academic freedom and institutional autonomy with his students.
The president of HKU student union, Jeh Tsz-lam strongly criticized the decision made by the HKU council. He believed that the council made this decision out of political concerns. The student union will initiate a petition regarding the dismissal of Tai immediately in a bid to collect signatures to oppose the council’s decision. Jeh said the composition of the governing council has led to a one-sided conclusion to terminate Tai, as its chairman and several council members are appointed by the chancellor, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngo.
HKU alumni concern group deputy convenor Mak Tung-wing challenged the council’s decision as “violating procedural justice” since Tai’s case was still pending an appeal.
HKU has released a written statement, saying that it is a “personnel matter” of the university. The school administration stresses that the decision came following “stringent and impartial due process” as well as “careful deliberations and considerations”. The school also hoped that the public can respect the autonomy of the institution.
dismiss法律 在 葉漢浩 Alex Ip Facebook 的最佳貼文
【全球法律團體聯合聲明 — 強烈譴責中國政府以吊銷、註銷律師執業證之手段持續打壓維權律師】
1. 立即無條件撤銷對受影響律師作出的各吊銷、註銷執照的各項決定;
2. 停止對維權律師群體的一切管控和打壓,確保律師不會因其代理的案件或發表的言論受到恫嚇、妨礙、不適當的干涉,或者起訴和行政制裁;
3. 切實遵守中國《憲法》、《律師法》及聯合國《關於律師作用的基本原則》有關保障律師權利的規定,尊重律師的執業權利及公民權利。
Human Rights Now,日本
【A Joint Statement to Strongly Condemn the Chinese Government’s Suppression against Human Rights Lawyers through Revocation and Invalidation of Lawyers’ Licenses】
The Chinese government has continued its repression against human rights lawyers for almost 3 years since the start of the sensational and unprecedented “709 Crackdown” in July 2015. While the crackdown has seemingly come to an end, the suppression has not yet ceased. Apart from the manoeuvre of criminal detention, the Chinese government has now resorted to a subtler form of repression, administrative penalty, which involves revocation or invalidation of lawyers’ legal practice licenses, thus depriving them of their right to practice law.[1]
From our observation, at least 17 human rights lawyers and 3 law firms have had their licenses revoked or invalidated in China over the past 8 months. We, the undersigned, strongly condemn this manoeuvre. We believe that the acts of the Chinese government have seriously violated the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China (“the Constitution”), the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Lawyers (“Lawyers’ Law”), and international human rights law which prescribes that state members shall respect and protect lawyers’ right to practice and the civil rights of all citizens. We urge the Chinese government to immediately and unconditionally withdraw all the decisions about revoking and invalidating lawyers’ licenses and to stop all forms of harassment, intimidation and repression against human rights lawyers in respect of their legal practice.
It has come to our attention that the Chinese authorities have launched another wave of nationwide suppression against human rights lawyers since September 2017 (i.e., the eve of 19thParty Congress), which has been intensifying. In the past 8 months, 17 human rights lawyers and 3 law firms from 9 different provinces have been deprived of the rights to practise as lawyers due to the revocation and invalidation of their practising licenses. In the past month alone, 6 human rights lawyers have already received notice from the Bureau of Justice that their licenses were to be revoked or invalidated, including Xie Yanyi, Li Heping, Huang Simin, Wen Donghai, Yang Jinzhu and Qin Yongpei. The sole human rights law firm in Guangxi, the Nanning Baijuming Law Firm, was also forced to be immediately shut down by the Nanning Municipal Bureau of Justice. Despite the Chinese government’s commitment to protect its citizens’ right to a fair and public trial which shall offer lawyers a fair hearing, the hearing procedures have never been truly open and transparent. All legal remedies are de facto futile. One Hong Kong journalist was even beaten by police and illegally detained while attempting to cover the hearing of lawyer Xie Yanyi.[2]
In the meantime, this wave of suppression of human rights lawyers is an extension of the notorious “709 Crackdown” in 2015. Amongst the aforementioned 17 lawyers, more than half are the 709 detainees or the defence lawyers for the 709 detainees. The former includes Sui Muqing, Zhou Shifeng, Li Chunfu, Xie Yanyi and Li Heping, etc., while the latter includes Yu Wensheng, Wen Donghai, Yang Jinzhu and Qin Yongpei, etc. The purpose of repressing the lawyers detained in the “709 Crackdown” is to uproot the core community of human rights lawyers, while the purpose of repressing their defence lawyersis to purge the honorable lawyers arising from the “709 Crackdown”.
It is also noted that the Chinese government has in fact controlled lawyers’ freedom of speech online by threatening to impose “administrative penalties”. According to Article 35 of the Constitution[3]and Article 23 of Basic Principles of the Role of Lawyers (“the Principles”) by the United Nations,[4]lawyers are entitled to freedom of speech and expression. Lawyers shall not be punished simply for exercising their freedom of speech. However, lawyers Zhu Shengwu, Wu Youshui, Yu Wensheng and Yang Jinzhu all received punishment due to their online criticisms of the Communist Party of China and China’s judicial system. In the case of lawyer Yu Pinjian, the law firm he belonged to was pressured by the authorities to dismiss him because he had repeatedly made comments on current affairs and politics online. In addition, lawyers Peng Yonghe, Wang Londe and Wang Liqian had their licenses retributively revoked or invalidated due to their public announcements about quitting the officially-run Lawyers’ Association. Thus it can be seen that China’s alleged “rule of law” is just a veneer to deceive the public. The underlying purpose is to justify its unlawful acts of restricting freedom of speech and repressing dissidents. It is worth noting that the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, Fu Zhenghua, was named Minister of Justice in March of this year. We share deep concern over the foreseeable exacerbation of the political situation.
In light of the above, we, the undersigned, solemnly demand the Chinese government to:
1. Immediately and unconditionally withdraw all the decisions in respect of the revocation and invalidation of lawyers’ practising licenses.
2. Stop all forms of political repression against human rights lawyers to ensure that lawyers do not suffer intimidation, hindrance, harassment, improper interference, prosecution or administrative sanctions for taking up sensitive cases or for giving speeches in accordance with their recognized professional duties.
3. Duly uphold and respect the legal rights enjoyed by Chinese lawyers, which include the right to practice and civil rights protected under the Constitution, relevant legislation governing the practice of lawyers in China, and the Principles of the United Nations.
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, Hong Kong
Human Rights Now, Japan
Lawyers for Lawyers, Netherlands
Progressive Lawyers Group, Hong Kong
Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network, Taiwan
Taipei Bar Association Human Rights Committee, Taiwan
The Geneva Bar Association, Switzerland
6th June 2018
[1]According to Article 23 of Administrative Measures for the Practice of Law by Lawyers, if a lawyer is dismissed by the incumbent law firm and not employed by a registered law firm for over 6 months, his or her legal practice license will be invalidated. From a legal perspective, the nature of “revoked” is different from that of “invalidated”. However, past experiences have shown that both statuses have same de facto outcome, lawyers generally cannot resume their practice.
[3]Article 35 of Constitution of the People’s Republic of China: “Citizens of the People’s Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration.”
[4]Article 23 of United Nations’ Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers: “Lawyers like other citizens are entitled to freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly.”
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