What will you going to learn in teacher training
1. Asana Practice
做老師唔一定要做到好advance先有資格教人,但你必須見識得多,知點教你先可以企出黎,所以除左自己個practice外,對asana既認識都非常重要。可能你覺得自己都practice左一段時間,已經好熟悉啲式子,但其實係咪呢?你覺得自己係記得啲式子定真係了解?式子既sanskrti你又知唔知係咩呢?點串,點解,點記呢?如果一個瑜伽老師唔識梵文,等於英文老師學人教英文,有咩資格做老師呢?然後你可唔可以舉一反三,融匯貫通?例如一個shoulder movement 可以知道點樣應用係其他式子上?或者了解點解要甘擺位用力,點解會受傷?點解做得唔好,點解做錯,點樣可以再做好啲呢?yoga teacher training正正就係開發你呢方面既知識。
200 - hour foundation yoga teacher training
入學要求: 最少一年恆常瑜伽練習經驗 喜歡及相信瑜伽 希望可增加對瑜伽既認識,希望日後可以將所 學既分享比身邊人
學習文本: 英文
What will you going to learn:
1) Asana Practice (from basic to advanced)
2) Yoga History and Philosophy
3) Anatomy
4) Meditation and Pranayama
5) knowledge of pregnancy and options to mothers-to-be
6) Practicum: how to teach, what do you need to prepare, what situation you will going to face to
7) Hand on adjustment in different situation
8.) Marketing and how to find a job
What will we provide:
1) locker
2) shower facilities
3) all the yoga equipments and teaching materials
4) one on one section to seek the goal / style/ the struggle you are facing now
5) Yoga Alliance certificate
schedule 1:18 April 2020 - 5 July 2020 (break from 25 May - 5 June)
schedule 2 : 12 September 2020 - 2 December 2020 (break from 19 October - 30 November)
Time:Saturdays & Sunday : 10am - 5pm Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Early Bird Discounted Price: 28,500 hkd (schedule 1 : ends on 2 March, schedule 2: ends on 30July)
Regular : 32,000 hkd
Details: www.thepracticegroup.com