🔡#英兒讀讀樂 📖#家族英文
但只知道Happy New Year,不知前面稱謂
姐妹 sisiter
兄弟 brother
堂(表)兄、弟、姐、妹 cousin
伯母、嬸嬸、姑姑、阿姨、舅媽 aunt
伯父、叔叔、姑丈、姨丈、舅舅 uncle
外甥女、姪女 niece
外甥、姪兒 nephew
(外)祖母 grandmother
岳母、婆婆 mother-in-law
岳父、公公 father-in-law
女婿 son-in-law
媳婦 daughter-in-law
嫂嫂、弟媳、大姨子、小姨子、大姑、小姑、妯娌 sister-in-law
姐夫、妹夫、小叔、大伯 brother-in-law
適合 #中小年級小朋友 #認識基礎單字
#輕鬆學英文 #幼智英兒abc👦👶👧
grandson中文 在 散步路徑 Facebook 的最佳貼文
十月三日 星期三
這時爺爺,微笑的對我們說,「No English,Italy!」這下可有趣了,他們也不會說英文,那麼我們到底該怎麼溝通,爺爺指著手機裡的一張照片,照片裡的冰有著不同的顏色,我這次明白,雨中的操場是他們拜訪散步路徑的目的。完成點餐的剎那,我明白了在還沒有語言的時代,人與人的連結原來是那麼的純粹。
「Perché vieni a Taiwan?」我硬著頭,皮拿著手機,用著翻譯,詢問他們怎麼會來到台灣。「grandson...six!」爺爺說,我馬上心神領會心意相通,來到臺灣,是來探望他們六歲的孫子,手機裡的,是一位稚氣的小男孩,奶奶指著照片中男孩身旁的人,笑著對我說「son!」,奶奶臉上的笑容,訴說著他是多麼為他的兒子感到驕傲與榮耀(這一段其實是義大利文,但我發現我聽得懂!)。
Grazie, il ragazzino è molto carino, spero che siete stati sani
grandson中文 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最佳貼文
Kashgar: a central Asian city in China
Or a Chinese city in central Asia.
Started the hardest part of my journey on May 21: entering China from Kyrgyzstan via Pamir Highway: high altitude, lack of public transit, possibility of rejection, plus heavy snow on that particular date. Fortunately, it was overall smooth - had no problem finding rides, was admitted without further questions. However, the passport check did take a very long time. As a Taiwanese (which is considered both Chinese citizen and foreigner here), entering this country sometimes requires extra patience :)
I didn't expect much from this city: as someone who just came from central Asia, the Islam architecture in Uzbekistan is way more impressive than here, and the Turkic/Islamic culture in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan is more authentic than Kashgar. But to my surprise, I actually liked Kashgar more than I thought. Indeed it is not as impressive, but still found things that amazed me:
Where China and central Asia meet
As a typical Chinese city, first impression is often the extra-large-size streets and buildings. The new high-rise buildings here are no different from those in Beijing; but few kilometers from downtown, you can still see more common central Asian scene. Next to mud-covered houses, locals still push their flocks around on muddy roads, even though it was just 10 meters away from a newly built modern street. I think the existence of the street implies that this scene can probably change in a few months.
Uyghur residence
While exploring the old town with a friend I met at youth hostel, we were invited into a local residence. A typical residence has a front yard, where a bed is set with a table and cushions. This is where the family would eat and hang out while temperature is high. Also a stair leads to a second floor balcony, where some plants would come down into the yard.
We were served with warm water and some homemade bread, and tried to communicate with an old couple through their granddaughter who can speak Mandarin. They are already 80, and know nothing about Taiwan. The gentleman simply repeats that this is my wife, this is my granddaughter, this is my great grandson, etc.
The "inner land"
Met a local Chinese who said he traveled to the "inner land" from Xinjiang (the province where Kashgar is located). This surprised me, as I always thought that for a mainland Chinese, inner land simply means the entire mainland (in opposition to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau). His words changed my understanding of the word "inner land". I guess the true meaning of "inner land" is: where the mainstream culture and primary cities are located.
Uyghur language can be seen and heard everywhere, and this may make you feel that this minority culture in China is thriving. In fact, it is not, and many think that this situation would change very soon.
Han Chinese locals here told me that they can feel even the Uyghurs show disdain toward their own culture unconscientiously in their conversation. Uyghur language is no longer taught at schools, and many policies are friendlier to Han Chinese. "Han is a better culture" can be observed in many ways, and the Uyghur culture and language are being weakened rapidly.
grandson中文 在 ♀️What other reversible Chinese... - Chinese with Mei 的推薦與評價
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grandson中文 在 睡前故事| 中文童話- 老人与孙子 - YouTube 的推薦與評價
老人与孙子| The Old Man And His Grandson Story in Chinese | Moral Stories In Chinese | 睡前故事| 童話故事| 儿童故事| 故事| 4K UHD | 中文 ... ... <看更多>