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embroidery art designs 在 A.N.Y Facebook 的最讚貼文
一次偶然的機會之下,認識到了ATPC 主理人陳立儒老師。
於是有了”球鞋”+”迷彩”+”藝術” 三個願望一次滿足的合作企劃機會,於是展開了一連串的產品設計過程,首先就是針對聯名的獨立開版刺繡臂章(承襲ANYBEARS經典再次選用日本TAJIMA刺繡機台製),圖像設計參考了軍用圖騰的毒蛇與閃電符號營造出軍規的ANYBEARS小熊符號,再來帽身選用美國製老字號YUPOONG其精湛的製帽技術也常為一線品牌製作如NIKE、STUSSY、HUF、ONLY、DIAMOND SUPPLY 、MORT PARIS等。最後拍板定案的則是(Classic Jockey Camper Cap),常稱5分割帽,布花選用ATPC迷人且擅長的”虎紋迷彩”(Tiger stripe pattern)也是為了增添其原汁原味1960S美軍越戰的迷彩歷史內涵,當然細節說了這麼多,大絕招當然是壓箱到最後跟你們分享~~
ANYBEARS 傳送門 www.facebook.com/A.N.YBEARS/
ATPC傳送門 www.facebook.com/ARTPEACEgraphic/
Before I introduce you to this ultra special cooperation of ANYBEARS X ATPC, there is a little secret that I want to share with everyone. As an ANYBEARS founder, BEAR is the core idea in my designs. I am a big shoes+military fashion fan und crazy about handcrafting and met ATPC founder Art Chen coincidentally. We come up with this beautiful collaboration of sneakers + camouflage + art fusion.
First of all, I would like to introduce this exclusive embroidery badge. The militarized ANYBEARS image indicates the typical army totem, viper and flash. The caps are carefully chosen from an old and famous America brand – YUPOONG. We selected Classic Jockey Camper Cap for this association. YUPOONG’s excellent technique cap production was often assigned by NIKE, STUSSY, HUF, ONLY, DIAMODSUUPLY and MORT PARIS. ATPC applied profound hand painting skills to paint a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk shark mouth on each cap with their famous tiger stripe as background.
We want every cap as a unique piece, so we made each cap with painted golden numerical order between 1-24, which indicates that there are only 24 pieces for our valuable fans and costumers.
Limited edition - ANYBEARS X ATPC X 24!