30 tips untuk keluarga bahagia till jannah (for men only):
1. Kalau isteri bergaji RM3K dan kau bergaji RM4K, ingat household income is not RM7K but it remains RM4k. That's the math of happy marriage.
2. No matter how right you are, minta maaf dulu walaupun kita tak bersalah. Say sorry and straight masuk dapur cuci periuk. Forgive our lovely wife all time. It takes training guys.
3. Jangan mengeluh kalau tunaikan tanggungjawab. Jangan sekali pernah cakap penat kalau tunaikan amanah sebagai suami.
4. Wife first, anak second. Anak first, kerja second.
5. Jangan tinggikan suara serentak. Ikut turn. Unless periuk kat dapur terbakar.
6. Gigit lidah, paksa jugak zip mulut bila dia buat sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan mata kita. Terima itu kekurangan dia.
7. Jangan tidur dalam keadaan marah. Cinta tak padamkan kemarahan, tapi kesabaran boleh matikan api kemarahan. Selamat datang ke alam kesabaran.
8. Bila dia buat salah, kau minta maaf. Bila kau buat salah, kau minta maaf. Simple.
9. Wife never think about divorce, murder yes. Live together elok2.
10. rule to stay together no matter what is first; stay together; and second; no matter what.
11. Kalau berbeza pendapat, terima pendapat dia. Trust your wife six sense.
12. Keep the house clean. Keep the sex dirty. hiks.
13. Jangan happy lebih-lebih dengan member. Never show your happiness.
14. Guys, the toughest job in the whole world is jaga anak. Acknowledge it! This is fact.
15. tidak akan ada pergaduhan bila suami duduk lipat baju depan TV. Mustahil berlaku apa-apa pertengkaran situasi itu.
16. Kalau kecil hati dengan isteri, ingat Allah sayang kita - Ebit Lew.
17. Jangan sesekali letak apa-apa expectation selepas kahwin. Marriage is like walking in the park. Jurassic Park.
18. Weekend je ambil alih kerja jaga anak. Dari anak bangun sampai anak tidur. Weekend je pun.
19. Dont show your tears. Kan Allah sayang kita. Kekuatan kita hanya pada Dia. Bukan dear. lol.
20. kalau dia tak sure nak makan nasi atau mee, buy both. Don't risk it.
21. jangan tangguh apa keinginan isteri. Keep your mouth shut and keep your wallet open.
22. Don't try to explain your financial position. Manage it. Kalau short setiap bulan, ingat kan Allah sayang kita?
23. Solat
24. Minta pendapat isteri dalam apa jua keputusan.
25. Jangan cuba build your six pack while your wife is busy babysitting your children.
26. Jangan suka bagi statement tergantung. Always finish your word with yes, i'll buy it.
27. Don't change your routine, don't change anything suddenly.
28. Be strong when she is weak.
29. Never cheat. Be loyal. With the dishes and laundry, no time lah for other things.
30. Never expect isteri faham kita. Apa-apapun, Allah sayang kita. Allah sayang kita guys.
___________________________.. ✍️
Muhasabah Diri 😍
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ebit lew wife 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的最佳解答
8 Ebook.9bulan10hari.com 😍
Dari alam perkahwinan - rumahtangga - rancang kehamilan - kehamilan - kelahiran - berpantang - penyusuan susu ibu - mendidik anak2 🥰 Serba serbi lengkap.. Siap ada 90 videos dari pakar seperti Ustaz Ebit Lew, Ustaz Don, Prof Dato Dr Hamid Arshat dalam Ebook 9bulan10hari ni 🥰
Mudah faham.. Penulisan santai..
Penuh tips nasihat & lawak utk suami isteri..
Cerita2 indah bagaimana utk kita jd yg terbaik buat diri, pasangan & anak.. 🥰
Serba serbi lah..
Kena baca sendiri & tengok semua video & drama..
Mesti tersenyum & dah tahu apa nak buat utk jadi suami, isteri, ibu yg paling bahagia 🥰
Kita adalah siapa & apa yg kita fikir...
Bila kita baca benda2 baik.. InsyaAllah byk perkara2 baik dekati kita.. Aamiin 🥰
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From the world of marriage - household - planning pregnancy - birth - abstinence - breastfeeding - educating children 🥰 There are 90 videos from experts like Ustaz Ebit Lew, Ustaz Don, Prof Dato Dr Hamid Arshat in Ebook 9 months and 9 days 🥰
Easy to understand.. Relaxing writing..
Full of advice and jokes for husband and wife..
Beautiful stories how to be the best for ourselves, partner & children.. 🥰
It's all serbi..
Have to read for yourself & watch all the videos & drama..
Must smile & already know what to do to be the happiest husband, wife, mother 🥰
We are who & what we think...
When we read good things.. InsyaAllah there will be many good things to approach us.. Amen 🥰
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ebit lew wife 在 9bulan10hari Facebook 的精選貼文
Indahnya saat mula-mula berkahwin dulu.. kemana-mana berkepit dengan pasangan.
Bergurau senda, bermanja.. riuh rumah macam dah beranak tiga.
Padahal duduk berdua je. Bahagia tu kita yang rasa.
Tapi hari ini.. ramai isteri yang stress dan meroyan bila tumpuan suami lebih kepada handphone berbanding dirinya.
Dibiar isteri macam ada takda je.
Bila suami sibuk 24 jam dengan handphone, bilanya nak menolong isteri? Bilanya nak luangkan masa dengan anak-anak? Bilanya nak bermesra-mesra?
Bila isteri datang minta tolong kejap.. mata memandang skrin telefon, mulut hanya mengiyakan..
“kejap lagi abang buat’
‘kejap lagi abang tengokkan anak’
‘awak ni tak boleh tengok sayang senanglah!’
Bila isteri marah-marah, berleter..kata isteri ni kaki membebel.
Isteri mana yang tak marah dan tak hangin, kalau segala beban ditanggungnya sorang-sorang.
Sikit lagi nak gila kalau dibiarkan berlarutan.
Sikit lagi nak meletup kalau dah hilang kesabarannya.
Kalau dah hari-hari cakap benda yang sama, lama-lama si isteri pun bosan. Hati yang pada mulanya sayang bertukar menjadi benci. Benci dengan perangai suami sendiri.
Kepada suami yang mithali.. Ustaz Ebit Lew ada menyebut..rumahtangga bahagia antara penyebab murahnya rezeki.
Kita rasa tak cukup gaji kita menyara keluarga, tapi Allah cukupkan kerana kita jaga keluarga kita dengan baik.. kita gembirakan isteri kita.
Dalam mencapai tujuan ini, suami isteri dan anak-anak perlu saling menghormati antara satu sama lain.
Rezeki Allah SWT amat luas untuk keluarga yang bahagia.
Bila rumahtangga sentiasa ada pergolakkan, suami isteri masam muka, anak-anak pun tak gembira.. rezeki susah nak dekat dengan kita.
Jadi elakkan main handphone bila kita disamping keluarga.
Bercakaplah apa saja dengan mereka. Jadikan setiap saat adalah detik yang berharga.
Jom mulakan!
Copyrights 9bulan10hari silakan SHARE 😍😍
It's so beautiful when I first get married.. everywhere with couples.
Joking around, spooning.. house boisterous like three.
Even though I'm just sitting together. Happiness is what we feel.
But today.. many wives are stressed and complaining when the husband's focus is more on their handphones than themselves.
As if there's nothing to do with the wife.
When the husband is busy 24 hours with his handphone, when will he help his wife? When to spend time with the kids? When are you going to be friendly?
When the wife comes to asking for help for a while.. the eyes look at the phone screen, the mouth is just saying..
′′ I'll do it soon '
' soon I'll look at my child '
' you can't see it, dear, easy! ' '
When the wife is angry, she's talking.. says the wife is nagging.
Which wife doesn't get angry and doesn't air, if all the burden is covered by herself.
A little more to be crazy if left to continue.
A little more to explode if you lose your patience.
If you say the same thing every day, the wife will get bored too long. The heart that first loves turns into hate. Hate your own husband's behavior.
To the wonderful husband.. Ustaz Ebit Lew has mentioned.. happy household among the causes of provisions.
We don't think that our salary is enough to support our family, but Allah is enough because we take good care of our family.. we make our wives happy.
In achieving this destination, husband and wife and children need to respect each other.
Allah SWT's sustenance is very wide for a happy family.
When the household is always a fight, husband and wife have sour face, children are not happy.. sustenance is hard to be close to us.
So avoid using mobile phones when we're beside our family.
Say anything to them. Make every moment a precious second.
Let's start!
Copyrights 9 months10 day please SHARE 😍😍Translated