Cao Fai for #GucciGram Tian
曹斐的作品与她的Instagram一样多姿多彩,包括艺廊艺术装置摄影、都市随影,亦窥探了她在中国工作室的日常生活以及她游历世界各地的所见所闻。曹斐利用她的作品,包括影片、艺术装置以及互动数码媒体,剖析了自己的祖国在过去数十年的发展,并揭示了当中部分问题。她凭着作品「人民城寨」而一举成名,那是她为网络游戏「第二人生」所创造的虚拟场景,也是现今中国的缩影。曹斐为全新的Gucci Tian拖鞋注入了一片颓败的都市景象,将中国百年传统的花鸟图与现代工业化的中国形成强烈对比。— Kyle Chayka
Cao Fei’s artistic practice is as manifold as her Instagram, which pictures installation shots from galleries, snapshots from cities, and sneak peeks into the daily life of her studio in China, as well as her travels all over the world. Cao has used her art, ranging from video to installation and interactive digital worlds, to break down her country’s growth over the past decades, exposing some of its problems. She has become famous for “RMB City,” a virtual landscape created in the video game “Second Life” that is a synecdoche for China itself. Cao places Gucci Tian inspired traditional slippers in a rundown urban landscape, contrasting the centuries-old heritage of Bird-and-Flower paintings with the current state of industrialized China. — Kyle Chayka
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