[156751] 23551. 航海王:新加入的夥伴——音樂家鼻唄布魯克!"One Piece" A New Crewmate! The Musician, Humming Brook! (2008)★★
[156752] 23552. 航海王:慢吞吞的威脅-銀狐弗克西再次登場"One Piece" The Slow-Slow Menace! 'Silver Fox' Foxy Returns! (2008)★★
[156753] 23553. 航海王:寶物爭奪戰——SPA渡假中心號崩毀!"One Piece" The Great Scramble for Treasure! Collapse! Spa Island! (2008)★★
[156754] 23554. 航海王:布魯克大奮鬥!成為真正夥伴的艱辛道路!"One Piece" Brook's Great Struggle! Is the Path to Becoming a True Comrade Rigorous? (2009)★★
[156755] 23555. 航海王:航行偉大的航路半圈!到達紅土大陸!"One Piece" Arriving at Halfway Through the Grand Line! The Red Line (2009)★★
[156756] 23556. 航海王:草帽海賊團遭受怨恨 鐵面具迪巴魯登場!"One Piece" Hatred of the Straw Hat Crew - Enter Iron Mask Duval (2009)★★
[156757] 23557. 航海王:命運的重逢!救出被囚禁的魚人!"One Piece" The Fated Reunion! Save the Imprisoned Fish-man (2009)★★
[156758] 23558. 航海王:悲劇——隱藏在面具之下的迪巴魯的真相!"One Piece" Tragedy! The Truth of the Unmasked Duval (2009)★★
[156759] 23559. 航海王:炸裂 千陽號的超級秘密武器——獅吼炮"One Piece" Explosion! The Sunny's Super Secret Weapon: Gaon Cannon (2009)★★∿
[156760] 23560. 航海王:前往魚人島——登上夏波帝諸島!"One Piece" Landing to Get to Fish-man Island - The Sabaody Archipelago (2009)★★
[156761] 23561. 航海王:暴虐——支配夏波帝諸島的天龍人!"One Piece" Tyranny! The Rulers of Sabaody, the Celestial Dragons (2009)★★
[156762] 23562. 航海王:集結新出現的對手——11位超新星!"One Piece" New Rivals Gather! The 11 Supernovas (2009)★★
[156763] 23563. 航海王:海咪成為目標——綁架集團逼近的魔手!"One Piece" The Target is Camie! The Looming Clutches of a Professional Kidnapper (2009)★★
[156764] 23564. 航海王:拯救海咪——殘存在諸島上的黑暗歷史!"One Piece" Rescue Camie! The Archipelago's Lingering Dark History (2009)★★
[156765] 23565. 航海王:倒數計時——人口拍賣會開幕!"One Piece" Time Limit - The Human Auction Begins (2009)★★
[156766] 23566. 航海王:鐵拳發威——大鬧拍賣會!"One Piece" The Fist Explodes! Destroy the Auction (2009)★★
[156767] 23567. 航海王:大混亂——拍賣會會場殊死戰!"One Piece" Major Panic! Desperate Struggle at the Auction House (2009)★★★
[156768] 23568. 航海王:上將黃猿出動!夏波帝諸島大騷動!"One Piece" Admiral Kizaru Takes Action! Sabaody Archipelago Thrown into Chaos (2009)★★
[156769] 23569. 航海王:突破包圍網——海軍VS三個船長!"One Piece" Break Through the Siege! The Navy vs. the Three Captains (2009)★★
[156770] 23570. 航海王:羅傑與雷利——海賊王和他的左右手!"One Piece" Roger and Rayleigh - the King of the Pirates and His Right Hand Man (2009)★★
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[156081] 22881. 航海王:第二回合戰!攻進去 火爆鬥球賽"One Piece" Round 2! Shoot It into the Groggy Ring! (2004)★★★
[156082] 22882. 航海王:連續紅牌!火爆鬥球"One Piece" A Barrage of Red Cards in Groggy Ring! (2004)★★
[156083] 22883. 航海王:第三回合戰!滾輪溜冰追逐戰"One Piece" Round 3! The Round-and-Round Roller Race! (2004)★★
[156084] 22884. 航海王:白熱化爆走比賽!進入最後一回合"One Piece" A Seriously Heated Race! Into the Final Round! (2004)★★★
[156085] 22885. 航海王:轟轟烈烈的熱球剛球!海賊躲避球賽!"One Piece" Screaming-Hot Bombardment! Pirate Dodgeball! (2005)★★
[156086] 22886. 航海王:懸崖的決戰!不倒翁摔倒了!"One Piece" Showdown on the Cliff! Red Light, Green Light! (2005)★★
[156087] 22887. 航海王:船長對決!最終一場單挑格鬥!"One Piece" The Captains Square Off! The Final Combat Round! (2005)★★
[156088] 22888. 航海王:遲鈍攻擊威力VS不死身的魯夫"One Piece" Full-Blast Slow-Slow Onslaught Vs. Invulnerable Luffy! (2005)★★
[156089] 22889. 航海王:壯烈熱情的單挑對決!命運最後的結果"One Piece" Epic, Heated Combat! The Fateful Final Conclusion! (2005)★★
[156090] 22890. 航海王:失去了?被奪走了?你是誰?"One Piece" Was It Lost? Stolen? Who Are You? (2005)★★
[156091] 22891. 航海王:抱著笛子的謎之少年和羅賓的推理"One Piece" A Mysterious Boy With a Horn and Robin's Deduction! (2005)★★
[156092] 22892. 航海王:出擊奪回記憶!海賊團登陸島上"One Piece" Now, Let's Get Back Our Memories! The Pirate Crew Lands On the Island! (2005)★★
[156093] 22893. 航海王:露出獠牙的索隆!擋路的野獸!"One Piece" Zoro Bares His Fangs! A Savage Animal Stands in the Way! (2005)★★
[156094] 22894. 航海王:原形畢露!記憶小偷最後的反擊!"One Piece" The Last Counterattack by the Memory Thief Who Reveals His True Colors! (2005)★★
[156095] 22895. 航海王:自尊心強大的男人!銀狐弗克西"One Piece" Proud Man! Silver Fox Foxy! (2005)★★
[156096] 22896. 航海王:最接近無敵的男人?最危險的男人!"One Piece" The Guy Who’s the Closest to Invincible? And the Most Dangerous Man! (2005)★★
[156097] 22897. 航海王:海軍本部上將青雉!最高戰鬥力的威脅"One Piece" Navy Headquarters Admiral Aokiji! The Ferocity of an Ultimate Powerhouse! (2005)★★★
[156098] 22898. 航海王:橡皮與冰的決鬥!魯夫VS青雉"One Piece" Duel Between Rubber and Ice! Luffy vs. Aokiji! (2005)★★★
[156099] 22899. 航海王:飛奔的海上列車與水之都「WATER SEVEN」"One Piece" The Dashing Sea Train and the City of Water: Water Seven! (2005)★★
[156100] 22900. 航海王:水上都市的冒險!目標巨大的造船廠"One Piece" Adventure in the City on the Water! Head to the Mammoth Shipbuilding Plant! (2005)★★
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[155691] 22491. 航海王:熱血特種部隊參戰!橋上的攻防戰!"One Piece" Enter the Hot-Blooded Special Forces! Battle on the Bridge! (2004)★★✚
[155692] 22492. 航海王:突破包圍網!奪回黃金梅利號"One Piece" Breaking Through the Siege! The Going Merry is Recovered! (2004)★★
[155693] 22493. 航海王:消失的海賊船!要塞攻防第二回合"One Piece" The Pirate Ship Disappears! Fortress Battle, Round #2! (2004)★★
[155694] 22494. 航海王:黃金奪回戰與威霸回收作戰!"One Piece" The Gold and Waver Recovery Operations! (2004)★★
[155695] 22495. 航海王:一網打盡計劃!強納森自信的秘茦"One Piece" The One Fell Swoop Plan! Jonathan's Surefire Secret Tactic! (2004)★★
[155696] 22496. 航海王:別了海軍要塞!逃出的最後攻防戰"One Piece" Farewell, Marine Fortress! The Last Battle for Escape! (2004)★★
[155697] 22497. 航海王:長環長島的大冒險!"One Piece" Great Adventure in Long Ring Long Land! (2004)★★
[155698] 22498. 航海王:弗克西海賊團與DAVY BACK FIGHT "One Piece" A Davy Back with the Foxy Pirates! (2004)★★
[155699] 22499. 航海王:第一回合戰!環島一週的環形賽船"One Piece" Round 1! One Lap of the Donut Race! (2004)★★
[155700] 22500. 航海王:銀狐弗克西!猛烈的干擾攻勢"One Piece" Silver Fox Foxy! The Merciless Interference! (2004)★★