這篇文章是作者訪談多位前任/現任的 Docker 員工,Docker 社群貢獻者, Docker 消費者以及市場分析師的相關心得文,目的是想要探討 Docker 商業模式的成功與失敗,到底目前 Docker 商業模式的進展是否有跡可循,以及我們可以從這些歷史決策中學到什麼?
Docker 不是輕量級虛擬化技術的開創者,但是卻是個將 Container 這個技術給推向所有開發者的重要推手,Docker 簡化整體的操作使得每個開發者都可以輕鬆的享受到 Container 的好處,但是從結果論來說, Docker 還是於 2019 年 11 月給 Mirantis 給收購了
到底 Docker 的商業模式哪一步走錯了,接下來就跟者作者一起去訪談與思考。
[Docker 的誕生之路]
Solomon Hykes(文章很多該人看法) 於 2008 年創辦一間專注提供 Platform as a Serivce 的公司, DotCloud,該公司希望讓開發者可以更簡易的去建置與部署開發的應用程式,該公司的底層技術後來也由 Docker 繼續沿用,當然創辦 Docker 的依然是 Solomon Hykes。
Docker 開源專案誕生之後吸引了全球目光,除了來自各地的使用與開發者外,大型公司如 Microsfot,AWS,IBM 等都也加入,但是就跟其他基於開源專案的軟體公司一樣, Docker 也面臨的商業模式的問題,這種類型的軟體公司到底要如何穩定獲利?
從 2021 往回看,一個很簡短的說法可以說是 Docker 的企業化管理工具 Docker Swarm 還沒有站穩腳步之時就遇到 Kubernetes 這個龐然怪獸,然後 Kubernetes 橫掃時間把所有 Docker Swarm 的市場全面清空,
當然真實版本一定更加複雜得多,絕對不是一句 Kubernetes 就可以概括的
Docker 於 2014 年開始認真探討其商業策略,如何將其作為 Container 領頭羊的角色轉變成為一個可以帶來收入的策略,VC 創投的資金讓其有能力收購 Koality 與 Tutum,同年 Docker 也正式宣布第一個商業版本的支援計劃。
這一連串的計算誕生出了許多產品,譬如 Docker Hub 及 Docker Enterprise.
不過可惜的是上述的產品並沒有辦法從企業用戶手中帶來穩定的獲利,大部分的客戶相對於直接購買 Docker 解決方案,更傾向跟已經合作的系統整合商一起合作。
Solomon Hykes 今天夏天跟 infoworld 的一次訪談中提到,Docker 從來沒有推出一套真正的好的商業產品,原因是因為 Docker 並沒有很專注地去處理這塊需求。
Docker 嘗試每個領域都碰一小塊,但是卻發現想要同時維護一個開發者社群又要同時打造一個良好的商業產品是極度困難的, Dockre 花費大量的時間與金錢想要魚與熊掌兼得,但是最後才體會到這件事情幾乎不太可行,Hykes 也認為 Docker 應該要花更多時間去聆聽用戶的需求,而不是自己埋頭苦幹的去打造一個沒有滿足使用者需求的企業產品。
來自 Google 的開發推廣大使 Kelsev Hightower 於今年的訪談中提到,Docker 成功地解決問題,但是卻遇到了瓶頸,舉例來說,Docker 提供工具讓開發者可以 產生 Image, 提供地方儲存 Image,運行 Image 除了這些之外, Docker 還有可以發展的空間嗎?
Hykes 不贊同這個說法,譬如 RedHat 與 Pivotal 都很成功的將 Docker 整合到彼此的 PaaS 產品(OpenShift, Cloud Foundry),也成功從中獲利,所以 Docker 實際上有很多方式可以去獲利的,只是沒有成功而已。
從結果論來看, Docker 早期的商業夥伴,一家專注於 Travel 的科技公司, Amadeus 於 2015 年正式跟 Docker 分手改而投向 RedHat 的懷抱。
畢竟 RedHat 有提供更多關於 Container 相關的技術支援,畢竟對於一個想要踏入 Container 世界的企業,如何將應用程式容器化是第一步,而接下來則是更為重要的 Container Orchestration 解決方案,很明顯的 Docker 這個戰場上是完全被 Kubernetes 打趴的。
[Kubernetes 的決策]
Docker 拒絕擁抱 Kubernetes 被認為是一個致命的錯誤策略,Jérôme Petazzoni, Docker 第一位也是目前在位最久的員工提到, Docker 內部曾經針對 Kubernetes 的生態去探討過,當時內部的共識是 Kubernetes 架構過於複雜,而 Docker Swarm 的架構相對簡單,比較之下 Docker Swarm 應該更容易獲得商業上的成功。
從其他的訪談可以得知, Docker 曾經是有機會可以跟 Google 內的 Kubernetes 團隊一起合作發展 Kubernetes,並且有機會去掌握整個 Container 生態系的發展。如果這些合作可以順利發展,那 Docker GitHub 底下的第一個專案可能就會是 Kubernetes,而 Docker Swarm 可能根本就不會產生了。
Hykes 承認的說,那個時空背景(2014,2015)下, Docker 公司很難找到一個很好的 Container Orchestration 解決方案來滿足各種各戶的需求,而那時候的 Kubernetes 也很難斬釘截鐵的說就是那個解決方案, 畢竟那時候 Kubernetes 還非常早期,同時期還有很多開源專案,很難料想到
Kubernetes 最後會主宰整個 Container Orchestration 世界。
文章後半段還有非常多的討論,非常推薦大家去看全文,雖然沒有辦法改變歷史,但是從歷史中可以學到非常有趣的東西,特別是當被客戶問到 Docker/Kubernetes 的一些生態問題時,有這些歷史資料的可以讓你講起來更有迷之自信
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅CarDebuts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,เปิดตัวครั้งแรกในโลก พร้อมราคา The All-New Mitsubishi Outlander 2021-2022 World Premiere มิตซูบิชิ เอาท์แลนเดอร์ โฉมใหม่ล่าสุด มี 3 แถว 7 ที่้นั่ง ทำต...
game-changing technology 在 GamingDose Facebook 的精選貼文
อยากรู้หรือไม่ว่า กว่าวงการเกมจะมาถึงทุกวันนี้ ที่มีเกมดี ๆ คุณภาพสูงออกมาให้เราเล่นกันนั้น ในสมัยก่อนวงการเกมเป็นแบบไหน ?
High Score ซีรีส์สารคดีที่กำลังจะออกฉายทางช่อง Netflix กำลังจะมอบคำตอบนั้นให้กับเรา โดยที่สารคดีชุดนี้จะพาย้อนประวัติศาสตร์วิดีโอเกมสุดคลาสสิค พร้อมเรียนรู้วิสัยทัศน์ของผู้คิดค้นนวัตกรรมที่สร้างโลกใหม่ และมอบชีวิตให้กับตัวละครในเกมต่าง ๆ เหล่านี้
ตัวอย่าง :
โดยในซีรีส์ชุดนี้จะมีความยาวทั้งหมด 6 ตอน และเราจะได้เห็นถึงที่มา ประวัติศาสตร์ของตัวละครและค่ายเกมต่าง ๆ ที่เรารู้จักกันดี ทั้งโซนิคจาก SEGA, มาริโอ้จาก Nintendo, วิสัยทัศน์ของผู้สร้างเกมในยุคนั้น ที่ได้จินตนาการโลกใบใหม่ จนกลายเป็นเทคโนโลยีเปลี่ยนโลกอย่าง เกม ในทุกวันนี้
ใครที่สนใจอยากศึกษา หรือรู้ว่าในอดีตยุคก่อนนั้น วงการเกมมีที่มาที่ไปได้อย่างไร แต่ละค่ายฝ่าวิกฤติปัญหา และยุคเจริญรุ่งเรืองแบบสุด ๆ มาแบบไหน ก็เตรียมตัวรับชม High Score กันได้
โดยคาดว่าจะปล่อยออกมาทั้งหมด 6 ตอนรวดในวันที่ 19 สิงหาคมนี้ กดกระดิ่งแจ้งเตือนกันไว้ได้เลยครับ
#gamingdose #ข่าวเกม #HighScore #Netflix
Want to know what the game industry is up to nowadays with good high quality games for us to play in the old days?
High Score, Netflix's upcoming documentary series is giving us that answer. This documentary will take classic video game history to learn the vision of innovative innovators who create a new world and give life to life. These in-game dramas
In this series, there will be a total of 6 episodes long and we will see the history of characters and game camps that we know very well. Sonic from SEGA, Mario from Nintendo, Vision. Of the game creators in that era who have imagined a new world to become a game-changing technology today.
For those who are interested in studying or know how the past is in the past. The game industry has a dobt. Each camp is through crisis, problems and flourishing era. Prepare to watch High Score.
It's expected to release all 6 episodes in a row on 19 August. Press the notification bell.
#gamingdose #ข่าวเกม #HighScore #NetflixTranslated
game-changing technology 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 的最佳貼文
บริษัทเทคโนโลยีทุกสาย กำลังมุ่งหน้าเข้าสู่ธุรกิจเกม /โดย ลงทุนแมน
อุตสาหกรรมเทคโนโลยี คือผู้ขับเคลื่อนโลกยุคนี้ อย่างไม่ต้องสงสัย
เพราะไม่ว่ามองไปทางไหน สิ่งต่างๆ ที่อยู่รอบตัวเรา ล้วนเกี่ยวข้องกับบริษัทเทคโนโลยีทั้งสิ้น
Amazon ให้บริการแพลตฟอร์ม E-commerce...
Continue ReadingAll tech companies are heading into game business / invest manly
The technology industry is undoubtedly driving the world.
Because, wherever you look, things surrounding us are all related to technology companies.
Amazon provides e-commerce platforms
Alphabet, Google's mom company, search website, information.
Apple sells electronic devices such as iPhone, iPad
Facebook dominates social media platforms market.
Microsoft Develops Operating Systems and Computer Software
But did you know that there is one thing these companies are paying attention to?
That's the ′′ game business
What are tech companies doing about the game industry now?
Invest man will tell you about it.
Scenario and Economic Update with Blockdit
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First start at Amazon
Amazon company has invested in the game business since 2014 after acquiring Twitch business, online video platform, game containers with 29,000 million baht.
Passing through now, Twitch has grown beyond the competitors clearly.
9,340 million hours a year videos are viewed by 73 % of the market.
In addition, they have a business called Amazon Web Services (AWS) that provides cloud database storage, which major game developers such as Bandai, Capcom, Epic Games, Supercell, Zynga are the company's customers.
Meaning that every time people play online, AWS services are also being used.
And most importantly, this business has much higher profit margins than E-commerce.
Next one is Alphabet
The company owns YouTube, the world's biggest online video platform, with about 250 million game-related followers per day.
In addition, YouTube has also launched a YouTube Gaming feature to support streaming games especially.
There are 2,681 million hours of video viewing per year. The market share of 21 % is the number 2, secondary from Twitch.
But what creates a lot of excitement for the industry.
Is Launching a cloud gaming platform business named Stadia at the end of 2019
This service may change the gaming patterns as we can buy games immediately. No need to download, install or need to use a good, expensive spectrum. Stadia will process and adjust the game quality details to suit the devices that people. Play and use.
The next company to talk about is Apple
In fact, indirect income game for Apple.
In 2019, there are people who spend in game application via App Store. App Store is about 1.2 trillion Baht. It is 70 % of all apps. Every 100 Baht will receive a share of 30 Baht.
Apple decided to expand its business to the gaming industry.
By launching an online gaming platform called Apple Arcade
Subscription subscriber, 150 baht per month. You can choose to play any game on every device of Apple brand.
There is an assessment that in the next 2 years, there will be around 50 million accounts of Apple Arcade users who will make additional income for the company over 93,000 million baht per year.
Another interesting one is Facebook.
Facebook has launched a 2018 Facebook Gaming online video feature.
Focusing on connecting to social media user base to create an advantage for people to follow contents easily under the same platform.
The company reveals 700 million video game visitors per month.
However, compared to the number of hours, Facebook Gaming also has a market share of only 3 %
But in the future, Facebook may develop new businesses similar to Google's Stadia.
Because I just bought PlayGiga business, cloud-based platform from Spain for 2,400 million baht.
And the eye-catching thing is Oculus VR owned by VR, a virtual reality technology developer with a high chance of making Facebook create successful virtual reality gaming devices.
The last part is Microsoft
Microsoft has been in the gaming business since 2001, as an Xbox gaming console developer that currently has total sales of more than 155 million machines.
And in 2016, the company launched a streaming platform named Mixer.
But the response is not as expected. There is only 3 % market share.
Get Microsoft to turn off this platform this July and rock the account with Facebook Gaming instead to collaborate with Twitch and YouTube.
In addition, Microsoft is also undergoing a cloud gaming business development. It is expected to be launched by XCloud this year.
All of them have businesses involved in gaming either way or anyhow.
But I have to say..
No matter how fierce the competition is, no one can compete with the real game owner like Tencent, Chinese tech company.
Because they have created or invested in a loud game with many players around the world like Fortnite, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Arena of Valor (RoV), League of Legends, Honor of Kings, Clash of Clans
Resulting in Tencent reigning the industry's highest position. Earning up to 612,000 million baht from the game business.
Arrived here. Many people may wonder why the game market is so interesting in the eyes of tech companies?
What these companies need is inevitable bringing their technology into consumer hands to build a strong user base.
Gaming business is becoming a very large industry.
From the world population of 7,800 million people, there are 2,700 million people playing games or around 35 %
Covering people of all ages and all devices whether it's mobile, computer or game console.
So, the game market is worth up to 4.7 trillion baht and it predicts that the number will grow to 6.2 trillion baht in 2023
The special thing is gaming people always pay to buy unlimited items or features.
Different from other markets where customers may buy limited amounts of money or subscription payments which are always the same.
And the company can also offer products to customers directly in real time. When order happens, players get items immediately. Game owners get paid at the same time.
While buying normally, consumers may have to shop at the mall or wait for delivery later. The seller may have a central or multi-layer dealer to get paid and also to manage inventory.
Including game owners and players can also do game-changing activities such as gamecast reviews or serious Esports to win prize money.
This is not surprising if it says in the near future, the game market where humans pay virtual purchases.
Could be bigger than any physical product market that is tangible..
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game-changing technology 在 CarDebuts Youtube 的最佳貼文
เปิดตัวครั้งแรกในโลก พร้อมราคา The All-New Mitsubishi Outlander 2021-2022 World Premiere มิตซูบิชิ เอาท์แลนเดอร์ โฉมใหม่ล่าสุด มี 3 แถว 7 ที่้นั่ง ทำตลาดในอเมริกาเหนือ ก่อนมาขายในไทย
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation ประกาศเปิดตัว All-New outlander โฉมใหม่ เจนเนอเรชั่นที่ 4 รุ่นปี 2022 รถครอสโอเวอร์รุ่น flagship ของบริษัท ผ่านทาง Amazon Livestream เป็นครั้งแรก โดยมาพร้อมดีไซน์ใหม่ คุณภาพระดับพรีเมี่ยม สมรรถนะที่เหนือชั้น และเทคโนโลยีที่ล้ำสมัย ที่คุณสามารถคาดหวังได้ จากรถยนต์ของ Mitsubishi พร้อมเริ่มจำหน่ายในตลาดอเมริกาเหนือ เป็นที่แรกในโลก ในราคาเริ่มต้น 25,795 เหรียญสหรัฐ หรือราว 773,000 บาท ในเดือนเมษายน ปี 2021 นี้ ก่อนที่จะมีการทำตลาดทั่วโลก หลังจากนั้น
FRANKLIN, Tenn. – As part of a game-changing collaboration with Amazon, MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION (MMC) today revealed the all-new 2022 OUTLANDER crossover SUV via livestream, the first vehicle to ever debut on Amazon Live.2 All-new from the wheels up, the 2022 Outlander features a new design direction for both this vehicle and the brand, plus the premium quality, rugged performance and innovative technology expected of a Mitsubishi Motors vehicle.
The flagship of the Mitsubishi Motors line, it is reimagined and reinvented in every way, and is the best-equipped, most thoughtfully engineered vehicle the company has ever developed. Outlander gears up for sale in North America first in April 2021, with other global markets to follow.
With a U.S. Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price starting at $25,7951, the all-new 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander delivers the equipment, quality and lasting value that Mitsubishi customers have come to expect of the brand. Full pricing and packaging details will be made available at a later date.
"Based on the product concept 'I-Fu-Do-Do,' which means authentic and majestic in Japanese, the all-new OUTLANDER has been crafted into a reliable SUV with significantly upgraded styling, road performance, and a high-quality feel to satisfy the needs of customers who want to expand their horizons and take on challenges of every kind," said Takao Kato, chief executive officer of MMC. "With the launch of the all-new OUTLANDER, we will first expand our sales in the North American market and then aim for global growth."
The Outlander was first launched in North America in 2002, and this new model is the fourth generation to be sold.
Styling debuts the brand's next generation Dynamic Shield front face and design language, with muscular fenders, bold proportions and available large-diameter 20-inch wheels. Inside, Outlander is a quiet and serene space, showcasing quality and convenience through class-above materials, seating for seven in the segment's only standard-equipment third-row, available 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster and 9-inch center screen, and also newly available wireless smartphone charging capability with Android Auto3 and wireless Apple CarPlay.4
The engineering underpinnings are also all-new. Partnered with a newly developed platform and 2.5L four-cylinder engine, Mitsubishi's rally-derived Super All-Wheel Control5 system provides unmatched confidence for drivers in all environments. The newly developed drive mode selector allows performance and grip to be tailored to the conditions through six distinct settings, increasing on-road and off-pavement performance. Even two-wheel drive models are fitted with the drive-mode selector, offering five distinct modes in this setup, to help drivers feel more confident in all driving conditions.
Standard equipment on the 2022 Outlander includes 11 airbags6, three rows of seats, myriad storage locations, USB-A and USB-C charge ports and 18-inch wheels.
Depending on trim level, the 2022 Outlander can be fitted with 20-inch wheels, Mitsubishi's MI-PILOT Assist driver assistance system with adaptive cruise control and lane-keep assist7, semi-aniline leather seating, integrated navigation using what3words technology, a windshield-display 10.8-inch full-color Head-Up Display (HUD), Mitsubishi's industry-leading Mitsubishi Connect smart-car system, and a 10-speaker BOSE® audio system.8
Mitsubishi Motors North America is in the midst of introducing a full showroom of redesigned, reengineered or all-new vehicles, and the 2022 Outlander is the culmination of that program. This much-anticipated vehicle is here, and the game-changing launch is well under way. The all-new 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander is set to break boundaries, reset expectations and demand attention.