#大學唔係呢回事🌋 #CityU #Marketing
🐶: Marketing簡單黎講就係發掘顧客的需要,然後滿足佢哋。除咗大家最熟悉嘅4P(Price, Promotion, Product, Place),其實仲有4C (Cost, Communication, Customer, Convenience)。我會講Marketing係比較customer-oriented,我哋好多courses都會談及人的習性。比起其他business科好似finance/accounting呢類,我哋更需要去觀察。曾經學過一個80/20定律,就係講通常一間公司80%嘅利潤係來自20%嘅客人,嗰20%嘅客人就係公司嘅loyal customers。所以好多公司都會有會員計劃去retain loyal customers,例如Starbucks嘅金星卡。除咗呢啲之外,Event Management同Public Relations有時都會比人歸納喺Marketing,不同嘅係呢兩個範疇就比較practical,相比起觀察,我覺得經驗更為重要。
👶🏻: 如果中學冇讀過business科,上到year 1會唔會辛苦㗎?
🐶: 就CityU嘅個案黎講,係完全唔會,因為year 1無論你係咩business major,都會需要上college core(marketing, accounting, management...)所以即使你冇底,呢啲introduction嘅courses亦唔會好難,所以唔洗擔心。我嘅建議係如果大家有心想讀marketing嘅,對啲special terms留心少少,因為marketing好多時都要用一啲terms去illustrate你個idea。
👶🏻: 讀完Marketing做咩㗎?係咪做廣告?
🐶: 廣告只係under 4P - Promotion嘅其中一樣野,好似上面咁講,Event Management同PR都係屬於Marketing,所以出路都相對地多。其次Social Media Marketing都係近幾年炙手可熱嘅career path,大家得閒可以上linkedIn/indeed睇下,好多時候公司請marketing都會想請人maintain FB/IG accounts,所以如果大家對social media platform熟悉嘅話,可能都會係一個優勢。
👶🏻: 仲有冇啲你俾人問過啲關於Marketing而你覺得係謬誤嘅問題?
🐶: 暫時冇,可能大家對Marketing呢個學科都冇乜特別嘅stereotype,但我可以同大家分享一樣我學過好有趣嘅野。唔知大家有冇喺買機票嘅時候發現,有時價格會忽然升咗。呢個情況並唔係航空公司統一提高咗個價格,而係cookies作怪,cookies會儲存你嘅website history,當你不斷search一班航班,佢會知道你對呢班航班感興趣,所以當提高價格嘅時候,你都應該會買。雖然呢樣野我唔知係唔係真,但讀Marketing嘅其中一個樂趣係你會發現好多呢啲Marketing Strategy,但你都會不斷中伏,唔同嘅係你會知道背後有咩原理😂
(👶🏻: 機票價錢真係你最熟呀🤫😏)
Interviewer: 大大👶🏻
Interviewee: Shan🐶, CityU Marketing Year 3 兼 Vocabno co-founder (好多時大大構思咗一個活動嘅big picture就係靠Shan執行,令件事成真,呢啲咪Event Man囉🥰)
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「event management出路」的推薦目錄:
- 關於event management出路 在 Vocabno Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於event management出路 在 盧斯達 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於event management出路 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於event management出路 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於event management出路 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於event management出路 在 【新世代新出路DSE最後召集】 Event Management 活動統... 的評價
- 關於event management出路 在 hospitality management出路2022-精選在臉書/Facebook ... 的評價
- 關於event management出路 在 溫哥華比較推薦的College? - 留學板 - Dcard 的評價
event management出路 在 盧斯達 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【大專學界七一論壇 -「一國兩制到盡頭 恣者旁大畏人修」|July 1 Forum by Higher Institutions - ‘One Country Two Systems: a Dead-End or a Way Out in Our Future’ 】 (Please scroll down for the English version.)
時間:晚上七時至九時 (六時半進場)
論壇主題:「一國兩制到盡頭 恣者旁大畏人修」
嘉賓:戴耀廷副教授 (香港大學法律系)、吳靄儀博士 (執業大律師)、盧斯達先生 (作家)、梁頌恆先生 (青年新政召集人)、鄭立先生 (商人及專欄作家)
主辦單位: 香港城市大學學生會 、恒生管理學院學生會 、香港樹仁大學學生會臨時行政小組、香港理工大學學生會、香港大學學生會、香港中文大學學生會
協辦單位: 香港大學學生會法律學會 “One Country Two Systems” was brought into implementation with the Basic Law since July 1, 1997. After 21 years, both the executive and legislative branch have fallen, yet we continue to stand by the rule of law and the value of judicial independence. However, our law looks fragile against the Chinese regime: from the NPCSC interpretations and the “co-location arrangement”, to the legislation of the National Anthem Law and Article 23 in our near future. Can our law and legal values stand against the pressure from the Chinese regime? Is “One Country Two Systems” dead, or is the design of “One Country Two Systems” bound to be failed from the very beginning? Is there a way out to the justice and rights we have been longed for under “One Country Two Systems”?
The students’ unions of higher institutions are holding a forum at the night of July 1 to discuss the above issues and revisit “One Country Two Systems” by delving into recent legal disputes, henceforth rethink the relationship between “One Country Two Systems” and the future of our city. The details are as follows -
Date: 1 July 2018 (Sunday)
Time:19:00 - 21:00 (entry starts at 1830)
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, the University of Hong Kong
Theme of the Forum: ‘One Country Two Systems: a Dead-End or a Way Out in Our Future’
Guest: Mr Benny Tai Yiu-ting, MH (Associate Professor of Law at the University of Hong Kong), Dr Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee (Barrister), Mr Lewis Loud (Writer), Mr Leung Chung-hang (Convenor of Youngspiration), Mr Cheng Lap (Merchant and Columnist)
Language: Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided.) Students of higher institutions and the public are welcome to join. As seats are limited, please fill in the following form if you would like to attend the event:
https://goo.gl/forms/ddBIxrzgtYaxkwkD3 *This forum has no prior seat assignment *Students of Higher Institution enjoy prior entry If you have any enquiries, please contact Vice-President (External) of the Hong Kong University Students’ Union Jordan PANG Ka Ho (email: jordanpang.asterism@gmail.com).
Organisers: City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union, Hang Seng Management College Students' Union, Interim Executive Committee of The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students' Union, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Co-organiser: Law Association, HKUSU
event management出路 在 hospitality management出路2022-精選在臉書/Facebook ... 的推薦與評價
Event Management 展覽/活動管理ICMS了解要成為出色的策展人才,需要同時兼具策略管理、 ... Hospitality Management 酒店/飯店管理. ... <看更多>
event management出路 在 溫哥華比較推薦的College? - 留學板 - Dcard 的推薦與評價
如題~ 小妹我想去唸會展管理,(Event management),我找過滿多資料東岸 ... 因為蠻多朋友都說應該要去紐約或多倫多這種大城市闖去找工作未來出路 ... ... <看更多>
event management出路 在 【新世代新出路DSE最後召集】 Event Management 活動統... 的推薦與評價
【新世代新 出路 DSE最後召集】 Event Management 活動統籌是近年冒起最快的行業至一,香港活動統籌學院提供①.專業課程培訓、②.寶貴實習機會、③.畢業工作轉介, ... ... <看更多>