Vladimir Nabokov once said his greatest joy in coming to a North American university was its research library.
收到愛荷華大學國際作家工坊圖書館來函,希望捐書給圖書館。信裡還提及以(羅莉塔)聞名的納博科夫Vladimir Nabokov 曾說北美大學研究型圖書館曾予他在此最大的快樂。
愛荷華大學圖書館具有獨特的文化資源,館藏數百萬冊開架式供免費瀏覽。這間圖書館充滿活力,擁有現代化設施,提供廣泛的電子資源,從久遠的報刊到最新期刊以及各種電子書庫皆備。......哇!!我最愛圖書館,但是要帶哪幾本書去呢…?(傷歌行)的英文版(Decayed Land)是必帶的。(信還提及絕版書,未完成手稿也可以,尤其是美國不容易找到的書.....)我的書在美國絕對是難找的,呵
On behalf of the University of Iowa Libraries and all of our library staff, congratulations on your appointment in the International Writing Program (IWP). As an IWP writer-in-residence, you join a long tradition of creative writing at Iowa. Your name takes its place among a distinguished roster of authors from around the world who have come to this UNESCO City of Literature and whose works grace the shelves of our library.
As a member of the University of Iowa community, you will have access to the rich resources and services of the University Libraries. Vladimir Nabokov once said his greatest joy in coming to a North American university was its research library.
Indeed, the University of Iowa Libraries is a unique cultural resource, with open stacks containing millions of volumes freely available for browsing. As you explore our libraries, you will find vibrant, modern facilities that offer a wide array of electronic resources, from historical newspapers to the latest journals and a variety of e-book collections............