“為台灣而教(Teach for Taiwan,簡稱TFT)成立於2013年,是致力於解決「教育不平等」的非營利組織,期望為每一個孩子創造平等的教育機會。TFT的概念與模式啟發自Teach For America(為美國而教),目前在全球各地,以此模式獨立運作的非營利組織已遍及超過40個國家,亞洲國家包括印度、日本、馬來西亞、泰國等。”
我邀請為台灣而教(為台灣而教 Teach For Taiwan - TFT,簡稱TFT)的執行長 王宇生Stanley Wang來市府,與我們團隊分享。
Today we received a special visit from Stanley Wang, Chief Executive Officer of the organisation “Teach For Taiwan.” We learned about the unfortunate inequality which affects schoolchildren in Taiwan, and the fact that something as trivial as a young person’s postcode can in fact determine their future. Although Taiwan fares well in global rankings of academic ability, we do also have a high proportion of under achievers and a large student achievement gap between the top and bottom performers.
Teach For Taiwan is part of a global organisation which seeks to combat such inequality, and tackle the serious shortage of teachers in rural areas of Taiwan. It runs a two year program aimed at bachelor degree holders in any discipline, to insert them into the field of education by providing training and support. Teach For Taiwan is keen to recruit more candidates who are determined to further their leadership skills while creating long lasting change in many children’s lives. More information...