本週三,AIT副處長柯傑民(Jeremy Cornforth)於全球合作暨訓練架構 (#GCTF)「以科技力建構韌性及加速落實永續發展目標」線上國際研討會開幕致詞中強調:「儘管台灣被拒於門外,無法有意義地參與世衛大會及許多其他國際組織,今天的活動將能凸顯台灣仍以許許多多方式分享專長、並運用其科技長才,幫助國際社會解決你我共同面對的種種挑戰。美國會持續致力協助擴大台灣的國際參與空間。」
AIT副處長柯傑民、外交部長吳釗燮、日本台灣交流協會台北事務所代表泉裕泰、美國駐聯合國副大使蒲杰夫(Jeffrey Prescott)及駐紐約台北經濟文化辦事處處長李光章於週三一同參加了全球合作暨訓練架構 (GCTF)「以科技力建構韌性及加速落實永續發展目標」線上國際研討會。自2015年全球合作暨訓練架構啟動以來,這是第一次聚焦探討科技如何能增強韌性並加快實現可持續發展目標的進程。
On Wednesday, AIT Deputy Director Jeremy Cornforth, Foreign Minister Joseph Wu, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Chief Representative Hiroyasu Izumi, Deputy to the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeff Prescot and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York Director-General James Lee participated in a virtual Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) workshop titled “Building Resilience and Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Through Technology.” Since the GCTF’s 2015 program launch, this is the first event to focus on how technology can bolster resilience and accelerate progress towards meeting the SDGs.
In his opening remarks, Deputy Director Cornforth said, “Although Taiwan is prevented from participating meaningfully in the World Health Assembly and many other international organizations, today’s event will highlight the many ways that Taiwan is sharing its expertise and using its technological prowess to help the international community solve shared challenges. The United States remains committed to expanding Taiwan’s international space.”
✅Deputy Director's remarks: https://bit.ly/3CTcqAs
✅Press release: https://bit.ly/2Y42KEp
同時也有1454部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8,400的網紅野宮のん,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ASMR修行中。今日は梵天耳かきメインで、お話少な目にしようと思いまする(๐́• ·̮ •๐̀) ASMR training. Today I'm going to focus on Brahma's ear buds. □■Twitter■□ https://twitter.com/nonom...
「focus in on」的推薦目錄:
focus in on 在 Pakar diari hati Facebook 的最佳解答
Semalam last patient yang saya tengok, seorang ayah bawak anak lelaki umur 4 tahun 10 bulan. Reason bawa jumpa dokte sebab cikgu tadika suruh bawak, nak tengok anaknya ada ADHD ke tak
Anaknya nama Umar. Masuk bilik dokte elok je terus duduk atas kerusi. Pandang dokte. Good eye contact. Not wandering around. Not touching here and there. Ok first impression tak nampak macam ADHD. Bagi pen kat Umar suruh lukis spiderman sebab nampak dia pakai baju spiderman. Umar malu. So dokte lukis spiderman dulu. Umar sambung lukis. Ok laju je. Good pencil grip
Tanya ayah kenapa cikgu cakap macamtu? Ayah cakap cikgu bagitau dalam kelas tak duduk diam. Tak fokus masa belajar. Ni report card dia dokte cikgu suruh bawak. Masa tu ingatkan report card kindy yang biasa. Tapi tengok terus terkejut “wow ni macam report card sekolah kebangsaan!” 😳😳 list all the subjects (math, science, bm, english, seni with grades???? He got D for bm, C for science, B for math) APEKAH??
Then ayah keluarkan kertas exam (wait, what..there is exam for 4 y/o kids??) BM he got 11/100. Ayah nampak confuse. Dia pun tak rasa anak dia ada masalah. Tapi cikgu cakap anak macam ada ciri ADHD. Ayah pun dah rasa panik. Kat rumah ok je dokte. Boleh ikut arahan. Boleh makan guna sudu garpu tangan. Sepah rumah tu biasa lah. Tapi kalau ajar buku ni A, ni B, ni C memang tak nak ikut sangat. Anak first perempuan. Memang lain lah dengan anak lelaki
Tanya ayah Umar ni suka main? Sangattt. Umar ni suka bergerak2 ke? Maksudnya tak boleh duduk setempat lama2? Ye betul. Suka main mainan yang hands on with texture? Macam play dough ke? Ye betul. Ok ayah for what i see Umar takde ciri ADHD (after few more questions and examination). Tapi Umar ni kinesthetic learner. Tapi orang selalu salah anggap budak macam ni ‘hyperactive’ sebab tak nak duk diam kat meja masa belajar. Tapi suka main (padehal memang umur ni tanggungjawab dia main je😅)
Tanya ayah Umar dah boleh dress and undress himself? Dah pandai. Gunting kertas? Tak sangat. Butang baju? Belum. Bagitau ayah yang time ni yang kena focus ialah fine motor skill. Jangan push untuk academically lagi
Dokte bagi ayah dua pilihan untuk Umar:
1) Tukar ke play school. Lebih sesuai untuk perkembangan Umar
2) Kalau nak sekolah sama ayah kat rumah kena usaha buat cara pengajaran yang sesuai untuk kinesthetic learner
3) Selit jugak advice untuk ayah cut sugar intake and gadget time
Ayah faham. Balik rumah nak discuss dengan ibu dulu macamane. Tapi dokte still refer kepada OT so ayah boleh belajar cara yang betul and for further assessment nanti. Umar pun dah siap lukis. Tunjuk kat dokte Umar lukis spider siap ada 8 legs 🕷good job Umar! 👍🏻 then cerita spiderman warna blue & red. Ada spiderman jahat nama dia venom. Ye Umar dokte tahu kat rumah dah ada budak 2 ketul cerita salasilah keluarga spiderman 😆
Lepas Umar dah balik teringat kat my Umar Hadif. Sedih rasa bila dipaksa macam tu sebab Umar kat rumah tu pun sejenis kinesthetic learner. Ajar cara conventional mengadap buku memang boleh jadi geram. Nak ajar kena sambil lompat trampoline. Atau buat alphabet guna play dough
Hmm tapi macam manapun can we adult let the kids be kids? Janganlah merepek paksa budak besar tu buat exam pastu letak grading pastu bagitau anak encik macam ‘gagal’ pastu menambah stress parents and budak2 dalam dunia yang serba nak cepat & stress ni. We actually destroy the love of learning in children 💔
Kredit: Nani Zaik
focus in on 在 王定宇 Facebook 的精選貼文
定宇摘要分享日本新任首相岸田的幾個施政方針,來源為日經亞洲Nikkei Asia和其他國際媒體、智庫…
日本自民黨新任黨魁,也是第100任內閣首相岸田文雄Fumio Kishida,對付中國將是岸田內閣的首要問題,面對中國侵略式的外交和經濟,岸田提出深沈的警告,也將在各個面向努力,確保日本的安全和利益。
Dealing with China would be a top priority in his government, Fumio Kishida, a contender to succeed Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, told Nikkei, expressing “deep alarm” at Beijing’s aggressive behavior on the diplomatic and economic fronts.
To protect “basic values such as freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights, we will work with those that share the same values, such as the U.S., Europe, India and Australia, to stand against authoritarian systems,” Kishida said in an recent interview.
Economic security is high on his agenda. As Washington and Beijing compete for technological dominance, Japan, the U.S., Taiwan and South Korea are scrambling to coordinate to secure supply chains for strategically important goods such as semiconductors.
“I will protect our nation’s geopolitical interests with a focus on the economy,” he said.
On defense, Kishida emphasized the need for the capabilities to strike enemy missile bases to prevent to an imminent attack. “Even if missile defense systems block a first attack,” having capabilities to attack enemy bases could “protect people’s lives if a second or more shots are being launched,” he said.
focus in on 在 野宮のん Youtube 的最佳解答
ASMR修行中。今日は梵天耳かきメインで、お話少な目にしようと思いまする(๐́• ·̮ •๐̀)
ASMR training. Today I'm going to focus on Brahma's ear buds.
まま様...https://twitter.com/kagachi_SK かがちさく様💕
ぱぱ様...https://twitter.com/Nura_Suto 鋭介様💕
(I'm sorry if I make any household or pet noises.)
・バイノーラルマイク初心者じゃ。距離感分からず、ボフボフ言ってしまったらごめんなさい( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
(I'm a beginner in binaural broadcasting.)
(I read Super Chat every time it happens.)
(We use the super chats we receive to pay for our activities.Thank you)
#野宮のん #Vtuber #ASMR #雑談 #binaural #バイノーラル #耳かき

focus in on 在 數位時代Official Youtube 的精選貼文
QT Medical為2013年成立於美國的醫療科技公司,核心業務為醫療級12導程心電圖(ECG)系統和AI即時判讀服務。本公司專注於遠距醫療和居家照護的創新,為醫護人員和心臟病患提供革命性解決方案,可隨時隨地管理心臟健康。本公司旗艦產品QT ECG™已獲得美國FDA及歐盟CE認證,成功應用於醫院、診所、安養院、居家照護、商用航空、以及許多遠距心血管疾病照護等市場。我們的願景是成為新世紀ECG技術的領導者,我們的使命是透過ECG和AI技術,守護所有人心臟健康。
QT Medical is a medtech company with a focus on high quality 12-lead diagnostic electrocardiogram (ECG) for use by healthcare professionals and patients. Cleared by the FDA in 2018 and CE marked in 2020, QT ECG™ is the world’s most compact 12-lead ECG system. With its simplicity, ease of use, mobile technology and cloud management, QT ECG™ brings hospital-grade ECG to homes, and enables doctors to make informed decisions anywhere, anytime. Powered by computer diagnostics and advanced machine learning, QT Medical will revolutionize cardiac care in the 21st century for millions of patients.

focus in on 在 數位時代Official Youtube 的最讚貼文
見臻科技集合世界頂尖的工程師與豐富產業經驗的人才, 共同研究開發新世代的人機介面. 已開發完成的超省電,微小易整合的眼動追蹤模組, 可以輕易的與AR/VR/XR 裝置整合, 實現眼神操控的應用
Ganzin technology is a collection of top electrical engineering minds, balanced out by experienced industry professionals from top global IT brands as well as leading experts in human behavior psychology. We focus on creating the next generation eye tracking modules that can be easily integrated into AR/VR devices to unlock the potential of the eyes as a seamless interface into the extended reality world.

focus in on 在 Focus on在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 外送快遞貨運資訊懶人包 的推薦與評價
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focus in on 在 Focus on在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 外送快遞貨運資訊懶人包 的推薦與評價
focus on + verb在ptt上的文章推薦目錄 · [寶寶] 桃園汽座試裝 · [問題] 行車記錄器的選擇 · Re: [情報] 長安福特召回Focus和Kuga · [新聞] 換裝四缸新引擎!海外小改款Ford ... ... <看更多>
focus in on 在 Is it possible to focus on a <div> using JavaScript focus ... 的推薦與評價
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