▌時事英文 ▌
股海茫茫,誰現在也住公園 🤣
1. 股票(股數):Share(s) of Stock:株(かぶ)
2. 劇烈震盪:Bumpy / Fluctuate Violently:乱高下(らんこうげ)する
3. 成交量:Trading Volume:出来高(できだか)
4. 內線交易:Insider Trading:インサイダー取引(とりひき)
5. 股東:Principal / Shareholder:株主(かぶぬし)
6. 暴跌: Collapse / Slump / Drop Sharply:暴落(ぼうらく)する
7. 暴漲:Jump / Boom / Soar / Skyrocket:暴騰(ぼうとう)する
8. 套牢:Underwater / Tied Up:水浸し(みずびたし)、塩漬け(しおづけ)
9. 零股:Odd Lot:端株(はかぶ)、単位未満株(たんいみまんかぶ)
10. 道瓊工業指數:Dow Jones Industrial Average:ダウ平均株価(へいきんかぶか)
11. 那斯逹克:NASDAQ Composite:ナスダック
13. 跌幅: Fall / Decline:下げ幅(さげはば)
14. 漲停:Limit Up:ストップ高(だか)
15. 跌停:Limit Down:ストップ安(やす)
16. K 線圖:Candlestick Chart:ロウソク足チャート
17. 開盤價:Ex-Distribution:始値(はじめね)
18. 收盤價:Close:終値(おわりね)
19. 壓力線:Resistance Line:抵抗線(ていこうせん)
20. 支持線:Support Line:支持線(しじせん)
21. 跌破最低大關:Fall Below the Mark:底を割る(そこをわる)
22. 疲軟:Weak:軟調(なんちょう)
23. 利多消息:Good / Bullish / Positive /Favorable News:好材料(こうざいりょう)
24. 利空消息:Bad / Bearish / Negative / Unfavorable News:悪材料(あくざいりょう)、不安材料(ふあんざいりょう)
25. 分析師:Stock Analyst:アナリスト
26. 股利、股息:Dividend:配当金(はいとうきん)
27. 散戶:Retail Players / Retail Investors / Individual Investors:個人投資家(こじんとうしか)
28. 法人股東:Corporate Shareholder:機関投資家(きかんとうしか)
29. 投機客:Speculator:スペキュレーター
30. 前景:Outlook:先行き(さきゆき)
31. 上市企業:Listed Company:上場企業(じょうじょうきぎょう)
32. 回升反彈:Rebound:反発する(はんぱつする)
33. 停損:Stop Loss:損切(そんぎり)
34. 獲益了結:Book Profit / Lock in Profits / Profit-Taking:利益確定(りえきかくてい)
35. 槓桿:Leverage / Gearing:レバレッジ
36. 資本利得:Capital Gain:キャピタルゲイン
37. 攤平成本買進:Average Down / Add to a Losing Position:ナンピン買い(がい)
38. 本益比:Price-Earnings Ratio:株価収益率(かぶかしゅうえきりつ)
39. 基本面:Fundamentals:ファンダメンタルズ
40. 技術面:Technicals:テクニカル
41. 每股盈餘:Earnings Per Share:一株あたりの利益
42. 稅後盈餘:Net Income after Tax:税引き後利益(ぜいびきごりえき)
43. 漲跌幅限制:Price Limit:値幅制限(ねはばせいげん)
44. 毛利率:Gross Margin:粗利率(あらりりつ)
45. 產能利用率:Capacity Utilization:生産稼働率(せいさんかどうりつ)
46. 高處脫手:Sell at a High Point:売り抜け(うりぬけ)
47. 全年展望:Stock Market Outlook of the Year:通年の見通し(つうねんのみとおし)
48. 牛市:Bull Market:強気相場(つよきそうば)
49. 熊市:Bear Market:弱気相場(よわきそうば)
50. 多頭氣氛:Bull Position:強気(つよき)ムード
51. 空頭氣氛:Bear Position:弱気(よわき)ムード
52. 觀望氣氛:Wait-and-see Position:様子見(ようすみ)ムード
53. 下市:Delisting:上場廃止(じょうじょうはいし)
54. 熱門股:Popular Stock:人気株(にんきかぶ)
55. 績優股:Blue Chip:優良株(ゆうりょうかぶ)
56. 科技股:Technology Stock:ハイテク株
57. 概念股:Concept Stock:関連株(かんれんかぶ)
58. 總市值:Market Capitalization:時価総額(じかそうがく)
59. 以美元計價:Dollar-Denominated:ドル建て(だて)
60. 買超:Overbought:買いこし
61. 賣超:Oversold:売りこし
62. 損益平衡點:Break-even Point:損益分岐点(そんえきぶんきてん)
63. 護盤:Boost Market Confidence / Engage in Price Stabilization:買い支え(かいささえ)
64. 恐慌性賣壓:Panic Selling:パニック売り(うり)
65. 股票選擇權:Stock Option:ストックオプション
66. 股價創新低:Touch Another Low:安値を更新する(やすねをこうしんする)
67. 黃金交叉:Golden Cross:ゴールデンクロス
68. 死亡交叉:Death Cross:デッドクロス
#翻譯日常 #翻譯 #筆譯 #口譯 #自由譯者 #自由業 #英文 #中文
gross price中文 在 強尼金口筆譯教學日記 Facebook 的最佳解答
▌時事英文 ▌
「股票」相關單字 Part 2
1. 上市企業:Listed Company
2. 回升反彈:Rebound
3. 停損:Stop Loss
4. 獲益了結:Book Profit / Lock in Profits / Profit-Taking
5. 槓桿:Leverage / Gearing
6. 資本利得:Capital Gain
7. 攤平成本買進:Average Down / Add to a Losing Position
8. 本益比:Price-Earnings Ratio
9. 基本面:Fundamentals
10. 技術面:Technicals
11. 每股盈餘:Earnings Per Share
12. 稅後盈餘:Net Income after Tax
13. 漲跌幅限制:Price Limit
14. 毛利率:Gross Margin
15. 產能利用率:Capacity Utilization
16. 高處脫手:Sell at a High Point
17. 全年展望:Stock Market Outlook of the Year
18. 牛市:Bull Market
19. 熊市:Bear Market
20. 多頭氣氛:Bull Position
21. 空頭氣氛:Bear Position
22. 觀望氣氛:Wait-and-see Position
23. 下市:Delisting
24. 熱門股:Popular Stock
25. 績優股:Blue Chip
26. 科技股:Technology Stock
27. 概念股:Concept Stock
28. 總市值:Market Capitalization
29. 以美元計價:Dollar-Denominated
30. 買超:Overbought
31. 賣超:Oversold
32. 損益平衡點:Break-even Point
33. 護盤:Boost Market Confidence / Engage in Price Stabilization
34. 恐慌性賣壓:Panic Selling
35. 股票選擇權:Stock Option
36. 股價創新低:Touch Another Low
37. 黃金交叉:Golden Cross
38. 死亡交叉:Death Cross
39. 零股:Odd Lot
完成接棒 Hiroshi的日文教學(弘の日本語教室)
#翻譯日常 #翻譯 #筆譯 #口譯 #自由譯者 #自由業 #英文 #中文 #Hiroshi的日文教學 #弘の日本語教室
gross price中文 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最佳解答
(「花現GNP」是花博宣傳口號 XD)
《Taichung Declaration》has redefined the GNP Promote and raise the proposal for Green, Nature and People
The Taichung Declaration has redefined the pursuit of GNP growth in a new proposal of Green, Nature, and People
The Taichung Declaration redefines GNP as Green, Nature, and People
* 重點明確:臺中宣言提出GNP新定義
* 明示GNP所代表的新名,但細節賣關子
* 藉此吸引讀者閱讀內文一探究竟
* 英文不存在中文新式書名號《……》
* 亂用動詞原形raise,不合文法
* 「GNP Promote」是啥?看似想表達「GNP提升」、「提升GNP」?就算視爲一個方案名,這也是糟糕的台式英文,正如Taiwan(,) Touch Your Heart 給人的感覺,無法端上國際。
問題出在把不合文法的動詞原形 promote、touch 一路用到底,不管意思如何,這顯示英語尚在牙牙學語階段,尚無動詞變化的意識和能力。
爲何 GNP Promote 是菜英文?進一步佐證:
請上 Google 搜索 "GNP Promote" (記得加英文引號),出現百餘條結果,清一色與「臺中宣言」有關,細查其實皆出自同一則臺中政府官方英文新聞文章,即本文探討的文章標題。難道「提升GNP」這概念在全人類有英語記錄的歷史中,是臺中市府首推?當然不!更合理的推論是:
《Taichung Declaration》has redefined the GNP Promote and raise the proposal for Green, Nature and People
Issued by Information Bureau Date:2018-04-19
Taichung will conduct World Flora Expo in November. Green productivity proposed by the City Government was based on the Flora Expo addressed concepts of Green productivity, Nature sustainability and People with Green-ability.「Taichung Declaration」is aiming for inviting 100 cities to sign up. Taichung City Mayor, Chia-lung Lin has signed the declaration with Changwon City Mayor, Ahn Sang-soo tonight at Masan Baseball Stadium in South Korea, he also kicked off the starting game for the Taiwanese baseball pitcher, Weichung Wang, who is working currently in South Korea. It’s very meaningful to have Changwon City as the first city to sign up to the Taichung Declaration.
The theme of 2018 Taichung World Flora Expo is「Exploring GNP」 which change the old meaning of GNP as Gross National Product. Redefined GNP now means Green productivity, Nature sustainability and People with Green-ability for pursuing green productivity and facilitating the ecological eternity and embrace the nature in addition to pursuing the technological development. to make people’s living better. We wish to promote and raise the awareness of enhanced collaborations between international societies because this is the only way to connect people to help each other for sharing the goodness and prosperity for the world. (4/11*11)*Information Bureau.
Taichung Declaration:
《Taichung Declaration》
A New Proposal for GNP
Have you ever thought about that, sound of blooming, could be heard?
Modern people are busy in earning their livings when they are pursuing the development of economics and technologies. They’ve been too busy to see things through so they’ve forgotten to listen to the hearts, realize the nature how close they are relying on the environment.
In 2018, let’s find out the balance for ourselves, let’s listen to the whispers of the nature, let’s listen to the happy sounds of the blooming, we can feel the the value of life and how great to be alive. After all, the meaning of life is to make the world better.
2018 Taichung World Flora Expo will raise a new proposal for GNP. GNP has it’s own life and means Green, Nature and People so it is no more a neutral number of Gross National Product. GNP stands for green productivity and facilitating the ecological eternity to make people’s living better.
It’s the time to move forwards, it’s the time to look back to the past. When we move forwards to develop the smart technologies in the future, we should remember to turn to embrace the nature again to facilitate the ecological eternity. We believe the prosperity and environmental protection can exist concurrently while the technologies can live with the nature.
Green Productivity
City in green and green in the city. The economical growth traded off by the environment will no more last as we know quite well how to play the role as one of the members in the global village. By applying green technologies, reducing energy consumption and create the shared resources to construct a sustainable city with green production and green economics as the backbone.
Nature Sustainability
The mountain geography left from the ice age and the recent wetland scenes formed by the waves and tides are all the low polluted ecological environment and diverse biological systems we would like to sustain. We will never pay the price of nature to pursue the technological prosperity again. We will rebuild the tight connections between people and nature to find back the harmony and balance between people and nature.
People with Green-ability
We are anticipating people will develop their green concepts and capabilities. Such trivial things as personal thought, diet, living and action or big scope as urban construction and future development, all of them will become the group energy of Green to contribute to the international society. So-called green concepts is to implement the actions, including respect the varieties and embrace diversity. No matter in the aspects of culture, race, politics, education or religion, we will maintain the old traditions and develop the innovations to share a better future with everyone. The aesthetics of living is to live with varieties and grow with the compatibilities.
We believe,
The perfect balance among production, ecology and living can be obtained.
Listen to the nature, connect with the society and link to the world.
Collaborate and facilitate the development of international non-government organizations.
Create the new model of urban management.
Because we connect with each other,
We will share the achievements and good results.