【#自由約 #FreespaceHappening】今季最後一次「自由約」,一連兩日多隊國外及本地單位為你帶來音樂盛典。當中印尼實驗性二人組合Senyawa以自製樂器及特別的聲樂技巧,革新印尼傳統音樂;法國前衛電子樂隊Las Aves將把氣氛推至高峰。美國樂隊Ensemble Mik Nawooj與MC 仁以及多位本地樂手合作,帶來糅合嘻哈、古典及歌劇詠嘆調元素的音樂衝擊。
收錄八組本土音樂單位實驗作品的《Freespace Mixtape Vol. 2》亦將於「自由約」當天正式上架,多隊組合更會親臨現場,為觀眾送上澎湃演出。同時,「自由約」繼續積極推動跨界音樂合作,本月帶來由三位低音結他樂手CMgroovy@Majestic G、Jacky Man、陳兆基組成的新樂隊Lomantic,更撮合獨立樂隊Modern Children及室樂樂團羅曼四重奏,組成「童羅合璧」,帶來耳目一新的音樂體驗。
音樂舞台演出單位及時間 Music stage lineup and schedule:
2:30-3:00pm Talents Displaced 才飄八斗
3:15-3:45pm Patrick Yim & Yoonie Han
4:00-4:30pm Lomantic
4:45-5:15pm Stranded Whale
5:30-6:00pm Mike Orange & The Universe Travellers
6:15-6:45pm 江逸天 Olivier Cong
7:00-7:30pm Senyawa - Rully Shabara & Wukir Suryadi
7:45-8:15pm Blood Wine or Honey
8:30-9:15pm LAS AVES
2:30-3:00pm 童羅合璧 Modern Children X Romer String Quartet 羅曼四重奏
3:15-3:45pm 無限幻象 eli (everlasting illusion)
4:00-4:30pm the prototyke lab
4:45-5:15pm 紙風鈴 Tree Phoning
5:35-6:05pm ROOT
6:20-7:05pm Ensemble Mik Nawooj feat. Chunky Dosage (特別嘉賓: MC 仁) (Special Guest: MC Yan)
Join us on 9 and 10 March at Art Park for the last weekend of this season’s Freespace Happening!
To wrap up in style, our music stage offers a great mix of sounds from round the globe. Indonesian duo Senyawa redefines traditional music with an awe-inspiring mix of growling, wailing vocals and experimental sounds produced on home-made instruments. French avant-garde band Las Aves intrigues with lively electronic pop. Ensemble Mik Nawooj from the US teams up with MC Yan and local musicians for a sensational fusion of hip-hop rap, classical and rap … and much, much more!
The weekend also sees the launch of the long-awaited “Freespace Mixtape Vol. 2” – featuring eight new cross-genre local music collaborations initiated by Freespace Happening – and to help us celebrate, some of the featured artists will be joining us on stage. Continuing the collaboration programme, we also present two new cross-overs, with indie band Modern Children pairing up with the Romer Strings Quartet, and bass trio “Lomantic” creating spine-tingling sounds with CMgroovy@Majestic G, Jacky Man and Chan Siu-kei.
支持單位 Supported by:
Alliance Française de Hong Kong
U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau
From Sep to Mar, Freespace Happening is held for free at the Art Park every second weekend. Come join music, dance, crafts, books, pets activities and more. See you at the Art Park!