今年Summer Intensive Training 與往年大不同! 我們首次推出了The JAZZ Intensive Training Program. 這個Summer Training Program 將會由IDS Director Siu May 主力訓練及排演! 同學們能夠在3小時密集式的訓練下大大提升不同的Jazz技巧!
最後,大家更可以在29/8 Summer Jam Party 2015 進行演出.
Tutor: Siu May
Tuition: HKD1200 (Max 20 Students)
Date: 4/7/2015 - 22/8/2015 (Sat, total 8 classes)
Time: 7:30 - 10:30pm (3 hours per class)
Deadline: 2 Jul 2015
*Call 23691632/ Register in person during office hours
Core Curriculum
- Basic Jazz technique
- Stretching and flexibility
- Athletic and cross-fit conditioning for dancers
- Jazz-based turns & leaps
- Performance skills
- Showcase rehearsal
More Details:
Tel:2369 1632