【感謝 Thank You ❤️ 】
The pandemic pushed me to bring my Bazi consultations online. The same pandemic also locked many people up at home, and that's one major reason why my Youtube channel rocketed in number of subscribers and views.
So a typical day of mine will be me talking to my laptop in the day, and me jamming a post or editing a video on my laptop in the night. That means I stare at my Apple more than staring in the eyes of my husband.
Once, my consultations started at 10am.
I first flew ✈️ to New York,
then sprinted 🏃to Taipei,
followed by a somersault🤸♂️to Kuala Lumpur,
and Flash-ed my way ⚡️to Tokyo.
In that one day, my vocabulary repertoire of English, Mandarin and Cantonese were all used up.
When my work day ended, the husband asked what I wanted for dinner. I stared at him for that one, two seconds, momentarily not knowing what language to reply him in. 😂
One heartwarming thing about meeting clients is receiving their thank-you emails after our consultations.
Some people may view such consultations as merely transactional. After all, I am paid to remove ill fortunes for my clients, so it is justifiable that I do what I do. I am not a businesswoman, and there are plenty of Feng Shui practitioners available, local and overseas. There is indeed no need for clients to get into my good books or curry favour with me.
So it is always surprising when they take time to write thank-you emails to me. After all, I am not of the character who will give my clients a sweet discount when they say honeyed words of me. 😁
I am unable to reply to all, so here's "Thank you so much" to all of you. ❤️
The best way to thank me will always be you taking action. I look forward to seeing your lives improve and your wisdom grow.
Tashi Delek. 🙏
favour中文 在 Elecher 一粒车 Facebook 的最佳貼文
#deminegara #pleastayhome #lockdown #covid_19 #请呆在家
[ Will you please stay at home? ]
10pm Superior: we need an extra MO to Permai Hospital urgently.
7am Received call from superior
7.30am Packing luggage
8.30am Leave to Permai
10.30am Report at Permai
It's my first day reporting myself to Permai Hospital, hospital for Covid patient. And guess what, I was welcomed with the news of first death in Johor literally 5 mins after I was briefed by my team. Yes, if anyone of you are curious about the situation now. It's havoc, it's bad, it's real now.
People are being upset the lockdown of Malaysia. I know you're healthy and think is unnecessary. But on the other side of world that you don't see, we're screening hundreds of people everyday now and having hundreds of confirmed cases daily. And there's people dying, not just the old one, but the young one, leaving young children behind. As young and fit like us.
And one of the most difficult part is to do contact tracing because of the mobility of people. And right now I'm sure there's many infected people who's not diagnosed yet and keep spreading the virus to people surrounding them. Please Malaysian, we need a favour from you. The current lockdown is only 2 weeks, which is the incubation period of the virus and enough for us to identified those who's infected previously if they stop contacting other people from now. And the contact tracing (which is just the family members) will be a lot easier. Please just stay at home, yumcha at home, no more outdoor jogging, opening your shop unnecessary or religious praying together-gether. Can we just please do this for 14 days? If we can adhere to this and identified and isolate all the cases, then the chances of un-lockdown will be higher and sooner.
People have been complaining why are we not screening them when they've symptoms. If we could, we will want to screen everyone. But our manpower and resources are getting limited now that's why there's only people who fulfil the criteria will get screened (but you can always pay to screen at private). So please stay home, will you? I know you're not scare of dying, so do I. That's why here am I working as a frontliner. But my sister cried when she knew I'm going. I was shocked and I told her I'll keep myself safe. Is your love one ready for you to die as well? If not, stay home while you can. (because I can't)
I've received lots of blessings and wishes from friends who know I'm called to be a frontliner. And know what, the biggest blessings to us is to stay healthy, stay safe and stay home. We're not blaming anyone so please let's not blame anyone but be a part of this. I can't save the world, but I am doing my little part to help the situation , and if you're with me, please do your part too and show the Malaysian spirit.
It's a difficult situation, that's why we need more gratitude than grumbles.
Be grateful if you've saved enough to go through this tough time, some people don't and perhaps you can lend a hand
Be grateful if you need to rest from work, some people don't even have job
Be grateful if you're asked to self quarantine, some people are quarantine in the hospital with no one
Be grateful if you're quarantined but still fit, someone just didn't make it today
Be grateful if your family is far but still healthy and fit, some people lost their father today
Be grateful you can stay home with family and have family bonding, some people, us are out there working day in day out in the hospital.
And we're grateful Malaysian can play a part as Malaysian now.
Malaysia need you.
We need you.
16/3 10pm 上司:我们紧急需要一名医生去Permai医院。
17/3 7am 接到上司的电话
7. 30am 收拾行李
8.30am 前往permai
10. 30am 报到
而因为人民自由的活动,让我们追踪肯定病例接触过的人 (contact tracing) 遇到了很大的阻力。而照着现在的状态,很有可能很多被感染的人还未被检验。真的,我们医护人员需要你们,请呆在家好吗?在家yumcha,不要出外运动,不要开店不需要离开家祈祷。只是两个星期,让我们能在这两星期把所有感染的病患医治,避免继续互相传染,那么封国就会尽早被取消。
大家知道我去了前线,给了我很多祝福。真的很感恩很被爱。但是若每一个人都能照顾自己的健康,呆在家,对我们就是最大的祝福。我不能拯救世界,但只是履行我的责任,所以若可以,也希望每个人可以履行人民的责任,我依然相信Malaysia Boleh因为人民的力量。
favour中文 在 DJ金寶 Facebook 的最讚貼文
🔥當「蔡英文或政府」,被挑釁式的霸凌(不包括理性的批評),你心中是否 #油然升起一股仇恨、#嗜血的快感?
最典型的就是 #通過海外捐款給臺灣候選人韓國瑜,從香港以海外名義捐款就有2000多萬人民幣。
⚫The name, date and place of birth on the passport belonged to someone else but the photo was his. His orders were to shift his attention from a covert operation to undermine Hong Kong’s democracy movement and focus instead on meddling in Taiwan’s 2020 elections. The ultimate aim was to topple President Tsai Ing-wen.
⚫The so-called “nine-in-one” elections in Taiwan in 2018 (during which officials from county magistrates to local mayors were elected) presented Beijing with an opportunity to challenge the rule of President Tsai Ing-wen. Wang helped direct a major operation which was ultimately aimed at throwing Tsai out of office in favour of a pro-Beijing candidate.
2018 台灣的九合一大選,給北京當局機會去挑戰蔡英文的治理。王的任務是主導行動,最終將蔡英文拉下,換上一個親北京的候選人
⚫“Our work on Taiwan was the most important work of ours – the infiltration into media, temples and grassroots organisations,” says Wang.
⚫He helped Chinese intelligence agencies build a “cyber army”, largely of university students, to shift political debate and candidates’ fortunes.
⚫“In Taiwan we had many places - restaurants, and IT companies - which we either acquired or funded,” Wang says. “If we wanted to attack someone, we could instantly collapse their Facebook” from Hong Kong, using false IP addresses to put out anti-democracy messages.
他們從香港使用假的 IP、並且在網路留下反民主的訊息
⚫Wang says CIIL also invested in Taiwanese media companies and built covert alliances with TV stations, allowing the control and censorship of news. He names food manufacturer and media owner the Want Want group as a key ally.
⚫“We also controlled media, like buying their ads to propagate the trend, and let them report in favour of those candidates we were supporting,
As well as directing positive media attention towards favoured politicians, including presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu,
⚫Wang claims he helped finance grassroots political support for the opposition. “With the Kuomintang [the Chinese Nationalist Party] candidates we … gave them full support. Then we also made donations to the temples and organised those believers to tour mainland China and Hong Kong, and influence them with [the CCP-aligned] United Front propaganda.
我們對 #在野黨,金援其地方政治勢力;
「對於 #國民黨的候選人,我們給他們完全的支持。我們也捐贈宗廟系統、組織,讓信眾去中國、香港旅遊。」
⚫As a result, we had a huge win ... and it was a glorious record,” Wang says.
「結果,我們取得了巨大的勝利(2018 台灣大選),那是一個輝煌的紀錄。」
⚫‘My heart is extremely sad’
For Wang it was a hollow victory. His son had been born in November 2017. Wang wanted to travel to Australia to visit him but his success in the 2018 Taiwan elections meant he was given a new task: interfering in the 2020 presidential election with the aim of unseating Tsai. This was when he received the envelope bearing fake identity papers.
“I was requested to change my name and whole identity to go to Taiwan and be a spy there,” he says.
我的內心非常悲傷。對我來說,這是一個空虛的勝利,我的兒子在 2017 年出生,我很想去澳洲看兒子,但是 2018 在台灣的「勝利」,也帶給我新的任務:介入 2020 總統大選、目的是拉下蔡英文。我收到了一個信封,裡面有假身份的相關文件。
「由於妻子在澳洲讀書,2018年12月來到澳洲看望孩子和妻子,在澳洲生活的幾個月,#我深深感受到這個國家的民主自由,這讓我更加對中共從事破壞世界民主與和平的相關行徑 #深感恥辱,所以我決定放棄新任務,徹底與中共決裂,我不願意繼續從事破壞民主自由的工作。」
【原始新聞來源】(英文、澳洲媒體 The Age)
🇦🇺🇹🇼🇨🇳The moment a Chinese spy decided to defect to Australia
🇦🇺🇹🇼🇨🇳Defecting Chinese spy offers information trove to Australian government
🇺🇸🇹🇼🇨🇳Would-Be Chinese Defector Details Covert Campaigns in Hong Kong and Taiwan
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favour中文 在 favour中文, favour是什麼意思:贊成… - 查查綫上辭典 的相關結果
中文 翻譯 手機版 · 1.厚愛,恩惠,照顧,親切;〔pl.〕 (女人對男人的)委身。 · 2.偏袒,偏愛。 · 3.利益;贊成,支持,提倡,許可,寬恕。 ... <看更多>
favour中文 在 favour - 用法_例句 - 海词词典 的相關結果
favour 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 詳盡釋義. n. (名詞). 支持,贊同,贊成; 偏袒,偏愛 ... ... <看更多>
favour中文 在 favour中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 的相關結果
favour 翻譯:支持, 支持;贊同, 善行, 幫助,善意行為;恩惠, 特別照顧,優惠;偏袒, 禮物, (在婚禮、聚會等上發給客人的)小禮物, 贊同;較喜歡, ... ... <看更多>