<3 Beetroot, Corn & Carrot Soup <3
Need some easy & quick dinner ideas? Try one of these simple recipes for an easy but delicious & nutritious soup for the family.
Auntie Lilly's quick meal ideas & simple recipe ~ Beetroot, Corn & Carrot Soup is wholesome, homemade & affordable, just require a few fresh ingredients of Beetroot, Corn, Carrot, Red Dates & any meat of your choice.
I opted for lean pork & chicken feet, why not? Chicken feet are rich in collagen, not only good for the skin, they’re delicious when eaten with some light soy sauce & bird’s eye chillies.
✴️ Parboil pork & chicken feet in boiling water for about 3 mins to remove scum. Remove, rinse & add on to the pot.
✴️ Place all ingredients into the pressure cooker.
✴️ Add just enough water to immerse the ingredients & bring to a boil.
✴️ Then cook on medium-low heat for 15 to 20 minutes.
✴️ Season with salt & pepper to taste & serve
Have a go at this Chinese beetroot soup recipe & let me know what you think. You can’t beet a healthy bowl of soup! 🙂
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