Wow! A Friend created this painting to describe how Scary anti anxiety medication has become in this modern world due to it being consumed by sooo many people for the wrong reasons. 😲
Its based on ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch. Amazing kan.
My friend works as a professional therapist- and she shared with me this info i thought to pas on: The problem is soo many people use alcohol/medication like this/drugs to Numb their feelings, their pain in the hope that it will ‘heal’ or help them.. it doesn’t.
What it does is Delay the inevitable feelings you carry resurface at a later date or in a way of behaving that is shameful/regretful. Plus the same feelings will come back stronger and harder to numb later on. 😲
The ONLY way to heal any painful feelings or trauma is by long term therapy and a Change of thoughts and perhaps a change of lifestyle (friends/food/activities). 🤗
Get help before the thing you believe is ‘helping’ you..becomes the scariest Problem that you end up with. ❤️
#mentalhealthawareness #gettherapy #drugsdontwork #gethelp #dontfeelalone #edvardmunch #modernliving #stress #dontnumbout #miasa #delayingpain #youcandoit #youarenotalone #mentalhealthmatters #insyaAllah #allwillbefine