更正:教務處今午透過電郵指同學需在8月21日1000準時按下 “Proceed to Step 2 of 3”,並非先前宣佈的於1000時前按下,意味同學需於1000時按下”Proceed to Step 2 to 3” 及 “Finish Enrolling” 。
Amendment: The Registry issued a notice regarding course enrollment to all freshmen through email, clarifying that students should click "Proceed to Step 2 of 3 " at 10:00 sharp on August 21 instead of clicking it before 10:00 as stated in their previous email.
今年所有嘢都變晒online,放榜、reg day都遲咗好多,但又就嚟要reg科!Freshmen根本就準備唔切,但reg錯科足以後悔成年。
Due to the pandemic, everything has been postponed and moved online. There isn’t enough time for freshmen to prepare for course registration. However, choosing the wrong classes can lead to regrets. So check the tutorial out and avoid being too slow in choosing your desired classes!
有個網站俾你睇邊個cc仲有位! There’s a site to check different common core courses’ vacancies!
Common Core enrollment statistics link:
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hkufm2020 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【校園資訊】Reg Hall詳情一覽
由依家起至8月19號下午5點59分,各位freshmen(完成咗Master Registration後)同埋現任學生可以登入HKU Portal reg hall喇!如果想了解多啲關於hall life同各個hall嘅文化,喺8月17、18嘅10:00至 18:00或者19號嘅10:00 - 14:00都會有Hall Introduction。同學記得透過呢個Google Forms link(https://forms.gle/TZ3C2dndki4XYyok9) 報名參加啦!唔得閒參加嘅同學亦可以到 https://www.hkusuorientation.hku.hk/ 了解關於唔同hall嘅資訊。
【Campus Info】Hall Application Info
Upon completion of their online Master Registration, freshmen and current students can now register for residential halls on HKU Portal till 19/8 (17:59). Hall Introduction Days will be held on 17/8 and 18/8, from 10:00 to 18:00, as well as on 19/8, from 10:00 to 14:00. Students who are interested in knowing more about different halls’ culture and activities can attend any session by registering through this Google Forms link (https://forms.gle/TZ3C2dndki4XYyok9). If you are unable to attend any of the above sessions, fear not! Information about different halls can be found on https://www.hkusuorientation.hku.hk/.
#CampusTV #HKU #KongU #HKUSU #港大 #香港大學 #香港大學學生會 #校園電視 #2020DSE #hkufm2020