最近蠻多人問我阿璃的尾巴要怎樣做和固定,嗯,這裡有一個非常好、非常輕、非常易於收藏的教學,不知道有沒有其他人試過XD 但這是我自己研究的,希望能幫上大家一個忙~
只有廣東話喔!而且說話也有些粗魯ˊ_>ˋ我已經一直在糾正自己 ˊ_>ˋ 希望大家不要介意QQ
1. 鋁條
2. EVA膠
3. 織帶
4. 毛毛尾
5. 扣針
6. 氣球
我會盡我能力教大家的 >W<
Hello guys! I'm from HK and this is the first time I took video...Sorry for just got Chinese language.
This kind of tails can be removable that can be reuse of times for different character(saving places!XD)
And here's those materials that I used:
1. Aluminum-roto (for skeleton)
2. EVA
3. Fabric tape
4. Tails
5. Pins
6. Balloons
Please leave your comment if you have any questions:)
Good Luck!
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