謝謝 Lacto Chicken 的盛邀之有幸認識和品嚐來自新加坡高科技飼養健康音樂鷄,相信大家都一樣好奇這有什麼不同...它們都只吃乳酸菌和沒用長肉劑,低脂肪和低膽固醇,而且都是在莫扎特經典音樂的環境下長大的。最重要的是在多種不同菜式中,它的肉質都很滑嫩和香甜,也都很適合年長和幼小食者。如要在外用餐的也可到達邁的有機商店Flour & Co享用或購買。
Special thanks to Lacto Chicken for the privilege to experience their Mozart music listening chicken, which is using high technology from Singapore to raise up by feeding yogurt only, without growing hormones and it’s also less fat less chorestoel...after trying various type of dishes, it’s really tasteful and tender and moist. We also can dine in or purchase at Damai organic shop Flour & Co.
Where can buy Lacto Chicken:
🔸Flour & Co
🔸Pick & Pay
🔸Servay Hypermarket
🔸City Grocer
🔸City Gourmet
🔸Merdeka Supermarket
🔸Lintas Superstore
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