2015 05 27 (👊)
真的不聰明,又不比別人出色,也不太有天份,做啥都矬矬笨笨的... 又不停地跌倒, 或被絆倒...
沒啥,就堅持著心中那一絲絲猶存的火,再多努力... 跑不到,我用走的,走累了... 我會用爬的...... 總之,拼了老命就對了。❤️
At times, I'm always at the verge of collapsing and giving up... especially when people don't take you too seriously though u've been working your ass off. It's never enough, coz it's never ending. It's a new chapter, it's a new life... and I'm still a learner, who's trying his best to fit in, and to cope. The one thing that I'm holding on to, it's to always believe in myself. I might not be the best but I'll always do my best...
Much appreciated and thanks to those who's been supporting, motivating, helping, and teaching me... I might be like a baby sometimes, but I swear that I'm listening, and I'm growing. Sorry for being disappointing at times, but one day... I'll do my all to put a wide smile on your face, and maybe mine too. It's not easy, and it's never going to be easy. But I've faith, love... and the burning passion. Gotta just keep rolling. Cheers.
#tiongbutton #tiongrants #ddly #grateful #thankful #blissful #gottalearn #gottabestrong #gottastaystrong #domybest #letitbe #workharder #havefaith #tobebetter #dontstopbelieving #thankyou #imalive #imstronger #keeponrockin