UPDATE: 這位試圖損毀王室肖像的遊行抗議民眾因違反泰國「冒犯君主罪」這條法律已被逮捕。這位民眾的行為的確不合法,但foodpandaThailand 第一時間發文中指稱遊行示威活動為terrorism 似乎也不太妥當因而激怒了泰國人民。儘管事後發出了道歉啟示,不知道泰國民眾會不會買單?
外送平台#foodpandaThailand 在一夕之間變成泰國人抵制的對象。在讀了幾篇報導後,事情的緣由大概是這樣的👉
foodpandaThailand 看到後第一時間在Twitter上回覆:“We’re rushing to severely deal with him under company policy. He will be fired immediately. Please note that Foodpanda has a policy against violence and all types of terrorisms and will be happy to assist officers in prosecuting the offender.”
文中指稱遊行示威活動為terrorism、開除參與示威遊行活動員工的說法似乎激怒了泰國大眾,#banfoodpanda 標籤因此出現,許多原本加入foodpandathailand APP的商家紛紛退出,很多民眾也將此APP刪除掉。
foodpandaThailand 在今天下午發出道歉啟示:"... foodpanda assures freedom of speech and expression is not terrorism and the rider will not be dismissed due to this incident.” 另也說到,"...the (previous) comment was posted by our team member without consent from foodpanda and does not represent foodpanda..."