這裏不單匯聚超過150個世界奢華及設計師品牌,包括Bottega Veneta、Cartier、Gucci、Dolce and Gabbana及Louis Vuitton等;置身精心打造而成的購物廊 T Galleria,您更可選購130多個國際品牌的美妝產品及香水、時裝、配飾、手錶及珠寶,享受最高端而豐富的購物選擇!
【High-end retail all at Four Seasons!】
The four malls of Sands Shoppes have their own unique charm, with Shoppes at Four Seasons personifying the bespoke elegance of the Four Seasons!
Located at The Plaza™ Macao, Shoppes at Four Seasons is home to more than 150 luxury and designer brands, including Bottega Veneta, Cartier, Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana, and Louis Vuitton. The specially-designed T Galleria also includes a comprehensive range of beauty and fragrance, fashion, accessories, watches and jewellery, featuring over 130 international brands! Strolling around the mall, you will be amazed by the finest retail choices here!
Learn more:https://hk.venetianmacao.com/shopping/shoppes.html