Playworks2 x Mr. 驚嘆號
/ 多肉的生長過程,像極了愛情 /
預計出貨:2020 12月下旬 (出貨時間依照廠商為主)
『設計師介紹 - William Lee』
2019年的春天,一位以工業設計及GK原型為基底的設計師,創立了自己的設計師品牌 - Mr. 驚嘆號。因喜愛怪美系潮流玩具,於2019年TTF首次亮相全手作原創潮玩作品-多肉君Dorokun。沒料想反應熱烈,開展第一天全數售完只好緊急追加支數。在展會期間與現場粉絲交流時獲得一劑強心針,更加堅定地踏上創作公仔之路。
The Designer- William Lee
William Lee, an established industrial designer and a hobbyist of Garage kit Figures decides to create a new toy brand-Mr. ECMT.Mark Spring of 2019 due his passion for trendy designer toys.
Leading to Dorokun, an original design that made its debut in Taipei Toy Festival fall of the same year. Received with overwhelmingly positive response, Dorokun sold out on its first day. For the rest of the event preorders were offered to accommodate his newly acquired fans.
Being at the event allowed William to meet and really get to know Dorokun’s supporters and further gave him the confidence to continue down the road of toy designs.
『作品設計理念 – 以愛為名,為愛而生』
The epitome of love- Dorokun
Succulents, are plants with parts that are thickened, fleshy, and engorged, usually to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions. Its characteristic is that it can survive in places with high temperature and low rainfall. Succulents occasionally become epiphytes, resourcefully collects hard-to-obtain water and nutrients to survive, even to grow and prosper. No matter how severe the environment is, succulents adjust and thrive accordingly; just like love, always finds a way to sustain and nurture.
Dorokun includes parts of Chain of hearts to symbolize the intertwined relationship of love and through the designer’s personal interpretation of hope and love will bring many more designs in the future.