如果計劃生育,但肚皮遲遲未有消息,不少女性都會進行AMH(Anti-mullerian Hormone 抗穆勒氏荷爾蒙)檢查,AMH指數可以評估卵子庫存量,從而制訂合適的生育計劃,指數越低代表卵子庫存越少,不過AMH指數只知道卵子數量,而不知卵子質素,如果你有以下症狀,就要小心卵巢早衰的跡象,備孕的工夫比較多:
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Four warning signs of premature ovarian aging
Many women would opt for AMH (Anti-mullerian Hormone) test when they have difficulty conceiving. AMH can estimate a woman's total egg count, and this allows doctors to customize a conception plan for her.
The lower the AMH readings, the lower the egg count in a woman’s ovaries. Nonetheless, AMH is just a measurement of quantity but not quality. If you develop the below symptoms, please beware of premature ovarian aging, as it would further complicate your pregnancy plan:
.Irregular period
Delayed menstruation, period shortened, low volume of menstrual blood, or absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) are all symptoms of irregular period.
.Unable to conceive naturally
Couples fail to conceive a birth after having 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse.
.Changes in the sexual organ
Dry vagina, persistent genital pain during or after intercourse, yellowish vaginal discharge accompanied by an unpleasant smell.
.Premature menopause symptoms
Chinese physicians believe women would experience menopause around the age of 49. If anyone, before the age of 40, experiences hot flash, excessive sweating, insomnia, anxiety, soreness on the waist, dry mouth, and highly emotional, she could be experiencing premature ovarian aging.
Premature ovarian aging is caused by many factors such as hereditary, infection, stress, and dietary habits. According to Chinese Medicine theories, individuals with the lack of essence in the kidney would experience premature ovarian aging, because the said essence improves health of reproductive organs.
Try incorporating black bean, walnut, chestnut, mulberry, and mulberry mistletoe stem into your regular diet. Avoid eating raw and cold food, and at the same time, relieve stress when necessary, avoid sleeping late, and exercise regularly. If you exhibit the symptoms above, consult registered and licensed Chinese practitioners, so that they can customize a treatment plan based on your body condition to improve your chances of conception.
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#女 #我有壓力 #我畏冷 #經期
estimate評估 在 元毓 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. 2021年初是否存在市場過熱現象?
2. 美國政府2020年的瘋狂印鈔行為(參見下圖)是否會引發嚴重通貨膨脹?投資人應該如何因應?

美國經濟學家Peter Garber專門研究此一投機炒作的經濟史,並寫下幾篇著名論文。而依據其著作"Famous First Bubbles The Fundamentals of Early Manias" 一書,我整理幾個重點:
1. 實際上鬱金香熱潮時間相當短,價格明顯彈升發生在1636年11月~1637年1月份。
2. 參與人數總共約350人,全是職業商人;真正支付高價(超過300荷蘭盾)者約莫10人,多數人其實是透過遠期合約的方式進行炒作,而最後多以違約拒絕真實支付現金,直到荷蘭當地鬱金香相關商會與政府出面介入,才以履約價格的10%甚至5%方式解除合約。
3. 非常昂貴的品種,如Semper Augustus 的真實漲幅只有5倍(從原本的1千出頭荷蘭盾漲至5千多),並非都市傳說中幾百倍的漲幅。
漲幅較大的主要是那些本來就平價的品種,例如Gouda buds,起漲價格約2荷蘭盾,最高價50多荷蘭頓。即便存在瘋漲,但至多也是一、二十倍,這即便放在現代農產品供需失調時的價格軌跡來比較,也並不離奇。例如台灣颱風後的香菜價格漲幅。
這邊可以題外話說明為何Semper Augustus這品種售價昂貴。因為這特殊品種本不存在於大自然,而是農夫必須將快開花的鬱金香球莖人工嫁接罹患某種病毒的鬱金香,才能開出特殊花色。而這種嫁接病毒的球莖將會死亡,不再具備繁衍後代的能力。此外,嫁接後的成功率在當年也並不高,不保證存活也不保證開出特殊花色。
物以稀為貴下使得Semper Augustus這品種本來售價就高昂,是一般品種的百倍。

4. 也因為這個事件的範圍與熱潮都比傳說中小得多,因此並未對實質荷蘭資本市場或經濟體造成多少負面影響。
a. 即便在當年差不多時期的著作、媒體都有對其瘋狂投機炒作的描述,但實證來看誇大成分居多。很可能受到作家喜歡站在道德高點批判投機行為的習慣影響,但做為投資人或經濟史研究者在考據曾經的泡沫事件,始終必須以事實為依歸。
b. 小範圍小規模的投機炒作,無論價格哄抬得多麼高聳入天,事實是「毀約」始終是一種選項,有行無市的價格不存在經濟學意義。
c. 同樣地,小範圍小規模的投機炒作,無論價格哄抬得多麼高聳入天,對整體經濟乃至於資本市場的影響同樣不會太大。這意味著我們雖然應該警醒擦鞋童現象,但也無需杯弓蛇影。
「Personal savings soared as high as 33.7% in April following the Cares Act and were still a healthy 13.7% in December before Congress passed another $900 billion in Covid aid. This means that, unlike during the 2009 recession, households aren’t weighed down by debt.
Personal bankruptcies, home foreclosures and loan delinquencies last fall were the lowest since at least 2003. The mortgage delinquency rate was 0.7% in the third quarter of 2020 compared to 7% in the first quarter of 2009. ...」
出自Wrong Stimulus, Wrong Time - WSJ ( Feb. 5, 2021)報導。
高資產或高負債的公司在嚴重通膨時期的股價表現優於高現金部位的公司。在經濟學大師Armen A. Alchian 1965年的論文 "Effects of Inflation Upon Stock Prices "中,特別指出傳統經濟學如凱因斯、費雪等著名學者之見認為銀行身為典型債務人,在通貨膨脹環境下應該有較好的股價表現。而Alchian則點出這些學者大老忽略銀行雖然集債務於一身(大眾存款之於銀行就是債務),然而銀行受限於法規與現實,其資產多是「現金資產(money-type assets)」,故在嚴重通貨膨脹影響下,銀行實際經濟損失大過通膨泡沫所得,股價表現當然好不到哪去。
但我們要知道Armen Alchian的論文寫作時期與如今的投資環境又有幾個重大侷限條件之不同,因此我們不能生吞活剝地硬套Alchian的觀點,而是必須真實理解背後隱含的正確經濟學邏輯,並依據當今侷限條件之不同而修改並應用。
a. 機構法人買入加密貨幣的金流增加
「...JPMorgan, said the size of the bitcoin market had grown to equal about a fifth of gold held for investment and trading purposes, with a market capitalisation for the cryptocurrency of $750bn at its peak earlier this year, meaning it “is far from a niche asset class”. 」
「...Analysts at Canadian insurance company Manulife said in late January that the expansion in central banks’ balance sheets and rising public debt would push investors further into alternative asset classes ...」
「...Xangle showing that investors have lost more than $16bn to fraud since 2012 ...」
b. 近日美國美國前25大銀行對私人之貸款佔總資產比例從去年54.1%下降之45.7%,且放在Fed reserve account總金額達$3.15兆美元。
(The 25 largest U.S. banks currently hold 45.7% of their assets in loans and leases, according to Fed data released Friday, down from 54.1% this time last year. .. reserve balances in their Federal Reserve depository accounts at sky-high levels, $3.15 trillion at present
通膨現象將會更嚴重,因為「...According to a recent House Budget Committee estimate, $1 trillion from last year’s bills hasn’t been spent—including $59 billion for schools, $239 billion for health care and $452 billion in small business loans. State and local governments added 67,000 jobs in January. They don’t need more federal cash. ...」
WSJ "wrong-stimulus-wrong-time " Feb. 5, 2021
Financial Times "Bitcoin boom backstopped by central banks’ easy-money policies" 2021/2/4
Financial Times "US mortgage executives forecast a $3tn year in 2021 " 2021/01/08
WSJ "For One GameStop Trader, the Wild Ride Was Almost as Good as the Enormous Payoff " 2021/02/03
Armen A. Alchian, "Effects of Inflation Upon Stock Prices" (1965)
Peter M. Garber, Famous First Bubbles The Fundamentals of Early Manias (2000)
WSJ, "Fed Policy Is Smothering Private Lending" (2021/03/08)
estimate評估 在 說說能源 Talk That Energy Facebook 的精選貼文
#別再相信資深反核人士的謠言 #寫信去問NRC囉
大概兩個月前寫信去給美國核管會NRC,今天打開信箱發現他們在我生日休假那天回信了XDD,人生成就解鎖(1/1 美國核管會回覆信件)。
我主要是想詢問到底核電廠選址與斷層的距離是否有清楚的規範?答案是 #沒有規定電廠選址與斷層的距離到底要多少或禁止核電廠建置於斷層周邊,而是要求特定距離的核電廠設施必須做地質危害評估以及禁得起地震考驗這樣。台灣也有做SSHAC,但還沒看到正式出爐的報告(就陳大教授搶先披露那個)。
Dear Mr. Chen,
Thank you for your questions related to whether the NRC has regulations that state how far a nuclear power plant (NPP) should be located from a fault that might move and cause earthquakes. The following paragraphs respond to your questions. As you requested, this response also cites NRC regulations that explain how the NRC analyzes potential hazard at a NPP resulting from earthquakes caused by movement along a fault located near the NPP.
The US NRC does not have a regulation that specifies the distance required between a fault and a nuclear power plant (NPP). However, in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), specifically 10 CFR Part 50 (Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Materials), Appendix A, Criterion 2, the NRC requires safety-related structures, systems, and components (SSCs) of a NPP to be designed to withstand the effects of natural phenomena such as earthquakes without losing the capability to perform their safety functions.
美國NRC沒有規定斷層和核電廠(NPP)之間所需距離的法規。但是,在聯邦法規(10 CFR)的標題10中,尤其是10 CFR第50部分(生產和使用材料的國內許可)附錄A,準則2中,NRC要求與安全相關的結構,系統和組件( NPP的SSC)旨在承受地震等自然現象的影響而又不喪失執行其安全功能的能力。
As defined in 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix S (Earthquake Engineering Criteria for Nuclear Plants), a Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) is the vibratory ground motion for which certain SSCs must be designed to remain functional if an earthquake occurs. 10 CFR Part 100.23(c) (Geological, Seismological, and Engineering Characteristics) requires that geological, seismological, and engineering characteristics of a site and its environs be investigated in sufficient scope and detail to permit an adequate evaluation of the proposed site, provide sufficient information to support evaluations performed to estimate the SSE vibratory ground motion, and permit adequate engineering solutions to actual or potential geologic and seismic effects at the proposed site. Part 100.23(d) (Geologic and Seismic Siting Factors) requires that geologic and seismic siting factors considered for design include a determination of the SSE vibratory ground motion for the site and the potential for surface deformation due to faulting (i.e., tectonic deformation of the ground surface). Part 100.23(d)(1) (Determination of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake Ground Motion) requires that uncertainties in SSE vibratory ground motion estimates be addressed through an appropriate analysis (e.g., a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, or PSHA) with due consideration for the geologic characteristics specified in 10 CFR Part 100.23(c). For a fault that is considered to be a potential source of earthquakes (i.e., a seismic source), that geologic feature can be analyzed using the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) process. That process is a formal approach for incorporating information about the fault into a model used to characterize the fault as a seismic source, which is analyzed as part of the SSHAC process.
In Regulatory Guide 1.208 (A Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site-Specific Earthquake Ground Motion). the NRC provides guidance for applicants and licensees regarding how to meet the regulatory requirements discussed above. In addition, criteria for NRC staff to review applications for constructing and operating a nuclear power plant related to geologic, seismic, and geotechnical site characteristics are found in Chapter 2.5 of NUREG-0800, the NRC’s Standard Review Plan. If assessment of the potential for surface deformation must be considered because a fault is located such that it could result in surface rupture at the NPP site and deformation of engineered plant structures as required in 10 CFR Part 100.23(d), guidance for evaluating surface deformation is provided in NUREG-0800, Chapter 2.5.3. NUREG-2213 presents updated implementation guidelines for SSHAC studies in case you might wish to learn more about that process.