These are crazy times we are living in and unlike many other large scale world events; Covid19 has affected all of us directly in some way.
Whether it’s your health, children not being able to attend schools, family being apart, businesses can’t sustain, being unable to access products or services, job losses, changing daily routines, or switching to working from home, no one has been untouched.
One ‘side effect’ (some may called it) of the STAY HOME measure, that has been implemented to help prevent the rapid spread of the Covid19 is that we’re seeing a lot more of our families (the ones we live with, at least) and that’s definitely a silver lining for me.
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I must acknowledge that the ability to work from home is indeed a privilege for those who are able to do so, as there are many industries where working from home is just isn’t possible. Here I would like to thank 💓and honour all the front line doctors and nurses who don’t have the privilege of working from home and work tirelessly, risking their life to keep us safe and healthy. I would also like to thank 💓and honour my sons’ Daddy @drderekbaram who is the world’s most hands on and active Daddy to our sons for sacrificing his time away from them (and me) to continue to operate his dental clinic in Hong Kong with extra care, following the safety protocols set by the Dental Counsel as the safety of his patients and staff can never be compromised. I’m not taking it all for granted in the least.
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This year is my sons’ first Easter, not being able to be with their Daddy. It’s been 30 days since we had the chance to be in each other’s arms and we hope the travel restrictions will be lifted and we can be together again.
💖🐣🥚Have a Happy Easter Holiday With Your Loved Ones Babies 🐇🐣🥚💖
#happyeaster #easterholiday2020 #oceansapart #uncertaintimes #covid19 #hongkong #singapore #rozybaby #drderekbaram Central Smile