Posting my foolproof vegan dumplings recipe in a Chinese for now! Comment with a 🥟 below for the English recipe!
最近多咗好多機會寫有關營養學嘅文章同埋食譜。呢篇係最新嗰篇:全家出動 「餃」新意!
寫嘅有中有英,中文可能比英文寫耐d,但寫完總有成功感。依家成日勞煩啊媽好似小學作文嗰陣咁幫我返睇,但佢又好樂意為我改文,仲好投入,文章印刷後最開心係佢,成日叫我買埋佢個份左留念。呢啲無條件嘅愛世上罕有,家人嘅愛和支持多麼重要可貴呢。好彩成功寫成食譜嘅製成品(經過三番四次調教之後)總算好味先出得街,亦都可以孝敬屋企人, 但當中未夠正個d佢哋都走唔甩呢
foolproof中文 在 Miki's Food Archives Facebook 的最佳解答
~ Custard Swirl Soft Bun ~ This is the recipe that I highly recommend to home bakers. It's 'almost' foolproof unless you are totally new in baking bread. Yield soft bread that never turn hard even on the 3rd day. 不会变硬的卡斯塔软面包。
Recipe link
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#dingoozatfood #recipeoftheday #creativebread Blue Jacket Flour in Singapore
foolproof中文 在 那些電影教我的事 - Lessons from Movies Facebook 的最讚貼文
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foolproof中文 在 Ed Sheeran ft. Taylor Swift 中英歌詞中文字幕lyrics - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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