Kay and LoB 係我好欣賞嘅並識咗10年嘅朋友。佢地好artistic又有好多ideas而全部都係想呢個世界少d廢物製造,多d善用手上有嘅資源,reshape,redesign and reconstruct。今次係難得嘅機會,可以將自己唔再著嘅衫褲鞋襪甚至飾物攞比佢地「改裝」。好似尋日就有客人攞左好幾件過身了的狗狗嘅衣物比Kay同佢嘅車衣女王金蘭,再做了一件獨一無二嘅披肩。又有客攞唔再著嘅牛仔👖,佢地就將呢d布碎transformed做了好多好得意嘅公仔!最後兩個禮拜咋!快d去visit Fashion Clinic啦!
Fashion Clinic is now popping up at Slowood, Kennedy Town,
We’ve always admired Slowood for their belief in living clean, using less, and making lifestyle choices consciously. We are very happy to have moved our studio down to Slowood Kennedy Town from 2nd till 25th November, repairing, reshaping and redesigning your preloved garments for you.
Make your appointments with us now! Our working hours will be 10am-6pm Monday-Fridays, appointments on weekday evenings and weekends available upon request. make appointments with us via email: kay@tomorrow-by-daydreamnation.com or WhatsApp on 94701748
The Hudson, 11 Davis Street, Sai Wan (Kennedy Town Station, Exit C)
#slowood #reshape #redeisgn #reconstruct #reuse #recycle #upcycle #fashionista #fashiondoctor