To all my friends and colleagues living in areas outside Asia.
Its been a while since the coronavirus (WARS) became the headline of every day’s news. It is however very concerning that many of the people living in the west still think that influenza is more serious than WARS and that Asian countries are being drama queen and overreacting.
If you even think for one second that this WARS is less deadly or concerning than influenza, you are misinformed. It is fine to be misinformed but it’s pure ignorance if you are misinformed and still choose to spread untrue information in the net.
Some point form quick facts for you
1. You CANNOT trust the figures released by China, period. They are very likely underreported and manipulated by the authority.
2. Current death rate (2%) is not the eventual death rate. SARS has taught us a lesson that the final death rate is multiples of initial death rate because of the modern advancement of critical care and life support medication and devices.
3. Influenza death rate (0.05%) is much lower than the current death rate of WARS. We have effective medication for high risk population who contracted influenza (tamiflu and some more Novel ones).
We know the clinical course of influenza, the clinical complications and their management. We know the likely at risk population of influenza and how to minimize their risk. We have vaccination available for all the ar risk population.
What do we have for WARS? Nothing, not even the transmission route, not the natural reservoirs carrying the virus, not the clinical course, not the management and we don’t even know what might be the potential complications and which complication would be more likely to happen to what population.
When we essentially don’t know anything about it, clinical management becomes a disaster. What level of PPE should clinicians wear? What level of isolation facility to put patient in? What level of contact tracing should we initiate? How do we handle the occupational risk and hazard for clinicians looking after the patients?
4. The current outbreak of WARS is just the beginning. Cases and deaths in China is increasing exponentially Day by day at an extremely concerning rate.
If you are still comparing it with influenza, I sincerely urge you to get properly informed and be vigilant about this virus. WARS is no joke, if you let your guard down and not lobby for public health measures, it will get you one day.