[成犬找家, 那麼難嗎? 小白急需中途或領養家庭] (English below)
小白不是最完美的狗狗, 他有點固執, 選擇狗朋友也有點挑剔,他喜歡體型比他小一點點的狗, 不喜歡貓。 但他有忠心愛主的個性是無可否定的從老人到小孩他都很喜歡。小白已經準備好, 現在他只需要一個溫暖, 永遠的家,看看他純真的樣子,你捨得讓小白繼續孤零零地等待嗎?
若您願意給小白一個機會,請與TSPCA聯絡:02-2367-0317, 02-2367-1905, adoptions@spca.org.tw
[Xiao Bai needs a home again, foster or adoptive]
Xiao Bai might not be perfect, he is a bit stubborn at time and he is picky with his dog friend, he prefers dog slightly smaller then him, and he doesn't like cats. But you can not decline his royal and sweet personality, Xiao Bai is good with all people, from elderly to young children. Xiao Bai is ready, all he is missing is a forever home, will you be his special someone?
If you would like to meet Xiao Bai, please contact the TSPCA.
02-2367-0317, 02-2367-1905, adoptions@spca.org.tw
Apply online: http://www.spca.org.tw/online-application.html
Xiao Bai:http://www.spca.org.tw/2356730333.html