Opinion | US Secretary of State is violating the Law of Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong
HK Current
20th of October 2020
By Athena Kung
On 14th of October 2020 [US time], a report was released by the United States (hereinafter refer to as "the US") Secretary of State (hereinafter referred to as "the said Report") under the so-called "Hong Kong Autonomy Act". During recent months, the US Government has been increasingly blatant in its interference in Hong Kong's affairs. Its petty actions included passing successive laws, pronouncing an executive order and imposing 'sanctions' against HKSAR Government's officials under the pretext of so-called "human rights", "democracy" and "autonomy".
In short, the accusations against the HKSAR Government contained in the said Report are all groundless, unwarranted and irresponsible. All the comments in the said Report are really smearing and demonising The Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR (hereinafter referred to as "National Security Law"). Being the highest organ of state power, the National People's Congress (hereinafter referred to as "the NPC") has lawfully authorized the Standing Committee of the NPC (hereinafter referred to as "the SCNPC") to formulate relevant laws on establishing the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the HKSAR to safeguard the national security. Thus, the enactment of the National Security Law on 30th of June 2020 by the SCNPC is both lawful and constitutional.
Before the implementation of the National Security Law, due to the fear towards the violence exercised by the rioters who supported HK independence, majority of the HK citizens did not dare to voice out their opinions whenever their views was against that of the rioters. Only the riots were able to enjoy the freedom of speech during the whole period of Black Power Anti-government Movement. However, since the National Security Law has come into effect, stability can be restored in the HKSAR step by step, whereas once again, HK citizens are able to enjoy their basic rights and freedoms in accordance with the law as before. All along, the US Government has embellished the violence and illegal acts exercised by the rioters who are wrongfully beautified as democracy warrior. The ulterior motives behind was US Government's great desire to build up a pro-American Government in HK by promoting Colour Revolution here. With the success of promoting HK Independence, the US may make use of HK as a Bridgehead to attack PRC whose Great Rejuvenation might then be hindered.
Recently, US has also imposed certain "sanctions" on financial institutions and HKSAR Government officials, which is another concrete evidence proving the hegemony on the part of US. The US Government has been exerting pressure on financial institutions and HKSAR Government officials so as to threaten the officials not to pass any law or policies which the US Government dislike. By so doing, the US Secretary of State is clearly violating 2 areas of the National Security Law, including:
(1) Secession under Article 20(1), namely participating in separating the HKSAR from the PRC by with a view to committing secession or undermining national unification whether or not by force or threat of force ; and
(2) Subversion under Article 22(3), namely participating in seriously interfering in, disrupting, or undermining the performance of duties and functions in accordance with the law by the body of power of the HKSAR by force or threat of force or other unlawful means with a view to subverting the State.
Is the National Security Law applicable to the US Secretary of State? The answer is positive. Under Article 38, the National Security Law shall apply to offences under this Law committed against the HKSAR from outside the Region by a person who is not a permanent resident of the Region.
In addition, according to Article 55 of the National Security Law, it is appropriate for the national security case of the US Secretary of State to be taken up by the Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR (hereinafter referred to as "the Office"):
"Article 55
The Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR shall, upon approval by the Central People's Government of a request made by the Government of the HKSAR or by the Office itself, exercise jurisdiction over a case concerning offence endangering national security under this law, if:
(1) the case is complex due to the involvement of a foreign country or external elements, thus making it difficult for the Region to exercise jurisdiction over the case ;
(2) a serious situation occurs where the Government of the Region is unable to effectively enforce this law ; or
(3) a major and imminent threat to national security has occurred."
No doubt, with the involvement of the US Secretary of State who enjoys a high weight in the US Government in a national security case, the whole case would definitely become very complex as a result of existence of such an external element. After all, it would be extremely difficult for the HKSAR Government to exercise jurisdiction over the case, for instance, in the areas of collecting evidence and making necessary investigations. Under such circumstances, it is necessary for the Office to take up this case and exercise jurisdiction over it.
The author is Barrister-at-law.
The views don't necessarily reflect those of Orange News.
責編:CK Li
「hong kong autonomy act sanctions」的推薦目錄:
- 關於hong kong autonomy act sanctions 在 小小人物做小事 - 高松傑Jacky Facebook 的最讚貼文
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- 關於hong kong autonomy act sanctions 在 How the US wields the Hong Kong Autonomy Act - YouTube 的評價
hong kong autonomy act sanctions 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳解答
為咗Pompeo個「一張廢紙」報告嗰幾個關鍵字"foreign financial institution"、"significant transactions" 同 "knowing"出Q&A喎!
U.S. Department of The Treasury原文:
Publication of FAQs related to a report pursuant to section 5(a) of the Hong Kong Autonomy Act; Hong Kong-related Designation Updates
英國Home Office官僚無情嘅歷史原因
hong kong autonomy act sanctions 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最讚貼文
【🔎 深度剖析美國制裁的後果、影響以及中共反制可能】
(利申:本人非法律從業員,亦沒有任何對US Sanctions Law的專業資格,以下內容純粹是自行資料搜集及分析)
1. 被制裁官員所受到影響是災難性,輕則所有在銀行的資產被凍結,重則完全沒有金融、專業機關為其服務,大公司離他們而去。但淒慘待遇仍有上升空間,皆因兩條香港法律的制裁內容尚未用盡。
2. 在美元霸權底下,中共無反枱和對等報復的能力。
3. 制裁名單的深度以及闊度都有極大上升空間,並且在中美關係惡化下必然會有更多輪的制裁。所以今輪有幸逃過一劫的高官黑警要提心吊膽了。
4. 其實制裁最有效的地方,是美國政府擁有極大的酌情權,從而令個人、企業、交易伙伴在這個相對含糊且風險極大的狀況下,選擇避險而拒絕向被制裁人士提供服務。因此,閱讀條文當然重要,但實際上還是需要放在政治氣候中理解。
1. 其實早在兩個月前,有NGO便收到一些關於Global Magnitsky Act的消息,美國財務部表示開始研究制裁賣港官員,並希望NGO提供資訊。任何制裁行動,其實最大的難關是要得到財務部的首肯,皆因財務部內多是技術官僚,又是制裁的主要執行單位,同時有部分制裁措施會影響財政收入,財務部自然是制裁名單最大的把關者。無疑,制裁賣港官員的綠燈早已開通,其實制裁的發生只是時機的問題。而我亦當然沒有洩露風聲,以免打草驚蛇。
2. 同時,我們都可以預計制裁名單將會慢慢增加。一方面中美局勢只會繼續惡化,某程度上這些新彊、香港官員都只是「前菜」,真正坐在中共政治局常委的大佬級都尚未被動刀;另外,在兩條法案中,仍有大堆制裁尚未用到,例如制裁與違反《中英聯合聲明》或《基本法》人士進行重要交易的金融機構,禁止任何人和公司與該金融機構進行交易、制裁該本融機構的負責人等。日後或會因為局勢升溫而選用。因此,制裁的寬度及深度在未來有極大機會增加。
3. 同時,根據香港自治法案 (Hong Kong Autonomy Act),被制裁的門檻可謂有今生無來世地低,基本上只要一個非美國人為中國政府未能履行《中英聯合聲明》或《基本法》的義務一事作出重大貢獻,或意圖 (attempts) 作出重大貢獻,便可以被列入制裁名單之內 -- 與Global Magnitsky Act中當事人要涉及嚴重侵犯人權行為的高門檻有明顯差別。
4. 所以美國政府要制裁賣港高官黑警可以是「悉隨尊便」,門檻低到只要是公務員,便絕對有可能符合資格被制裁。所以張建宗、波叔、肇事黑警、DQ主任,甚至賣港保皇黨,勸你們都是要做足準備,保險要斷供的斷供、準備在銀行搬錢擺在月餅罐吧。
5. 這亦涉及其他盟友,例如已經就Global Magnitsky Act立法的英國會否實施制裁。當然,正如上述所言,Global Magnitsky Act的制裁門檻高出太多,可能未必如美國根據香港自治法案般「得心應手」,但針對單獨幾名高官,應是沒有問題的,亦只是時間問題。其餘民主國家都有相當大機會加入戰團,來表示對香港以及中國議題的關注--在大局上,制裁香港官員都只是小菜一碟,根本不會動搖到國家核心利益,因此絕對有可能成為一種簡單快捷的表態工具。
1. 被列入制裁名單,最顯而易見的結果是在美資銀行戶口、或任何銀行的美元戶口會被凍結,日後再也不能使用美元。但如果非美資銀行以美元以外的貨幣與他們進行交易,按字面的理解,「理論上」是可以的。(例如HSBC容許林鄭以港元存款或取款)
2. 但這些跨國銀行至少有三個考慮導致他們並不會這樣做:
一. 幾乎所有大銀行的銀行過數都會經總部設在比利時的SWIFT系統,而美國絕對有政治籌碼向SWIFT施壓。
二. 即使外資銀行,美國以及香港同為分行、子公司,仍會擔心被美國制裁波及,而無任何一間銀行可以缺乏美金營運的。
三. 在美國的Sanctions Law中,其中一個制裁可以涵蓋到非美國公司的條款,是只要該公司在美國「存在」,OFAC都可以視為擁有這些交易的法定管豁權(If a non-U.S. company …... has a presence in the U.S., the transaction can become subject to OFAC jurisdiction. )。換言之,如果OFAC啟動這個條款,港資、中資、英資任何銀行只要在美國有營運,都是受制裁內容所限制的。
3. 因此,即使運用狹窄的閱讀今次沒有明顯連帶secondary sanctions的條款,各大銀行亦有相當大可能投鼠忌器,而凍結林鄭的資產以及拒絕為她服務。銀行甚至可能會擔心林鄭會用家人的戶口避開制裁,用「連坐法」將林鄭家人都列入高風險名單內,每次提供服務前都會加強審查。皆因在「制裁」的措施上,政府是有相當大的酌情權,而美國政府亦沒有進一步說明制裁的幅度。
4. 至於制裁力度有幾大?逐條Transaction計,民事罰款是最高25萬美金或Transaction的雙倍,刑事條款則可以判最高20年監禁或罰款最高100萬。而在條文外違規銀行遭受美國政府針對,代價甚至比這些罰則高出許多。會有銀行冒險幫林鄭工作嗎?所以,結論是顯而易見的,銀行會選擇避險多於賠上自己的生存空間。
5. 當然,政府會否瘋狂到利用國安法要脅銀行,假如他們跟從美國的制裁便是違反國安法,從而逼迫這些銀行二揀一,於美國或香港撤走。如此一來,香港便正式進入超前攬炒,百年基業真的一鋪清袋。
1. 在財務部的聲明中,寫明美國公司不能提供的”funds, goods, or services”,前兩者的意思直接了當,而當中的”serivce”理應是包括金錢交易。因此,合理推斷為所有免費提供的服務,被制裁的人其實應該可以享用,包括社交媒體、Whatsapp、手機免費軟件等。
2. 當然,亦有個案是被放在制裁名單上(即使是根據不同的法案及法理基礎),Facebook仍然選擇封鎖其帳號,而Twitter則沒有。因此,各個服務提供者如何摸索法律的界線,其實是是有些各自判斷的空間。
3. 因此,理論上有很多事情林鄭都可以繼續:使用Facebook、Twitter(但不能賣廣告)、Whatsapp(但不能買sticker),透過別人替她購買所需美國用品/服務,因為當中不涉及她與服務提供者(例如Windows、美國餐廳之類)的直接金錢交易。但正如前述,政府的酌情權是極大的,這些公司應當「避得就避」,不難預見會有很多拒絕服務的情況發生。
4. 而她的生活就變相難捱很多--基本上信用卡報廢,銀行卡又因為制裁相當可能報廢,所有美國產品都要由旁人替他購買。而正在續供的美資保險、投資產品,亦隨之被全面凍結,血本無歸。
5. 而任何他們所持有(或股權超過50%)的公司,都是享有他們的「個人待遇」,受以上的限制規範。
1. 即使制裁聲明並無限制十一人入境,但在總統行政命列明受制裁人物以及其直屬家人會自動無法進入美國,因此他們應該是無權進入美國。
2. 然而,在制裁措施中,只有入境方面會波及家人,金融制裁上則不會受影響,因此林鄭的家庭成員是仍然可以使用銀行服務的。
3. 所以放在大家都很關注的問題上:林鄭的兒子應該是*會受部分影響*,無法入境美國,但如果是遙距上課,或是在海外替哈佛打工,那應是沒有違反現行制裁的。
1. 在「以牙還牙」的制裁上,或許中共會像以往一樣向部分美國官員實施制裁,但實際上的威攝力有限,因為中國政府根本不可能像美國的長臂政策般規管到國際企業拒絕服務美國官員。事實上,這些官員亦不需要將資產放在中資企業式銀行上,變相威攝力有限。
2. 以「人質外交」的角度而言,或者中共會抓捕一些他們稱為「美帝代言人」的政治人物--但這種謊言又有誰相信?那只會是美國發動新一輪制裁的契機。
3. 而在政策層面上,更是無計可施,俱俱十一位香港事務官員被制裁,已經是中國面對排山倒海的問題其中一小樁事--中共企業在美全面被圍剿、清查,Wechat、抖音被封鎖,國際接連發出會制裁國級官員的訊息……老實說,這十一位被制裁高官,被當成Condom的機會非常大。
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