除咗感恩 冇嘢好講 😎
能夠睇 、能夠聽、能夠唱歌 、身體健全 ,還能活着 已經好感恩 。
有衣有食 就當知足 🙌🏻
仲有咁靚嘅眼鏡帶 😎 開心 ❤️
遲啲仲有更靚嘅相睇 😎 好期待呀 😆 同我一齊期待下 🙌🏻
Thank you so much
#hkrayban @mandychan_alixzoe
Thank you so much #styling @ianmchawk
Thank you so much #photography @karwwwai @jojoba27
Thank you so Much JoJo @jojoba27 陪足我成日,辛苦晒妳 ar 😅
Thank you so much @celiacmua for #makeup and #hairstyles 化妝整頭都係妳 勁啊 😁👍🏻
如果真係瘦咗 我諗我太掛住一班人
#全民造星3 #missyouall
#godblessyouall #allthebest
#黃劍文 #rayban #glasses #sunglasses @ Mongkok, Hongkong
godblessyouall 在 Christina Aguilar Fan Page Facebook 的最佳貼文
Before 2020 ends, I want to thank my family, friends and fans for your love and support.😘🙏🏻
May the new year bless you with good health, love, wealth and happiness. Wishing you and your family a wonderful year ahead ❤️ “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one” 😉👍🏻❤️HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 🎉😘❤️🍾🎉 #happynewyear2021 #byebye2020 #betterme #betteryou #staystrong #staysafe #godblessyouall 🎉🍾🥂🥳🎉❤️
From @c_aguilar on Instagram
ติ๊นา คริสติน่า
#ChristinaAguilar #ChristinaAguilarFanPage
godblessyouall 在 王君馨 GraceWong Facebook 的最讚貼文
Instagram Update: One of the best presents I received this year 🎁 , was a chance to share my experiences with this year’s 藝訓班同學仔. It was seriously such an honor and privilege to spend my day sharing my journey, my ups and downs and hopefully give you all insights on topics that I wished someone had shared with me in my early days in the industry. 我不是一個專業的老師,只可以將我最真實嘅經驗同大家分享,所以好多謝你哋嘅patience和體諒,亦都希望你哋可以喺呢一行發光發亮,有屬於自己嘅小天地。你哋每一位都很寶貴,係一個獨一無二嘅藝人,remember to appreciate others and appreciate yourself! 為你們的journey感到興奮同充滿期待!加油啊寶貝們!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻😘😘😘
#Repost gwgurlie86@instagram
#王君馨 #gracewong