#英國教育制度連載 #關於英文閱讀與寫作
很多人會好奇,英國小學對於「英文」這個科目,究竟是如何進行教學? 其實比起亞洲背單字和文法,這裡更著重的是Reading Comprehension(閱讀理解),就是在看一段詩詞/文章之後回答問題,或是進一步發揮創意,創作出屬於自己的文章/故事。
「奇怪,以前我們考作文的時候,都要字體故意寫很大,最後一行還會用一個句點來佔字數。 怎麼可能寫這麼多?」
【Lost Rainforest, Lost Home】
As the sun smiled with pride, my mother and I swung gracefully from tree to tree. The canopy kept us cool and it was just the right weather for us to go out, play with our friends and maybe pick some delicious oranges. High up in the trees, I could hear an orchestra of birds singing among the trees. It was a beautiful sight.
At the darkest hour, horrible beasts came to destroy our lovely home. Callosal trucks came charging along the rainforest, destroying everything in its path. Many animals were massacred. Even though the sky was as dark as coal, it was easy to see the flashing red lights and the enormous metal. It was a terrifying sight.
Not even opening her mouth, my mother grabbed my hand desperately, dragging me to the top of the highest tree we could see. As quick as our tired legs and arms could carry us, we climbed the tall tree. With no time to say anything, she used her expressions to tell me to keep going up. I understood perfectly. The monster’s claws grabbed her by hand and she was gone. She was lost. She was no longer there.
Slowly, I opened my eyes to see a different home. There were no longer green trees, songbirds singing, sun shining; there was nothing. The colour of the lovely rainforest had turned dull and grey. Silence filled the air. I had no one to play with me, no one to talk with me, and worst of all, no one to take care of me. Hope was lost, and nothing will ever be the same.