Two questions, how and why?
香港寬頻於本周一 (4月16日) 發現一個已停用的客戶資料庫遭到未經授權入侵。發現未經授權入侵後,公司已即時進行深入的內部調查,以及外聘網絡安全顧問對所有系統及伺服器進行全面檢查。
公司目前仍在調查事件,以找出發生未經授權入侵的原因。公司在此向受事件影響的客戶致歉。我們會歇盡所能堵截這些違法行為,採取嚴密措施,防範同類事件再度發生。客戶若有查詢,請致電專線3616 9111或電郵至。
【Important Notice】
Hong Kong Broadband Network Limited (“HKBN” or “the company”) announces that it discovered this Monday (16 April) an unauthorized access to an inactive customer database. Upon identifying the unauthorized access, HKBN immediately commenced a thorough internal investigation and engaged an external network security consultant to conduct a comprehensive check of all systems and servers.
The database contains information of some 380,000 customer and service applicant records of HKBN fixed and IDD services as of 2012, representing about 11% of its total 3.6 million records. Information in the said database includes name, email address, correspondence address, telephone number, identity card number and some 43,000 credit card information as of 2012. HKBN is not aware that any of the other customer databases of HKBN is affected.
HKBN takes this matter very seriously and immediately reported it to the Police yesterday. The company will also inform its affected customers and notify the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data accordingly. HKBN will fully cooperate with the authorities in the process.
We are continuing the investigation to identify the cause of the unauthorized, and will spare no effort in the combat against such illegal act, implementing rigorous measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again. We would also like to take this opportunity to apologise to our affected customers. Customers who have any queries can contact us at hotline: 3616 9111 or email:
For detailed press release, please refer to