【政策簡單說】2021年 #土耳其電商市場 後勢看好✨
2021年是 #土耳其🇹🇷 疫後首年,全球統計數據機構 #Statista 預測該國 #電商市場 會有32%爆發性成長,達到215億美元規模;並預期2022至2024年仍然有9-21%的高成長率‼
🔎資料來源: Statista
According to Statista, one of the world's leading statistics portals, the revenue in #the_Turkish_ecommerce_market is predicted to increase by 32%, reaching 21.5 billion; 9-21% in the period of 2022 to 2024.
Based on the Statista report, the market’s top 3 segments are fashion, Electronic & Media, and Toys, Hobby &DIY products.
Since the pandemic is rapidly changing our behavior toward online channels, SMEs would like to extend the Turkish business through the e-commerce platform can use statistics as a reference👍
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