瑞典申寶公司(Saab)向芬蘭國防軍提出HX戰機「最終報價」(BAFO)方案,提供芬蘭採購64架JAS-39E戰機和兩架「全球之眼」(Global Eye)預警機,以取代芬蘭現有的F/A-18C大黃蜂戰機
並且還有先進武器內容,如中長程空對空流星飛彈、短程空對空的IRIS-T飛彈,中距離對地打擊的SPEAR導引飛彈,以及金牛座KEPD 350飛彈,配上「全球之眼」預警機的偵查和戰管能力,提供芬蘭空軍強化空戰和戰管聯合功能
finnish news 在 Ghost Island Media 鬼島之音 Facebook 的最佳解答
#入圍名單 #得獎的是
鬼島唯一英文環保節目「 Waste Not Why Not 」榮獲芬蘭🇫🇮創研基金 Sitra 評選列入全球 39 個 #循環經濟 推手之一!
臺灣 #podcast 躍上 #世界循環經濟論壇🌏
✅ 39 個科技創投中的唯一 #聲音節目
✅ 把 #環保 知識變成好聽的故事
✅ #教育推廣 跟科技創新一樣重要
主持人 Nature Nate 表示節目被列在國際網站上的感覺 #像極了愛情 💚
♻️ 用英文收聽「 Waste Not Why Not 」👉https://ghostisland.media/#wnwn
♻️ 用中文閱讀「自然8靠北環保」👉https://medium.com/@wastenotwhynot
♻️ 趕快復習「循環經濟小姊姊」在 #小鬼登島 的專題解說!
👉 http://bit.ly/angela-circular
Good news!!
Our #environment show: Waste Not Why Not is officially a Circular Economy Solution. The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra compiled 39 companies that are pushing the world towards a circular economy — Our podcast stands out as a breakout project in #science communication. (For audiences of all ages!)
You can check out the 2020 World Circular Economy Forum online for more inspiring circular solutions 👉https://www.sitra.fi/en/projects/wcefonline/.
Why not support Waste Not Why Not 👉
🎧 #Podcasts: https://ghostisland.media/#wnwn
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💌 #Newsletter: https://wastenotwhynot.substack.com/
#愛地球 #永續發展 #氣候變遷
#CircularEconomy #Sustainability #WCEFonline
#ClimateChange #TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping
finnish news 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最佳解答
【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 062】衛生紙造型蛋糕幫蛋糕店起死回生
A bakery in Helsinki took the opportunity to be creative when their cake orders were getting canceled. As Finnish people began to panic and hoard toilet rolls, the bakery decided to demonstrate their creativity by creating a cake that looked like toilet rolls. It took social media by the storm and became the bakery’s lifeline in the past few months.
Meanwhile, in Iceland, because of the social distancing rules, the Icelandic Forestry Service suggested an alternative to hugging friends and family members by hugging trees.
原討論文章: https://www.15mins.today/blog/ep-845-about-odd-news-novelty-toilet-roll-cakes-keep-finnish-baker
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官網: www.15mins.today
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finnish news 在 How-to Finland: Youth centre creating etiquette video for asyl... 的推薦與評價
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