-4 cawan ubi kayu siap diparut - tak boleh bagi sukatan ubi kayu dalam kg sebab ubi kayu ni kadangkala ada yang keras dan tak boleh diparut. Susut isinya pulak. Jadi yang tepat, sukat setelah diparut.
-2 cawan santan pekat
-1 cawan gula pasir
-1/2 sudu teh garam
-sedikit pewarna kuning
Cara membuatnya:
Panaskan ketuhar pada suhu 200 darjah Celcius.
Masukkan loyang ke dalam ketuhar dan letakkan di rak paling bawah. Bakar bengkang selama 1 jam - 1 1/2 jam atau hingga bahagian atas bengkang keperangan. Setelah masak, keluarkan dan sejukkan dalam lebih kurang 3-5 jam sebelum dipotong dan dihidang.
Tips 📣📣📣:
Banyak resepi kuih berasaskan ubi kayu yang dibaca dalam majalah atau blog mempunyai arahan berbeza dalam penyediaannya.
Contohnya ada yang dicampur air, ditapis dan buang hampasnya, ambil sagunya sahaja dan kemudian dicampur tepung...
Bagi resepi ni mudah sahaja; ubi kayu yang siap diparut tu, terus dicampur santan, gula, garam dan masuk loyang terus. Kacau, dan masak... tak perlu tepung sebab ubi kayu ni dah berkanji...inilah yang menjadikan kuih bengkang ni lembut lemak manis dan kenyal.. bukan lembik..
loyang pun tak perlu dilengser kerana santan pekat menyebabkan kuih tidak melekat dan senang dipotong dengan syarat kuih telah cukup disejukkan.
Sumber resepi dari blog.
Credit : Zatiyy Zam
- 4 cups of cassava scarred - can't give the measure of cassava in the village because of this cassava sometimes there are hard and can't be scar The contents are shrinking. So the right one, size after scars.
- 2 cups of thick coconut milk
- 1 cups of sand sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- some yellow dye
How to make it:
Heat up the oven at 200 degrees Celsius.
Put the brass in the oven and put it on the bottom shelf. Burn the winding for 1 hours-1 1/2 hours or until the top of the lighting. After cooking, remove and cool down in about 3-5 hours before cut and served.
Tips 📣📣📣:
Many tapioca based cake recipes read in magazine or blog have different instructions in its preparation.
For example, some are mixed with water, filtered and dumped, just take the sag and then mix the flour...
It's easy to give this recipe; the cassava that's scarred, mixed with coconut milk, sugar, salt and into the brass straight away. Stir up, and cook... no need for flour because the cassava has been stained... this is what makes the bengkang cake soft and sweet fat and supple.. not a soft..
Even the brass doesn't need to be overthrowed because of thick coconut milk causing the cake to not stick and easily cut off with the condition of the cake that has
Recipe source from the blog.
Credit: Zatiyy ZamTranslated