encrypt 意思是「加密」。
Apple says the fingerprint data stored by the new iPhone is encrypted.
蘋果說新 iPhone 儲存的指紋資料是有加密的。
fingerprint意思 在 蘇耀宗 細So Facebook 的最讚貼文
唔好意思🙇🏻 蘇家🏠
說到城中的幸福家庭,著名電台節目主持細蘇(蘇耀宗)和太太Wing South(陳穎楠)一家四口就是好例子,這對恩愛夫妻育有兩名精靈活潑的兒子Jack(蘇浪仁)及Max(蘇㟍仁),溫馨美滿的家庭生活確實羨煞旁人!GODIVA「觸動・愛」活動邀請了這個幸福家庭與Michelle盧覓雪分享教育孩子的方法及生活趣事之餘,又試玩指紋分析測試,全方位檢閱對方的性格特徵!想窺探形象浪子的細蘇展現慈父一面?想知道Wing如何駕馭家中三名「反斗星」?立即點撃以下影片,一同感受幸福滋味!
Whenever talking about the most blissful family in the town, renowned radio personalities Sai So and his family is definitely a profound example! Many people who admire Sai So for his joyous and harmonious family life, together with his lovely wife Wing and 2 active and adorable kids, Jack and Max. GODIVA invites Sai So’s family to participate in ‘A Touch of Love’ with Michelle Loo, sharing their ways of educating their children and funny anecdotes in their daily lives. The cheerful family also tries the fingerprint analysis to learn more about their personalities. Want to take a glance at how Sai So acts around his family? Want to know more on how Wing copes with 3 active boys? Check our out video to get a taste of bliss!
For more details, please go to www.godiva.com.hk/atouchoflove