Bayangkan sedang seronok menyelam tetiba anda stuck di dasar laut yang tanpa disedari ada ikan jerung 🦈? Nak feel situasi itu?
Kenalah pergi menonton filem 47 METERS DOWN UNCAGED pada 29 Ogos nanti!
Four teenage divers discover that the sunken ruins of a Mayan city are also a hunting ground for deadly great white sharks. With their air supply steadily dwindling, the frightened girls must navigate the underwater labyrinth of claustrophobic caves and eerie tunnels in search of a way out of their watery hell.
#REEFISMTERRITORY #47MetersDownUncagedMovie_My
divers supply 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
Cave rescue: Elation as Thai boys and coach freed by divers
Joy and relief have greeted the rescue of 12 boys and their football coach from flooded caves in northern Thailand after divers completed a daring operation to bring them out.
Seventeen days after they got trapped underground, the last five members of the group emerged on Tuesday.
Their plight and the complex three-day-long operation to free them gripped the world's attention.
The group was cut off on 23 June after heavy rains flooded their way back out of Tham Luang.
這一行人在6月23日與外界失去聯繫,當時暴雨淹沒了他們從清萊Tham Luang洞穴返回的路。
Aged between about 11 and 17, the members of the Wild Boars football team had entered the cave system during an excursion with their coach.
They were found by British divers last week, huddled in darkness on a ledge.
Elation at the discovery of all 13 members of the group alive quickly turned to concern as it emerged just how difficult it would be to rescue boys who could not swim and had been weakened by their time underground.
The complex, three-day operation saw four boys emerge on Sunday, four on Monday, and the final four boys plus their coach on Tuesday. All were immediately taken to hospital, but they are said to be in reasonable condition given their ordeal.
Confirming the completion of the rescue operation, the Thai Navy Seals Facebook page announced: "We are not sure if this is a miracle, science, or what. All the 13 Wild Boars are now out of the cave."
A team of 90 expert divers - 40 from Thailand and 50 from overseas - worked in the Tham Luang caves.
They guided the boys and their coach through darkness and submerged passageways towards the mouth of the cave system.
Getting to and from the trapped group was an exhausting round trip, even for experienced divers.
The process included a mixture of walking, wading, climbing and diving along guide ropes.
Wearing full-face masks, which are easier for novice divers than traditional respirators, each boy was accompanied by two divers, who also carried his air supply.
The toughest part was about halfway out at a section named "T-Junction", which was so tight that the divers had to take off their air tanks to get through.
Beyond that a cavern - called Chamber 3 - was turned into a forward base for the divers.
There the boys could rest before making the last, easier walk out to the entrance. They were then taken to hospital in Chiang Rai.
Global football body FIFA offered the 12 young footballers tickets for Sunday's World Cup final in Moscow, but they are too weak to travel.
Portuguese club Benfica has invited the boys and their coach an all-expenses-paid week at its training academy.
Manchester United - the English club several of the boys support - has offered them the chance to attend a game.
England football players preparing for a World Cup semi-final with Croatia - including Manchester City defender Kyle Walker - are sending football kit to the boys after one of them was pictured wearing an England shirt inside the caves.
正準備在半決賽中對陣克羅埃西亞隊的英格蘭球員給孩子們寄來了隊服,這些球員中還包括曼聯隊後衛Kyle Walker。在之前公佈的照片中,其中一名被困少年穿著英格蘭隊服。
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文
divers supply 在 圖藍奔小姐 Facebook 的最佳解答
有鑒於個人非常喜歡沉船系列(Shipwreck)的潛點, 今夜來一篇科隆(Coron) 給自己留個紀錄, 也給有興趣前往的同好們參考瞅瞅。
一講到科隆, 愛旅遊、愛潛水的大家第一個想到的應該就是沉船囉, 二次世戰後這片海域可是留下了許多艘歷史味濃厚的沉船可以潛覽, 尤其是貨船, 或是補給艦, 就是一種滄桑又顛沛流離的感覺, 很適合推薦給外表看似陽光, 但內心偏暗黑系的同好們。 這回不講大家都很常去的『沉船x10, 一網打盡』科隆熱門點; 而是比起來較為偏遠, 但對於選擇住宿在Busuanga 東北邊的朋友們, 它絕對是不容錯過的一大好點!
這艘『Kyokuzan Maru』(Auxiiliary Supply Ship/輔助艦) 是1944年於當地最後一艘被美軍擊沉的日本軍艦。 其實要講擊『沉』, 有些許語病了, 很多第一、二次世界大戰遺留下來沉船常是被魚雷、空投彈擊中, 多未造成什麼毀滅性要害, 不像鐵達尼撞冰山或是鑽油平台爆炸那樣會立馬沉下去; 大部分都是沒動力被棄置, 幾年時間再來個不巧天災人為的才使其沉沒, 成為下個世紀的商機啊。
其實說來也很巧, 第一次來時是前年2016年, 整個五月的『玩透菲律賓潛點自由行』, 其中一站來到科隆, 自己誤打誤撞為了看海牛(Dugong) ,聯絡到一間潛店的老闆 (當時他應該還不紅, 最近倒是非常炙手可熱), 所以那時是有什麼玩什麼, 也沒有計劃。同行教練也很 easy-companying 我的隨意亂走, 當船一開到附近海域, 他突然驚覺似曾相識, 原來曾跟幾位好友一起來找過『Kyokuzan Maru』; 附近有很多的養殖珍珠(現在也是), 聽說當時還很驚險, 當地人以為這群人要來偷珍珠, 還被當地船追趕! 十幾二十年後這個點漸漸被人正確定位開發成潛點, 對這位教練來說, 物換星移, 景物依舊, 他還記得當初大家找這艘沉船的那股期待感以及眼前的震撼; 隨著年月過去, 沒想到有天會再次面對這艘沉船, 教練指著水下導覽地圖, 興奮感表露無遺, 過隙白駒著實對這眼前的人事物皆加諸了些許韻味 。
比起島南側的潛點常年水濁, 北側的潛點多為清澈, 只要避開較不適合的季節-- 每年的12中至2月中儘量不要來; 多能潛得心曠神怡。而『Kyokuzan Maru』這艘沉船位置較不受水況影響。 它的位置趨于灣內; 所以若外邊兒大風大浪, 水下總與水面兩個世界, 絲毫不受影響; 且『Kyokuzan Maru』船身滿是珊瑚覆蓋的多彩風光也依舊燦爛奪目, 再搭上湛藍的水色, 頭前如望向天空般是一片光明啊!特別放上一張黃昏潛的水面情形, 水下清澈, 但水面上完全是迷霧(The Mist) 場景。
『Kyokuzan Maru』船身範圍長為136m/450feet , 在水下位置為正位;T及U恑杆處12m/40feet、 操舵室 22m/70feet、 最淺甲板26m/85feet、可向下延伸至42m/140feet 為其最大深度。資料說裡面可見車子及一些陶器, 陶器我倒是沒看到, 裡面都是泥土覆蓋, 什麼看起來都很像陶製啊。煙囪倒向右舷, 很特別, 當下不知道是什麼, 燈往裡照, 浮游物點點星光的, 所以有游進去拍照(圖) , 當下自認百分百離隊好理由的探險時間來惹, 哈哈。
要特別提到一點, 對於愛拍這的潛水員來說, 這裡是久久出現一次那個『Moment』的好潛點; 燕魚不怕人, 而且很好奇, 往往鏡頭對了個景, 快門一按, 突然燕魚或河豚露出頭來, 所以一次捕捉整齊入鏡五至六隻燕魚並不困難(圖)。
其實會放上的圖不見得是多有代表性, 但都是我個人喜歡的角落; 有別於其他沉船, 它有些很獨特的畫面及光影很吸引我。 無論你/妳會不會潛水, 喜不喜歡潛水, 希望透過些許圖像、文本可以傳達我在這大自然(藍)下的感動, 這個世界很美好, 活著就是一種幸福。
I was thinking if I shall put an English version. Just by a thought of that, I didn’t stop typing.
Today the topic is Coron. I mean, why not? I’m very fond of shipwrecks, well, the ship that becomes wreck which sounds so fascinating. For people who doesn’t know much about shipwreck in Coron, you have me here, only for today and limited in this forum as I’m not a very good social person and I’m stingy.
『Kyokuzan Maru』is the one I’m in particular very fond of. It was an Auxiliary Supply Ship which was hit by USS aircraft and sank in 1944 at the north of the Busuanga and it was the last ship to be attacked in the area during the WWII. Comparing to the other 10 shipwrecks at the south in which is a very hot spot for Coron shipwreck diving, this『Kyokuzan Maru』at the north has its reasons to be a-must-visit diving spot.
Start with the all-year-round diving season, it doesn't get lousy vis as it locates in a protected area by the surrounded shore. Even it’s not the best season to go (Avoid Dec to Feb), you still get a good vis, approx.15-20m. Even under the circumstance of all mist on surface vis 0, we still got pretty good vis for sunset dive down there. And great coverage of corals and fishes make the whole scene very colorful. The position of 『Kyokuzan Maru』is upright. You get to see Tand U mast area starts around 12m/40feet, wheelhouse at 22m/70feet, deck area at 26m/85feet to the maximum depth 45m/140feet. Inside the wreck is the car and the pottery. And the pottery is too to hard to reckon, basically it's all covered by sand and dirt.
The funnel has fallen to the starboard which makes interesting swim throughs. I actually did swim in, and I didn’t know what was it by then. The planktons shine like the stars inside the funnel as I turned my torch to, so I went in like having a little bit of adventure. Also, batfishes here are very playful. It seems more chances to get the so-called 『moment』for the photo-shooting divers, because no matter what direction you aim your box to, you might get some randomly pop-up heads of batfishes or the puffer's.
Photos I shared might not be epic, yet they showed my favorite corners or spots of『Kyokuzan Maru』. Quite different from any other shipwrecks, it has some unique frame and light beam which are very appealing to me. No matter if you dive or not, I hope my photos and texts can bring you to dive in great nature (big blue) in my eyes of the world we are living in. The world is beautiful because every existence is significant.
#KyokuzanMaru #Shipwreck #Wreck
#Busuanga #Coron #WWII #潛點介紹
#沉船 #Uwphotography #diving