[139251] 8051. 齊木楠雄的災難:再開!「一如既往」的日常 + 再次挑戰!聖誕節 + 新年伊始很重要 + 網球場上的愛情遊戲 + 甜點自助餐的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Restarting! Everyday Life, "As Usual" + Another Christmas Challenge! + First Experiences of the Year are Important + Courtside Love Game + Dessert Buffet Disaster (2018)★★
[139252] 8052. 齊木楠雄的災難:SF級的穿越體驗1 + SF級的穿越體驗2 + SF級的穿越體驗3 + 押忍!戀之挑戰書 + 穿衣品味存貨為0 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." FirstHand Science Fiction 1 + FirstHand Science Fiction 2 + FirstHand Science Fiction 3 + Sup! Love Challenge + Fashion Sense out of Stock (2018)★★
[139253] 8053. 齊木楠雄的災難:寒冬的災難 + 拜訪才虎財閥豪宅 + 來吧!最帥的樂園 + 無敵的防災對策 + 恭喜畢業!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." MidWinter Disaster + The Saiko Conglomerate Home Visit + Come On Over to Saiko Land! + Invincible Disaster Prevention Measures + Congratulations on Your Graduation! (2018)★★
[139254] 8054. 齊木楠雄的災難:梨步田依舞的災難 + 去詐欺吧!愚人節 + 春天的最終兵器 + 再利用!撿垃圾大賽 + 打音樂教室寂靜的幽靈"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Disastrous Life of Imu Rifuta + April Fools' Deceit! + Spring's Ultimate Weapon + Recycle! Trash Cleanup Competition + Cutting through the Silence, The Ghost in the Music Room (2018)★★
[139255] 8055. 齊木楠雄的災難:再戰!梨步田VS照橋 + 賢才的禮物 + 迷路的倉鼠說話帶關西腔 + 放浪!迷你小動物 + 按摩的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Rematch! Rifuta VS Teruhashi + Gifts of the Magi + The Lost Hamster with a Kansai Dialect + The Transient Miniature Animal + Massage Disaster (2018)★★
[139256] 8056. 齊木楠雄的災難:才虎財閥的豪華郵輪 + 齊木楠雄的遇難1 + 齊木楠雄的遇難2 + 齊木楠雄的遇難3 + 齊木楠雄的遇難4"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Saiko Conglomerate's Luxurious Cruise + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 1 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 2 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 3 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 4 (2018)★★
[139257] 8057. 齊木楠雄的災難:齊木楠雄的遇難5 + 齊木楠雄的遇難6 + 齊木楠雄的遇難7 + 胡說八道!PK學園新聞社 + 再會了!暑假的最後一天"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 5 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 6 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 7 + The PK Academy Press Club Guillotine + Farewell! The Last Day of Summer Break (2018)★★
[139258] 8058. 齊木楠雄的災難:吵死了!不得了的轉學生出現! + 隱場氣場! + 微妙的小孩的麻煩事 + 再次挑戰!時空穿梭 + 照橋心美的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Totally Bad News Transfer Student Appears! + Escape the Aural Sight! + The Circumstances of Delicate Children + Another Time Leap Challenge! + The Disastrous Life of Kokomi Teruhashi (2018)★★
[139259] 8059. 齊木楠雄的災難:超能力者要小心注意(前篇) + 超能力者要小心注意(後篇) + 夢幻的超能力雜耍(前篇) + 夢幻的超能力雜耍(後篇) + 上天保佑一定要平安無事啊!!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Psychics Should Exercise Extreme Caution (Part 1) + Psychics Should Exercise Extreme Caution (Part 2) + The Psychic Circus of Dreams (Part 1) + The Psychic Circus of Dreams (Part 2) + Hope You Get Well Soon! (2018)★★
[139260] 8060. 齊木楠雄的災難:防範詐騙犯!不可大意 + 齊木家集結!!(前篇) + 齊木家集結!!(後篇) + 村子裡的瘋狂科學家 + 齊聚一堂!PK學園的超能力者們"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Preventing A Scam! + The Saiki Family Reunion! (Part 1) + The Saiki Family Reunion! (Part 2) + The Rural Mad Scientist + PK Academy Psykickers Assemble! (2018)★★
[139261] 8061. 齊木楠雄的災難:醜男,晴天霹靂 + 隱藏才能上不能被發現! + 挑戰最恐怖的組合 + 奇跡般的凡人登場! + 圖書館的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." An Ugly Bolt Out of the Blue + Conceal Your Hidden Power! + A Fight Between the Two Worst People + A Miraculously Average Guy Appears! + Disaster in the Library Room (2018)★★
[139262] 8062. 齊木楠雄的災難:心跳加速的交往宣言 + 最強的幫手!? + 小小地卻很聰明!小力2號的冒險 + 佐藤廣的災難 + 鬢角得頭髮弄得凌亂一些"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Strong Declaration of Friendship + The Best Wing Girl!? + The Adventures of Riki Jr. No.2, Small and Smart + The Disastrous Life of Hiroshi Satou + Trim a Bit Off the Sides (2018)★★
[139263] 8063. 齊木楠雄的災難:目良千里的再會(前篇) + 目良千里的再會(後篇) + 沉默生化人的異變 + 聚集!最強佔位置的高手們 + 為了最終回做準備"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Chisato Mera's Reunion (Part 1) + Chisato Mera's Reunion (Part 2) + An Abnormality with Silent Cyborg + The Ultimate Spot Claimers + Preface to the Final Episode (2018)★★
[139264] 8064. 齊木楠雄的災難:才虎一族最大的試煉 + 超能三人組 + 自然部最終尖叫計畫 + 愛情分數對決 + 天才畫家的繪畫教室"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Saiko Family's Greatest Trial + Psychic Sidekicks + The Occult Club's Final Scream Scheme + Love Score Showdown + The Master Artist's Classroom (2018)★★
[139265] 8065. 齊木楠雄的災難:重建棒球部吧!(前篇) + 重建棒球部吧!(後篇) + 蔬菜也要吃喔!烤肉篇 + 爸爸的再次就業!? + 催促!生日禮物"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Rebuilding the Baseball Team! (Part 1) + Rebuilding the Baseball Team! (Part 2) + Eat Your Vegetables Too! The Yakiniku Epilogue + Dad's New Job!? + Birthday Present Demands (2018)★★
[139266] 8066. 齊木楠雄的災難:如果想找交往對象… + 給最愛的妹妹最好的禮物 + 靈能力者的再登場 + 高科技戰士百元超人! + 秘密·基地·內部"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." If You're Looking For a Boyfriend... + The Best Present For a Beloved Sister + The Spirit Medium Debuts Again + The High Tech Soldier, 100 Yen Man! + Inside the Secret Base (2018)★★
[139267] 8067. 齊木楠雄的災難:再訪!哥哥的5個命令 + 還有犀牛!去動物園吧 + 新人漫畫家的災難 + 海藤兄弟的災難 + 改變形象的超級女孩"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." He’s Back! The Brother’s Five Directives + Let’s Go to the Zoo! + The Disastrous Work of a New Manga Author + The Disastrous Lives of the Kaidou Brothers + A Girl’s Makeover (2018)★★
[139268] 8068. 齊木楠雄的災難:多話轉學生!明智透真 + 繼續多話!轉學生 + 挖地瓜的災難 + 重整吉祥物角色體系 + 才虎芽斗史的無聊日常"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Touma Akechi, The Transfer Student Who Never Shuts Up + The Transfer Student's Still Talking! + Sweet Potato Digging Disaster + Putting The Mascot Character in Order + Metori Saiko's Listless Days (2018)★★
[139269] 8069. 齊木楠雄的災難:班級的災難 + PK學園文化祭1 + PK學園文化祭2 + PK學園文化祭3 + PK學園文化祭4"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Class Disaster + The PK Academy Cultural Festival 1 + The PK Academy Cultural Festival 2 + The PK Academy Cultural Festival 3 + The PK Academy Cultural Festival 4 (2018)★★
[139270] 8070. 齊木楠雄的災難:用催眠能力來冒充吧!(前篇) + 用催眠能力來冒充吧!(後篇) + 機能滿載!期待的新吉祥物 + 今年的最後!除夕 + 靜默的正月"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Impersonation Via Hypnosis (Part 1) + Impersonation Via Hypnosis (Part 2) + High Expectations on the New, Fully Functional Mascot + This Year’s the Last Time! New Year's Eve + Silent New Year's (2018)★★
[139271] 8071. 齊木楠雄的災難:再來訪!外公外婆流浪記 + 償還人情!鳥束的絕食修行 + 錯開的男女交際(前篇) + 錯開的男女交際(後篇) + 刊登特別報道吧!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Chronicles of the Grandparents' Travels + Returning the Favor, Toritsuka's Ascetic Fasting + A Misunderstanding Between Opposite Sex Friends (Part 1) + A Misunderstanding Between Opposite Sex Friends (Part 2) + A Big Scoop! (2018)★★
[139272] 8072. 齊木楠雄的災難:選擇最合適的一起放學的人 + 詳細求知!超級偶像的祕密 + 職能再分工計劃 + 精心掩飾非日常(前篇) + 精心掩飾非日常(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Choosing the Best Person to Walk Home With + Details Wanted! The Super Idol's Secret + Division of Labor + Facing the Unexpected (Part 1) + Facing the Unexpected (Part 2) (2018)★★
[139273] 8073. 齊木楠雄的災難:精心掩飾非日常的過去1 + 精心掩飾非日常的過去2 + 精心掩飾非日常的過去3 + 精心掩飾非日常的過去4 + 精心掩飾非日常的過去5"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Facing an Unusual Past 1 + Facing an Unusual Past 2 + Facing an Unusual Past 3 + Facing an Unusual Past 4 + Facing an Unusual Past 5 (2018)★★
[139274] 8074. 齊木楠雄的災難:看透差異!完美美少女的試練 + 展開調查!超能力者們 + 放完假的災難 + 集合!記憶中的角色再度登場(前篇) + 集合!記憶中的角色再度登場(後篇)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Trial of the Perfect Beautiful Girl + Make Your Investigation, Psykickers! + Disaster Back from the Holidays + Remembering the Cast (Part 1) + Remembering the Cast (Part 2) (2018)★★
[139275] 8075. 齊木楠雄的災難:三人の男と幼女と警官とあと犬 + ゲームの世界にΨンイン + 掲Ψ危機!? 終焉社のお仕事 + Ψ子自慢!ママ友會議 + 自慢の粘土Ψ工を披露しよう"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Three Men, a Little Girl, a Police Officer and a Dog + Sign In to the Game World + Publishing Crisis? Working at Shuensha + Proud Mom of a Son! Mom's Meetup + Let's Show Our Proud Clay Work (2019)★★
[139276] 8076. 齊木楠雄的災難:超(無駄)能力のΨ難 + Ψ強デッキを組み上げろ! + Ψは投げられた・・・!激闘カードバトル + Ψ虎芽斗吏の勝利の方程式 + 勇者のΨ難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Disasters Caused by Super Useless Abilities + Build the Most Powerful Deck! + The Die Is Cast! Fierce Card Battle + Metori Saiko's Equation of Victory + Hero in Disaster (2019)★★
[139277] 8077. 齊木楠雄的災難:異Ψを放つ新任教師現る + 身體測定のΨ難 + 両親不Ψの友達の家に遊びに行こう + 目指せ!ジャンプ掲Ψ + 皆様も是非一度足を運んでみてくだΨ"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." New Teacher with an Outstanding Feature + The Disaster of the School Physical + Visiting a Friend's House While Their Parents Are Out + Let's Aim for a Debut in Jump Magazine! + Please Visit There and Enjoy (2019)★★
[139278] 8078. 齊木楠雄的災難:恐怖!Ψ厄の転校生現る(前編) + 恐怖!Ψ厄の転校生現る(中編) + 恐怖!Ψ厄の転校生現る(後編) + Ψインを読め!相卜命の予知 + Ψ厄とΨ適の戦い!!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Terrifying! A Disastrous Transfer Student Appears! (Part 1) + Terrifying! A Disastrous Transfer Student Appears! (Part 2) + Terrifying! A Disastrous Transfer Student Appears! (Part 3) + Read the Signs! Mikoto Aiura's Fortune Telling + A Disastrous and Optimal Battle! (2019)★★
[139279] 8079. 齊木楠雄的災難:イジメ救Ψ!井口先生 + 突如開Ψ!リアルリアル型脫出ゲーム + 休日はウマと合う仲間と + 鳥束VS佐藤交Ψ権爭奪戦!!(前編) + 鳥束VS佐藤交Ψ権爭奪戦!!(後編)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Bully Rescue! Mr. Iguchi + Suddenly Begins! Real Real Escape Room + Spending the Weekend with Best Friends + Toritsuka VS. Satou! Love Contest! (1st Volume) + Toritsuka VS. Satou! Fighting Over Rights to Date! (2nd Volume) (2019)★★
[139280] 8080. 齊木楠雄的災難:斉木楠雄のΨ起動(1~5)"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Reawakening Saiki Kusuo (2019)★★
同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,喜歡到酒吧飲兩杯的你,對東京Bar High Five必定不會陌生。這間在東京銀座飲食區商業大樓內的雞尾酒愛好者朝聖地,不單藏有店主多年來從世界各地搜羅逾200支蘇格蘭威士忌,今年更獲得酒業界權威雜誌《Drinks International Magazine》選為亞洲50佳酒吧(Asia's50 ...
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[139251] 8051. 齊木楠雄的災難:再開!「一如既往」的日常 + 再次挑戰!聖誕節 + 新年伊始很重要 + 網球場上的愛情遊戲 + 甜點自助餐的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Restarting! Everyday Life, "As Usual" + Another Christmas Challenge! + First Experiences of the Year are Important + Courtside Love Game + Dessert Buffet Disaster (2018)★★
[139252] 8052. 齊木楠雄的災難:SF級的穿越體驗1 + SF級的穿越體驗2 + SF級的穿越體驗3 + 押忍!戀之挑戰書 + 穿衣品味存貨為0 "The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." FirstHand Science Fiction 1 + FirstHand Science Fiction 2 + FirstHand Science Fiction 3 + Sup! Love Challenge + Fashion Sense out of Stock (2018)★★
[139253] 8053. 齊木楠雄的災難:寒冬的災難 + 拜訪才虎財閥豪宅 + 來吧!最帥的樂園 + 無敵的防災對策 + 恭喜畢業!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." MidWinter Disaster + The Saiko Conglomerate Home Visit + Come On Over to Saiko Land! + Invincible Disaster Prevention Measures + Congratulations on Your Graduation! (2018)★★
[139254] 8054. 齊木楠雄的災難:梨步田依舞的災難 + 去詐欺吧!愚人節 + 春天的最終兵器 + 再利用!撿垃圾大賽 + 打音樂教室寂靜的幽靈"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Disastrous Life of Imu Rifuta + April Fools' Deceit! + Spring's Ultimate Weapon + Recycle! Trash Cleanup Competition + Cutting through the Silence, The Ghost in the Music Room (2018)★★
[139255] 8055. 齊木楠雄的災難:再戰!梨步田VS照橋 + 賢才的禮物 + 迷路的倉鼠說話帶關西腔 + 放浪!迷你小動物 + 按摩的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Rematch! Rifuta VS Teruhashi + Gifts of the Magi + The Lost Hamster with a Kansai Dialect + The Transient Miniature Animal + Massage Disaster (2018)★★
[139256] 8056. 齊木楠雄的災難:才虎財閥的豪華郵輪 + 齊木楠雄的遇難1 + 齊木楠雄的遇難2 + 齊木楠雄的遇難3 + 齊木楠雄的遇難4"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Saiko Conglomerate's Luxurious Cruise + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 1 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 2 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 3 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 4 (2018)★★
[139257] 8057. 齊木楠雄的災難:齊木楠雄的遇難5 + 齊木楠雄的遇難6 + 齊木楠雄的遇難7 + 胡說八道!PK學園新聞社 + 再會了!暑假的最後一天"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 5 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 6 + The Shipwreck of Saiki Kusuo 7 + The PK Academy Press Club Guillotine + Farewell! The Last Day of Summer Break (2018)★★
[139258] 8058. 齊木楠雄的災難:吵死了!不得了的轉學生出現! + 隱場氣場! + 微妙的小孩的麻煩事 + 再次挑戰!時空穿梭 + 照橋心美的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Totally Bad News Transfer Student Appears! + Escape the Aural Sight! + The Circumstances of Delicate Children + Another Time Leap Challenge! + The Disastrous Life of Kokomi Teruhashi (2018)★★
[139259] 8059. 齊木楠雄的災難:超能力者要小心注意(前篇) + 超能力者要小心注意(後篇) + 夢幻的超能力雜耍(前篇) + 夢幻的超能力雜耍(後篇) + 上天保佑一定要平安無事啊!!"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Psychics Should Exercise Extreme Caution (Part 1) + Psychics Should Exercise Extreme Caution (Part 2) + The Psychic Circus of Dreams (Part 1) + The Psychic Circus of Dreams (Part 2) + Hope You Get Well Soon! (2018)★★
[139260] 8060. 齊木楠雄的災難:防範詐騙犯!不可大意 + 齊木家集結!!(前篇) + 齊木家集結!!(後篇) + 村子裡的瘋狂科學家 + 齊聚一堂!PK學園的超能力者們"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Preventing A Scam! + The Saiki Family Reunion! (Part 1) + The Saiki Family Reunion! (Part 2) + The Rural Mad Scientist + PK Academy Psykickers Assemble! (2018)★★
[139261] 8061. 齊木楠雄的災難:醜男,晴天霹靂 + 隱藏才能上不能被發現! + 挑戰最恐怖的組合 + 奇跡般的凡人登場! + 圖書館的災難"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." An Ugly Bolt Out of the Blue + Conceal Your Hidden Power! + A Fight Between the Two Worst People + A Miraculously Average Guy Appears! + Disaster in the Library Room (2018)★★
[139262] 8062. 齊木楠雄的災難:心跳加速的交往宣言 + 最強的幫手!? + 小小地卻很聰明!小力2號的冒險 + 佐藤廣的災難 + 鬢角得頭髮弄得凌亂一些"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." A Strong Declaration of Friendship + The Best Wing Girl!? + The Adventures of Riki Jr. No.2, Small and Smart + The Disastrous Life of Hiroshi Satou + Trim a Bit Off the Sides (2018)★★
[139263] 8063. 齊木楠雄的災難:目良千里的再會(前篇) + 目良千里的再會(後篇) + 沉默生化人的異變 + 聚集!最強佔位置的高手們 + 為了最終回做準備"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Chisato Mera's Reunion (Part 1) + Chisato Mera's Reunion (Part 2) + An Abnormality with Silent Cyborg + The Ultimate Spot Claimers + Preface to the Final Episode (2018)★★
[139264] 8064. 齊木楠雄的災難:才虎一族最大的試煉 + 超能三人組 + 自然部最終尖叫計畫 + 愛情分數對決 + 天才畫家的繪畫教室"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." The Saiko Family's Greatest Trial + Psychic Sidekicks + The Occult Club's Final Scream Scheme + Love Score Showdown + The Master Artist's Classroom (2018)★★
[139265] 8065. 齊木楠雄的災難:重建棒球部吧!(前篇) + 重建棒球部吧!(後篇) + 蔬菜也要吃喔!烤肉篇 + 爸爸的再次就業!? + 催促!生日禮物"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." Rebuilding the Baseball Team! (Part 1) + Rebuilding the Baseball Team! (Part 2) + Eat Your Vegetables Too! The Yakiniku Epilogue + Dad's New Job!? + Birthday Present Demands (2018)★★
[139266] 8066. 齊木楠雄的災難:如果想找交往對象… + 給最愛的妹妹最好的禮物 + 靈能力者的再登場 + 高科技戰士百元超人! + 秘密·基地·內部"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." If You're Looking For a Boyfriend... + The Best Present For a Beloved Sister + The Spirit Medium Debuts Again + The High Tech Soldier, 100 Yen Man! + Inside the Secret Base (2018)★★
[139267] 8067. 齊木楠雄的災難:再訪!哥哥的5個命令 + 還有犀牛!去動物園吧 + 新人漫畫家的災難 + 海藤兄弟的災難 + 改變形象的超級女孩"The Disastrous Life of Saiki K." He’s Back! The Brother’s Five Directives + Let’s Go to the Zoo! + The Disastrous Work of a New Manga Author + The Disastrous Lives of the Kaidou Brothers + A Girl’s Makeover (2018)★★
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The Fifth Element(1997)
Director:Luc Besson
Cinematographer:Thierry Arbogast
2nd unit DOP:Nick Tebbet
Production Designer:Dan Weil
Key grip:Joe Celeste
Camera grip:Jean Pierre Mas
Stunt coordinator:Marc Boyle
Costume Designer:Jean-Paul Gaultier
Visual Effects supervisor:Mark Stetson
Creature Effects supervisor:Nick Dudman
Miniature Effects supervisor:Niels Nielsen
Visual Effects DOP:Bill Neil
Special Effects supervisor:Neil Corbould
Pyrotechnics supervisor:Thaine Morris
Luc Besson said he started writing the screenplay when he was 16, creating the vivid fantasy universes to combat the boredom he experienced living in rural France. But it didn't reach the screen until he was 38 years old; by that time, he felt he was old enough to actually have something to say about life.
According to costume designer Jean Paul Gaultier, the enfant terrible of the fashion world who once gave Madonna conical breasts, designed the futuristic costumes for The Fifth Element—more than 1000 of them. He didn't just design them, either For crowd scenes, where there might be hundreds of extras wearing his costume designs, he'd go around making adjustments to ensure everyone looked right before the cameras rolled.
According to Gaultier, Besson had lined up Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts, and Prince to play the leads in 1992, before financial problems delayed the project. (It's not clear whether any of them had officially signed on or were merely considering it.) Besson arranged for Gaultier to meet with Prince when the singer was in Paris so he could show him sketches of his designs. The meeting proved awkward (as one assumes many meetings with Prince are), and The Purple One later told Besson that he found the costumes "a bit too effeminate." It's entirely possible that the production delays would have prevented Prince from committing anyway, but it's fun to think about what Ruby Rhod would have been like in different hands. Gaultier had also unwittingly offended Prince with his description of one proposed outfit, a mesh suit with a padded, fringe-bedecked rear. Gaultier kept referring to this part of the suit as a "faux cul" ("fake ass"), but because of his thick accent, he said Prince misheard him as saying, "F-\-\- you!" Tucker has said he took inspiration from both Prince and Michael Jackson in crafting his performance as Ruby Rhod.
When filming began, the production decided to dye Milla Jovovich's hair from its natural brown color to her character's signature orange color. However, due to the fact that her hair had to be re-dyed regularly to maintain the bright color, Milla's hair quickly became too damaged and broken to withstand the dye. Eventually a wig was created to match the color and style of Leeloo's hair, and was used for the remainder of the production.
Luc Besson, an admitted comic book fan, had two famous French comic book artists in mind for this movie's visual style when he started writing the movie in high school, Jean Giraud (Moebius) and Jean-Claude Mézières. Both artists have long-standing comic book series in France. Moebius is best known for "Blueberry" and the (French) Magazine and (U.S.) movie Heavy Metal (1981). Mézières is best known for the "Valerian" series. Both series are still in production today. Moebius and Mezieres, who attended art school together but had never collaborated on a project until this movie, started renderings for this movie in the early 1990s and are responsible for the majority of the overall look of the movie, including the vehicles, spacecrafts, buildings, human characters, and aliens. However, only Giraud is credited, and even then, he wasn't even granted a premium when the movie was eventually produced.
Some of the most memorable moments from the film are views of a future New York, complete with flying cars and a mass of new and old skyscrapers. The film was one of Digital Domain’s huge miniature shows released that year – the others being Dante’s Peak and Titanic – while also heralding the fast-moving world of CGI in the movies. The New York scenes were created using a combination of CGI (for the flying cars), live action (the people), and scale models (the buildings). A crew of 80 on the production design team spent five months building dozens of city blocks at 1/24th scale.The visual effects for The Fifth Element were realized with a masterful combination of motion control miniatures, CG, digital compositing and effects simulations by Digital Domain. The flying traffic created by the visual Effects team allowed artists to create personalized license plates. Though never visible in the movie, the state slogan printed on all license plates reads "New York, The F***-You State."The people populating the roofs, decks, and windows during the visual effects sequences in New York City are the artists and employees at Digital Domain.
The text scrolling across a Times Square theater marquee as Korben dives down through traffic is actually an excerpt from an e-mail dispute between several artists at Digital Domain. Other signs on digital and practical, miniature buildings contain similar in-jokes and references and the large cylindrical tanker truck that Korben's cab almost hits at the end of his descent is decorated with the logo of a Venice, California, pizza parlor that was a favorite of Digital Domain artists.
‘You know, Mark, I don’t want to do these ‘fancy panning around and seeing the whole world shots’. I’d much rather set a camera looking down a street, having a cab rush towards me, and cut as it passes by, and then cut to a reverse of it passing by, and construct my film that way.’ – The Fifth Element visual effects supervisor Mark Stetson relates what director Luc Besson said to him about staging the film’s New York City shots.
This was Mark Stetson’s first visual effects supervisor role, this is what he had to say about it in a VFX blog article
Mark Stetson: I wasn’t afraid of the size of it. I didn’t think it was huge at the time. I mean, it was sort of standard tent pole-ish at the time and I was confident that I could do that, but it was my first one and there was a ton I had to learn, especially about digital visual effects. And I was very supported by Digital Domain. It was Digital Domain 1.0 back then, and they really gave me a great team. It was a great experience all around.
During the prep period, cinematographer Thierry Arbogast worked extensively with production designer Dan Weil to integrate various lighting units — primarily fluorescent and occasionally ultraviolet fixtures — within the sets themselves. More often than not, the futuristic spaces dictated the types of fixtures that could be used.
Arbogast had some challenges on the film he said this about the opera scene.
“Most of the lights you see in the opera house were already there. The difficulty was in lighting the people in the audience without illuminating the white facades of the balcony. Therefore, we used a lot of flags to focus our lighting precisely on the people.”
Gary Oldman played Zorg as a cross between then-Presidential candidate Ross Perot and Bugs Bunny.
In most shots of Gary Oldman, there is a circle around his head. In fact, a circle in the middle of the frame is a nearly constant motif in this movie. Bruce Willis, on the other hand, is more often framed by a rectangle or doorway behind him.
In keeping with the hands-on approach Besson established on Le Dernier Combat and has practiced on all of his successive films — Subway (1985), The Big Blue (1988), Atlantis (1990), La Femme Nikita (1991) and The Professional (1994) — the filmmaker operated the camera himself throughout the entire shoot. While such a working situation is rare for directors working within the Hollywood system, Besson prefers it because he can maintain better control of the onscreen action. "I create the frame and the movement within it," he explains. "Why lose time explaining everything to someone else? He's going to be slightly off, and then I'm going to freak out and say, 'No, this is not what we discussed. I want the camera here!' So it's better for everyone involved if I just do it myself.
"I write each action scene as if it is a ballet; the movements fit with the music. Generally, I'll shoot a fight sequence for 10 days using just one or two cameras and a very small crew. I've already written out the fight scene in my head, shot by shot. I do this for each and every sequence so that we can just shoot it, and then put the scene together in the editing room. At the same time, when you're on the set, you can have an idea at the last moment; you realize that from a different angle the light might be better, so you change the perspective [of the shot]. But I'll always write down and block out this [new] progression."
The explosion in the Fhloston main hall was the largest indoor explosion ever filmed. The resulting fire almost went beyond control. It took twenty-five minutes to put out.
At the time, it was the most expensive movie ever produced outside of Hollywood, most expensive French production history, and at $80 million USD, the visual effects budget of the movie was the highest of its time.
The wonder on Bruce Willis' face when the Diva sings is real. That was the first time he'd heard it and seen the actress in full make-up.
Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, Chris Tucker and Gary Oldman are all left-handed.
The director had been married to Maïwenn Le Besco, who plays the Diva Plavalaguna, since 1992 (when she was 16 and he was 33, but that's another story). She didn't want to be in the film, adhering to the old adage that married people shouldn't work together and co-workers shouldn't marry each other. But when the actress Besson had cast as the Diva dropped out, Le Besco took the part got painted blue and gave a memorable performance. Alas, Besson didn't share his wife's policy of not mixing work with relationships. He left her during the production for Milla Jovovich, whom he married at the end of 1997 and divorced two years later... then that happened
From Mental floss,vfx blog,ASCmag article,IMDb,YouTube visual element doc.
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by Misako Aoki, official Lolita Fashion Kawaii Ambassador
- 青木美沙子のゴシックロリータヘアアレンジ講座 -
Misako Aoki is known for flying all over the world promoting lolita fashion.
She is a fashion model from the magazine KERA and the official model of the lolita fashion brand BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT.
She works as a nurse inbetween her modeling and lolita brand producing activities, and released a new book in Spring, which photoshooting video can be seen here, including interviews :
Tokyo Street Fashion KAWAII♥PATEEN
_Have fun with Fashion!_
Everything kawaii, Street fashion snaps, makeup tutorials and reports on fashion events in TOKYO!!
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Official site : http://waoryu.jp
Today I'm going to show your two Gothic Lolita hairstyles.
First, I'll show you how to do a cool hairstyle for Gothic Lolita.
We want a cool look, so I'm going to hide the bangs.
Pick up a section from the other side, bring it forward and create one full braid.
Take a little piece from the bangs and add it.
It is easy to secure if you braid tightly. Just keep braiding tightly.
If you want to change your hairstyle, you can try pulling up the bangs, and I'm sure you will get a fresh look.
This time actually we are going to create a flower braid.
Just roll the braid up,and pin it in place.
Gather your hair to a high ponytail a little high.
There are some red colored accessories here, and since I want to do a girly Gothic Lolita look.
I am going to apply this red lip gloss.
Apply it to the entire lip area.
Red lips will also suit for a witch makeup or a vampire makeup for Halloween.
And also perfect for a snow white style.
Wear lip gloss.
All over the lips with red lip gloss. Finished.
To match the red lips, I'm going to show you how to do a girly Gothic Lolita hairstyle.
Divide your hair into two sections, twisting both sides of you r hair.
Continue twisting the hair until it forms tight, and pin the twist into place.
Repeat on the other side.
Twist the other side of your hair until it begins to fold back onto itself.
Pin the twist into place.
Next we are going to create a fishbone braid.
Separate your hair into two sections, split it into three portions, take the back over the middle and then we're going to take the front over the middle.
Continue doing this.Braid tightly.
Fish bone braids are easy when you want to have the tips out, or want to make a little loose braid.
That's why I want to share this with you.
Braid your hair half way down. I'm going to stop right here.
It would be a little boring look if you braid the hair into a regular braid.
Stop here. Curl the rest of the hair hanging loose for a lovely Gothic look.
After that, I'm going to style a loose braid having the top sticking out.
Pull the braid so that it's uneven and loose.
Can you see that it looks like a little heart here? It looks cute.
I am going to wear hair barrette behind my head.
Add this ribbon barrette in the middle of the twist, and hide the rubber band.
And wear two ribbon hair combs easily sticking to the hair.
Put the big one above the small one for a good balance. Although this itself is cute.
I wear red lip and there are red patterns on my dress, so I'm going to put on this red ribbon.
If you are going to a fancy place such as a tea party four or five ribbons would be cute too.
Hope you like this tutorial for Gothic Lolita makeup and hair
Please give it a try.
I'm Misako Aoki. See you next time.