【Taiwan's Red Capital Dilemma】
In recent years, Chinese capital or 'red capital' has been prevalent in Taiwan. It covers from daily life products to various major construction projects. Much of the Chinese investments enters Taiwan legally but some of which find the illegal loop holes to break in.
CommonWealth magazine investigated and sorted six major problems that come along with the Chinese investment trend for our readers. It is not just a matter of business but also national security. Why Taiwan failed to manage it effectively? How should Taiwan find the balance between openness and regulation under the wave of red capital?
台灣開放陸資以來,置身於全球性的紅色大潮漩渦中。從台灣人的食衣住行育樂,到重大產業如IC設計、政府污水BOT項目,然而除了合法管道外,《天下》調查發現,竟有許多陸資違法偷跑、或遊走灰色地帶,另循四條管道祕密登台,造成六大亂象。 為什麼台灣對陸資管理無效?面對一邊是陸資代表的大市場、大資金優勢,另一邊是本土技術、人才流失、甚至是國安危機,台灣在這兩難之間該怎麼選擇?
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