[#命運之輪 :大足六道輪迴圖]
此六道輪迴圖為四川省大足縣寶頂鎮寶頂山摩崖造像群之一,此六道輪迴圖規模之大居中國同類造像之冠,六道輪迴圖總結了因果報應的佛教學說:根據過去的作為,無盡的轉世轉世進入更高或更低的生活形式,在這個雕塑中, 人格化的存在,大轉輪王在他的下巴和手臂上抱著輪子. 車輪由貪(官方), 嗔(士兵), 癡(猴)和欲(女人)的人格化人物拖著,六佛光源自車輪, 這意味著開悟, 就是一切佛教實踐的目標, 使尋求者能夠從生死的永恆迴圈中逃脫. 這座8米(25英尺)高的佛教徒從中國大足石雕刻中脫出, 建於1177年到1249年之間。
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Dazu Wheel of Creation : The Great Wheel of Rebirth summarizes the Buddhist doctrine of karma: an endless cycle of reincarnation into higher or lower forms of life according to one's past deeds. In this sculpture the demon Mara, personifying existence, holds the wheel in his jaws and arms. The wheel is supported from below by personifications of greed (an official), evil (a soldier), foolishness (a monkey), and lust (a woman). Six Buddha-rays emanate from the wheel, signifying that enlightenment, the goal of all Buddhist practice, enables the seeker to escape from the eternal cycle of birth and death. This 8-meter (25-foot) tall Buddhist relief from the Dazu Rock Carvings in China, built sometime between the years 1177 and 1249.
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emanate · vi.[. (氣體等)發出,散發;放射;發源 · vt. 散發;放射;產生 ... ... <看更多>
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英文解釋 · give out (breath or an odor); "The chimney exhales a thick smoke" · proceed or issue forth, as from a source; "Water emanates from this hole in the ... ... <看更多>
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