[157011] 23811. 航海王:啟動殲滅作戰!和平主義者軍團的威力!"One Piece" The Extermination Strategy in Action! The Power of the Pacifistas! (2010)★★★
[157012] 23812. 航海王:赤犬的謀略!遭到暗算的白鬍子!"One Piece" Akainu's Plot! Whitebeard Entrapped! (2010)★★★❢
[157013] 23813. 航海王:包圍壁啟動!白鬍子海賊團一籌莫展!"One Piece" The Encircling Walls Activated! The Whitebeard Pirates Backed into a Corner!! (2010)★★★
[157014] 23814. 航海王:下達行刑指令!衝破包圍壁!"One Piece" Execution Order Issued! Break Through the Encircling Walls! (2010)★★★✚
[157015] 23815. 航海王:進入最終局面!白鬍子起死回生的一步棋!"One Piece" Moving Into the Final Phase! Whitebeard's Trump Card for Recovery! (2010)★★★
[157016] 23816. 航海王:魯夫精疲力竭!奧利斯廣場的總體戰!"One Piece" Luffy at the End of his Tether! An All-Out Battle at the Oris Plaza! (2010)★★★
[157017] 23817. 航海王:削弱生命的力量!再次使用幹勁荷爾蒙!"One Piece" The Power That Will Shorten One's Life! Energy Hormone, Redux! (2010)★★★
[157018] 23818. 航海王:為了約定,魯夫與克比的激戰!"One Piece" To Live Up to a Promise! Luffy and Coby Collide! (2010)★★★
[157019] 23819. 航海王:斷頭台就在眼前,開啟通往艾斯之路!"One Piece" The Scaffold at Last! The Way to Ace Has Opened! (2010)★★★
[157020] 23820. 航海王:各自選擇的道路!魯夫VS卡普"One Piece" Each on Different Paths! Luffy vs. Garp! (2010)★★★✚