[時事英文] 言論自由與冠狀病毒
In a free society, all citizens must be able to pursue their own paths, set their own goals, and think for themselves. The freedom of speech safeguards these rights as it enables us to challenge and change government regulations and laws we find oppressive and unjust.
History has shown that without the corrective mechanism of free speech, governments would consolidate their powers without regard for the rights and freedom of those whom they ought to serve. To deny people of free speech is a double wrong, because doing so would also deprive people of the right to listen, even though some speech would undoubtedly make us feel uncomfortable. Banning certain speech would not result in the elimination of ideas. It is through engagement and negotiation that we can reach consensus and progress as a society.
All people ought to have the right to criticize their government without fear of persecution, because it is how we have won the rights we have today. The freedom of speech is a fundamental human right and it’s worth fighting to protect.
Trevor Noah, the host of “The Daily Show,” has won praise on the Chinese internet for his searing criticism of the Trump administration’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. So has Jerry Kowal, an American who makes Chinese-language videos chronicling the dire situation in New York.
1. win praise 贏得讚賞
2. searing criticism 猛烈抨擊
3. mishandle (v.) 對⋯⋯處理不當
4. chronicle 記錄
5. a dire situation 可怕的情況
China’s response to the virus has its own sharp-eyed critics at home, and they have found a vastly different reception. One resident of the virus-struck city of Wuhan who writes under the name Fang Fang documented despair, misery and everyday life in an online diary, and has endured withering attacks on social media. Three citizen journalists who posted videos from Wuhan in the first weeks of the outbreak disappeared and are widely believed to be in government custody.
6. response to 回應
7. sharp-eyed 眼尖的;目光敏銳的
8. a vastly different reception 截然不同的對待
9. virus-struck 病毒侵襲
10. document (v.) 記錄
11. endure attacks 忍受攻擊
12. withering 令人難堪的;嚴厲的
13. be in government custody 被政府監禁(或拘留)
The pandemic unfolded dramatically differently in China from the way it has in the rest of the world — at least, if one believes state-run Chinese media. Chinese news outlets used words like “purgatory” and “apocalypse” to describe the tragic hospital scenes in Italy and Spain. They have run photos of British and American medical workers wearing garbage bags as protective gear. A lot of the same miseries happened in China, but those reports were called “rumors” and censored.
14. pandemic 全球性流行病
15. unfold 展開;顯露
16. state-run 國營;國有
17. news outlet 新聞出處
18. purgatory 煉獄
19. apocalypse 末日(天啟)
The death of Li Wenliang, the whistle-blowing doctor in Wuhan, on Feb. 6 galvanized many Chinese people into demanding freedom of speech. Online sentiment became much more skeptical, and many young people openly challenged the party’s message.
20. a whistleblower 吹哨者
21. galvanize somebody into… 激起;使震驚
22. freedom of speech 言論自由
23. online sentiment 網路輿情
24. skeptical 存疑的;持懷疑態度的
25. openly challenge 公開挑戰(或質疑)
Then the United States and other countries bungled their own responses, and China’s propaganda machine saw an opportunity. Using the West’s transparency and free flow of information, state media outlets chronicled how badly others have managed the crisis. Their message: Those countries should copy China’s model. For good measure, the propaganda machine revved up its attacks on anybody who dared to question the government’s handling of the pandemic. For many people in China, the push is working. Wielding a mix of lies and partial truths, some young people are waging online attacks against individuals and countries that contradict their belief in China’s superior response.
26. bungle 弄糟;(笨手笨腳地)把……搞砸
27. propaganda machine 宣傳機器
28. see an opportunity 看見機會
29. manage a crisis
30. transparency 透明度
31. free flow of information 資訊的自由流動
32. chronicle (v.) 記錄
33. rev up sb/sth(使)活躍;(使)積極
34. dare to question 敢於質疑
Many of the same people praising Mr. Noah have been slinging arrows and rocks at Fang Fang, whose real name is Wang Fang, for telling the truth about China. Her diary was moderate and personal, and a place where many of us turned for comfort during the darkest hours of China’s epidemic. But after Harper Collins announced plans to publish it in English, tens of thousands of online users descended on her Weibo account, saying she was a traitor for supporting the enemy’s narrative.
35. sling arrows and rocks 口誅筆伐
36. tell the truth about 說了關於⋯⋯的實話
37. moderate 溫和的
38. turn to comfort 尋求慰藉
39. the darkest hours 最黑暗的時刻
40. descend on 突襲;向⋯⋯湧來
41. a traitor 叛徒;賣國賊
The online backlash has been so severe, Fang Fang wrote on Weibo, that it reminds her of the Cultural Revolution, the decade of political violence and chaos that she saw as a child. The only comfort, she wrote, is that “this type of Cultural Revolution is only conducted in cyberspace.”
42. online backlash 網路上的強烈反對
43. the Cultural Revolution 文化大革命
44. remind sb of sth 使⋯⋯想起⋯⋯
45. political violence and chaos 政治暴力與混亂
May everyone in the world have the freedom to criticize their governments without fear. May we, no matter what our opinions are, speak out to safeguard human rights.
human progress中文 在 葉大華 Facebook 的最佳解答
【929 台港大遊行—撐港反極權】
▱ #集合時間:2019年9月29日 15:00
▱ #集合地點:立法院旁濟南路
▱ #遊行路線:濟南路集合出發 → 中山南路 → 青島西路 → 公園路 → 襄陽路 → 重慶南路 → 衡陽路 → 中華路 → 漢口街 → 館前路 → 忠孝西路 → 公園路 → 青島西路 → 青島東路 → 林森南路 → 返回濟南路進行晚會
▱ 連署成為聲援團體:http://bit.ly/taiwanwithhongkong
▱ 台港大遊行志工報名:http://bit.ly/twwithhkvolunteers
▶ 發起團體:臺灣青年民主協會 TYAD、台灣公民陣線、香港邊城青年、臺灣學生聯合會
▶ 主辦團體:經濟民主連合、 台灣人權促進會 Taiwan Association for Human Rights、民間司法改革基金會、人權公約施行監督聯盟Covenants Watch、永社 Taiwan Forever Association、台灣基督長老教會Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) 、 環境法律人協會 Environmental Jurists Association, EJA 、華人民主書院、台灣勞工陣線協會、監所關注小組 Prison Watch、好民文化行動、 公投護台灣聯盟、新台灣和平基金會、獨立青年陣線、 台灣蠻野心足生態協會、台灣守護民主平台、台灣聯合國協進會(TAIUNA)、台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟 TAEDP、西藏台灣人權連線 Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan、社團法人台灣親子共學教育促進會(陸續邀請中)
▶ 聲援團體:守民主護台灣大聯盟、台灣之友會、台灣制憲基金會、台灣社、台灣北社、台灣中社、台灣南社、財團法人青平台基金會、台北水噹噹姊妹聯盟、台灣教授協會、真理大學學生會、台灣廢除死刑推動聯盟、西藏台灣人權連線、Fridays For Future,PCT、臺北市立大學學生會、遊行酒組聯盟、台大研協會、國立中正大學學生議會、環境法律人協會、國立中正大學公共事務研習社、國立臺東大學學生會、高雄學生民主聯盟、波波研究室、文華高中文華青年自治會、中部共生青年組合、社會科學實踐種子論壇、國立臺灣大學法律系系學會、環境權保障基金會、臺中家商學生自治會、台灣圖博之友會、華人民主書院、台灣性別平等教育協會、人本教育基金會、高醫透明革命星火社、台南彩虹遊行聯盟、自由台灣黨、靜觀法律事務所、台南香港關注組、蜜蜂公民、國立臺灣大學學生會、北美洲台灣人教授協會、台灣安保協會、台灣獨立建國聯盟、台灣冤獄平反協會、綠色公民行動聯盟、國立臺灣師範大學社會工作學研究所所學會、台灣教師聯盟、國立東華大學學生會、陳文成基金會、國會調查兵團、交大敵霸閣、蔡瑞月文化基金會、台灣基進、台灣反迫遷連線、台北蜂鳥、國立臺中教育大學學生會、臺灣東突厥斯坦協會、台大濁水溪社、島國前進、台中市醫界聯盟、國立政治大學學生會、桃力發展協進會、社會民主黨、台灣守護民主平台、台北律師公會、台灣國會透明化促進協會、政大野火陣線、社團法人彰化縣磺溪文化永續協會、淡水藝文聚落工作室、鄭南榕基金會、反共反習大聯盟、台南連儂牆、社團法人慕哲人社、台灣環境保護聯盟、好溫度。台灣青年基金會、東吳大學學生會、國立中山大學放狗社、台灣聯合國協進會、台灣團結聯盟、民國前進 National Progress、社團法人台灣親子共學教育促進會、香港邊城青年、臺灣青年民主協會、人權公約施行監督聯盟、新台灣和平基金會、民間司法改革基金會、臺灣學生聯合會、台灣人權促進會、獨立青年陣線、臺灣學論議題論壇、國立屏東科技大學學生會、全國中學學生權益研究會、國立政治大學研究生學會、台灣公民陣線、經濟民主連合、台灣北北新巢協會、台灣勞工陣線、香港浪潮、北部反送中關注組、臺灣學權意識倡議組織SRIOT、搶救台灣行動聯盟、成功高中代聯會、成大學生會、社團法人台灣共生青年協會、台灣在家自學聯盟、東吳難容社、社團法人台灣同志諮詢熱線協會、反共反習民主革命大聯盟、國立臺灣大學文學院學生會、台灣少年權益與福利促進聯盟、亞大不學無術丈量室、李江卻台語文教基金會、國際社會主義前進、台灣維新、基隆市生根文化創意協會、海洋台灣文教基金會、明道中學烏水陣線、東吳大學學生會、國立臺灣大學政治系系學會、VOICE聲音結社、雙和小蜜蜂、國立臺灣大學歷史學系學生會、游擊放映、萬芳青蘋果、高雄市公民監督公僕聯盟、Only實驗教育、時代力量、上學好日子、台灣圖書室文化協會、國立交通大學人文社會學系系學會、台灣相思草人權促進協會、國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系系學會、在台藏人福利協會、淡江大學怒江學會OB、台灣女性學學會、台灣無條件基本收入協會、婦女新知基金會、台灣民族黨、北海岸反核行動聯盟、東吳大學政治學系學生會、財團法人台灣青年基金會、TCS台灣公民幹細胞、點亮咖啡、凝火之聲、國立屏東大學學生議會、綠黨、台槓青年、Formosa青年議會(連署聲援後更新增加中)
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human progress中文 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最佳貼文
蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 總統2019年5月9日於《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)期刊投書之中文翻譯。
劉仕傑 (青年外交官 劉仕傑 )
Taiwan's Self-made democracy still needs U.S. partnership
On April 10, 1979, the Taiwan Relations Act was signed into law after being passed by the U.S. Congress the month before, in response to President Jimmy Carter’s decision in January 1979 to establish official relations with the People’s Republic of China and sever diplomatic ties with the Republic of China (Taiwan). At the time, Taiwan was not yet a democracy, with a population of 17 million and a GDP per capita of $1,958―a flickering candle in the storm of the Cold War.
The Taiwan Relations Act mandates the U.S. commitment to peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific. More important, it defines how the United States engages with Taiwan and ensures that our country has adequate defense capabilities to be free from coercion.
Against the backdrop of the Cold War, no one could have imagined that Taiwan would emerge as a beacon of democracy in Asia.
By embracing democratic values, the people of Taiwan took their fate into their own hands. The resilient Taiwanese defied all odds and kept making progress.
With steadfast support from our partner in democracy, the United States, the people of Taiwan transformed an authoritarian regime into a vibrant democracy and held their first direct presidential election by popular vote in 1996. Democratization was further consolidated four years later with a peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another. Then, in 2016, Taiwan broke through the glass ceiling by electing its first female president and a record number of women into the legislature.
Taiwan has also transformed itself from an aid recipient into a high-tech powerhouse featuring outstanding human capital, a rules-based market, and a sound legal framework that upholds property rights. Taiwan now ranks as one of the top 10 freest economies in the world and has become an important partner for many U.S. companies in the region and around the world.
Since I took office three years ago, Taiwan and the United States have stepped up our joint efforts to promote our mutual interests, such as religious freedom, media literacy, and fighting corruption, safeguarding our shared values in the Indo-Pacific region.
One lesson of the 20th century is that the forward march of democracy is not a given.
For the past 40 years, many members of Congress and successive U.S. administrations have honored the Taiwan Relations Act, making our partnership irreplaceable and shielding our region from increasingly aggressive anti-democratic forces. We stand together because we believe that the darkness and fear imposed by authoritarian regimes cannot withstand the light of democracy.
The U.S. government has stood firm and responded to challenges to our partnership with determination and perseverance.
The U.S. Congress has consistently demonstrated bipartisan support for stronger ties with Taiwan through legislation like the Taiwan Travel Act, proof that the creativity and commitment that created the Taiwan Relations Act are still alive in Congress today.
Our shared commitment to democracy and freedom is something that people living under authoritarian regimes can never understand. Faced with the growing challenges to the rules-based order established after World War II, our partnership is more important than ever.
Taiwan has survived and thrived under the most challenging circumstances of the 20th century. The people of Taiwan have not given in to the fearmongering of authoritarian regimes and never will. At this critical juncture, we celebrate and reaffirm our partnership with the United States and look forward to the next chapter in our success story.
As president of this beacon of democracy, I am committed to fighting the good fight. I will continue to work with our friends in the years ahead to create a better world for future generations and a more open and free Indo-Pacific and beyond.
Tsai Ing-wen is the President of Taiwan.