我係明報副刊嘅酒專題 - 「牛年試酒類新出品」!新年行好事! 喝一杯雞尾酒 植一棵樹!介紹了香港首間「零廢」酒吧的新中環speakeasy 酒吧PENICILLIN,叫一杯雞尾酒One Penicillin, One Tree (HK$110) ,酒吧就會捐款比受惠機構,種植一棵野桐樹;還有介紹即將推出的法國著名香檳酒莊Champagne Bollinger R.D. 2007年;本地薑Gin酒廠「無名氏」以限量版「捌億」Gin酒的創作,希望大家牛年發財;另一個新的本地Gin酒品牌「福興氈」於農曆新年期間推出了「五福臨門」限量版Gin酒;還有本地手工啤酒廠少爺啤最新聯乘本地老字號椰子糖品牌甄沾記推出的兩款充滿香港味道的精釀啤酒。#Cheers! 🎉🥂
My wine & spirits feature in Ming Pao Daily newspaper- “Try new wine & spirits in celebration of CNY!” Introduced speakeasy bar Penincillin where u can order One Penicillin, One Tree (HK$110) and the bar will donate to plant one tree in Indonesia! I also introduced the soon to be launched Champagne Bollinger R.D. 2007, local gin NIPdistilling CNY edition $800 million, another new gin brand Fok Hing Gin 福興氈 CNY edition gin & Young Master (new brewery) crossover local Yan’s coconut candy beer set! Cheers!🎉🥂
#ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #明報副刊#mingpaofeature #mpfeature #penincillinhk #champagnebollinger #NIPGin #FokHingGin #YoungMaster #gin #beer #cocktail #champagne #mingpaodaily
fok hing gin 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳貼文
我係 Luxshery.com嘅酒專欄- 「新春賀年美酒分享」- 介紹咗金牛年禮盒裝 Penfolds RWT Bin 798 Barossa Valley Shiraz 2018年、Fok Hing Gin 福興氈嘅「五福臨門」賀年版Gin酒、軒尼詩 X.O 2021 新年限量版及馬爹利藍帶2021年農曆新年特別版干邑。㊗️牛年大吉!飲多杯!#Cheers! 🎉🥃🍷🍸
My wine & spirits column in Luxshery.com - “CNY Wine & Spirits Recommendation” - introduce CNY special wine & spirits including #Penfolds RWT Bin 798 Barossa Valley Shiraz 2018, #FokHingGin CNY Edition Gin, #Hennessy XO 2021 CNY version & #Martell Cordon Bleu 2021 CNY version. Wish u all lucky in the year of the OX! Cheers! 🎉🥃🍷🍸
#ccwinevoyage #ccspiritsvoyage #詩詩酒樂園 Martell #CNY #yearoftheOX #luxshery #shestyle Hennessy she.com