C/O Main Responsibilities:大副主要職責
1.*Compliance with safe working practices
2.Safe navigation during watchkeeping值航行班
3.Safe and efficient cargo operations and documentation安全和有效的货物操作和文件
4.General planning of deck maintenance and deck department operations甲板维護和甲板部門操作的總體規劃
5.*Issue and enforcement of appropriate permits to work簽發和執行適当的工作許可證
Safety manual 工作許可及對應的RA(緊急應變)如下
Permit to Work工作许可證
Permit to Work systems: Permit to Work – General
Permit to Work – Hot Work
Permit to Work – Enclosed Space Entry
Permit to Work – Cold Work
Permit to Work – Working Aloft
Permit to Work – Working Overside
Permit to Work – Working on Deck in Heavy Weather
Permit to Work – Diving Work
Permit to Work – Working on Low Voltage Electrical Circuits 71
Permit to Work – Working on High Voltage Electrical Circuits73
Permit to Work – Working on Pressure Systems
RA 01 Risk Assessment Form
heavy-weather 在 郭任瑋 - Daniel Kuo Facebook 的最佳貼文
1.前天去表演帶著Double Bass搭計程車,司機阿伯說他是貝斯手, 以前都在玩X japan,問我會不會彈電貝斯.
PS: 剛剛在家裡彈了一下這首,
heavy-weather 在 stu sis Facebook 的最佳解答
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