---Please scroll down for the English version---
香港監察高級政策顧問Sam Goodman亦表示:「我們歡迎德國政府向該女生提供庇護的決定。這表明德國政府致力于保護人權,並認為在港區國安法生效後,許多香港青年若留在香港,將面臨政治迫害,任意逮捕和監禁。」
Goodman建議德國政府「透過改革其庇護政策來提供特別方案予有機會面臨政治迫害的香港人申請庇護、延長工作假期簽證、或考慮通過擴大Erasmus Program予香港學生來制定適用於全歐盟的救生艇政策。」他總結指,「德國應與志同道合的國際伙伴聯手,確保每一個香港人在面對進一步打壓時,都有可行政策保護他們。」
【Haven Assistance’s statement on the German government’s decision to grant a Hong Kong protester asylum status】
On October 14, 2020, a 22-year-old student of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), who fled Hong Kong last November, was granted refugee status for three years by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, BAMF). This is the first instance of a protestor receiving asylum in Germany following activities in the anti-extradition law movement.
Haven Assistance would like to express our gratitude to the German Government for this decision. This is not the first time that the German Government has granted asylum to Hong Kong citizens. In May 2018, the German government granted asylum to two Hong Kong activists -- Ray Wong Toi-Yeung, the founder of Hong Kong Indigenous (HKI) and co-founder of Haven Assistance, and Alan Li Tung-Sing, a former member of HKI. Germany was the first European country to grant asylum to Hong Kong citizens.
However, while Haven Assistance welcomes the German Government’s decision to grant asylum to the Hong Kong protester, we also urge Germany and other European countries to continue to improve their asylum processes and consider enacting a comprehensive lifeboat policy for Hong Kongers.
The student protester told Haven Assistance that she had faced many hardships during her application process, such as living in refugee camps for nearly 11 months, being hospitalised due to emotional issues, and being sexually assaulted by a refugee camp staff. “I am grateful to the German government for granting me asylum. The German government has provided me with basic necessities, such as food, clothing, shelter, transportation and basic medical services,” she said when sharing her life in refugee camps. “However, if the German government could consider simplifying the asylum application process for Hong Kong protesters, such as allowing them to choose freely their place of residence while waiting for the decision,” she also suggested, “it would be of great convenience and support to them.”
Sam Goodman, Senior Policy Advisor at Hong Kong Watch, said:
“We welcome the German Government’s decision to grant asylum to the female protester. It demonstrates the German Government’s commitment to stand up for human rights and its recognition that under the National Security Law many Hong Kongers face political persecution, arbitrary arrest and detention if they stay in the city.”
Goodman continued: “However, the young woman’s experiences in the refugee camp shows that it is time for reform. In July, Germany along with the other EU Member States agreed to bring in proposals to make it easier for young Hong Kongers to work and study in Europe as part of an international lifeboat policy. Nearly three months later, we believe it is time for the German Government to act on its promise.”
He also suggested that the German government could “reform its asylum policy by designating a specific pathway for Hong Kongers at risk of political persecution, expanding its Working Holiday Visa, and considering the case for an EU-wide lifeboat policy through expanding the Erasmus scheme for Hong Kongers.” Germany should, he concluded, “join like-minded international partners in ensuring that Hongkongers has a viable insurance policy in the face of a further crackdown on their rights.”
Haven Assistance
19 October 2020
human rights first asylum 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的最佳解答
新聞稿:劉康抵英尋政治庇護 | Press Release: Hong Kong Democratic Activist Honcques Laus Has Applied for Political Asylum in Great Britain
(Kindly please scroll down for English)
劉康提及,抵達英國後,由鄭文傑成立的避風驛(Haven Assistance),一直協助他處理政治庇護程序,又免費為他安排了律師,亦解答他英國日常生活問題。劉康對鄭文傑及避風驛,表示非常感謝,亦建議流亡英國的香港抗爭者不妨尋找避風驛協助。
Hong Kong Democratic Activist Honcques Laus Has Applied for Political Asylum in Great Britain
Hong Kong democratic activist Honcques Laus (劉康) disclosed today that he had moved to Great Britain in late June for seeking political asylum, because he would face political persecution with China's National Security Law, by reason of his political opinion - he approved of Hong Kong independence (he publicly demonstrated against Carrie Lam with Hong Kong Independence slogan in 2017. And he published his book supporting Hong Kong independence last year), and he also approved of imposing sanctions on human rights violators in Hong Kong. He mentioned that he got support from Simon Cheng and Haven Assistance. He also got support from the UK government. He sincerely requested the international community to impose sanctions against the Hong Kong government and the Chinese government for violation of human rights.
Honcques revealed that he had applied for political asylum at London Heathrow Airport in late June. He explained, "China's Evil National Security Law is a blatant violation of freedom of speech and human rights", and he would face political persecution by reason of his political opinion in Hong Kong.
Honcques said he had been already politically persecuted by the Hong Kong government. In November 2017, he was a secondary school student, and first grabbed headline when he demonstrated against Carrie Lam with Hong Kong Independence slogan during a photography opportunity. After that, he was subject to politically motivated arrest, prosecution, and imprisonment by the Hong Kong government. He concluded that he had been highly politically targeted by the Hong Kong government.
Honcques said, in July last year, he went to the UK Consulate and the US Consulate to request the UK and the US to impose sanctions against some pro-China politicians who violated the freedom of Hongkongers. In August last year, he published his book 輕論時政, approving of Hong Kong independence, and criticising the Hong Kong government. He discerned, he would be politically persecuted by the Hong Kong government and the Chinese government, with China's Evil National Security Law.
Honcques mentioned that Simon Cheng and Haven Assistance had been assisting him in the political asylum process, arranging a solicitor for him and answering his questions about daily life in the UK. He said he was grateful to Simon Cheng and Haven Assistance. He suggested, Hong Kong protesters in exile in Great Britain seek assistance from Haven Assistance.
Honcques said he was very appreciative of all the support the UK government and Members of Parliament had given the Hong Kong democratic protesters. Honcques also described that the UK government had been treating him excellently, including arranging for him to stay in an accommodation and offering three good meals a day to him free of charge as well.
Honcques stated, he could breathe free air and enjoy the freedom of speech in Great Britain. And in Great Britain, he would not be persecuted and threatened by the Hong Kong government and the Chinese government any longer. However, he was really angry that the Hong Kong government and the Chinese government violating the freedom of Hongkongers. "Hong Kong obviously belongs to Hongkongers, not China's communist bandits. Unfortunately, China's communist bandits still occupy Hong Kong, and Hongkongers have to leave their homeland." Honcques said.
Honcques sincerely requested all the countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union, Taiwan, Japan and all civilized nations, to impose sanctions against human rights violators of the Hong Kong government and the Chinese government, including immigration bans, asset freezes and trade sanctions. He explained that the sanctions could defend the freedom of speech and human rights of Hongkongers and to make tyrants pay the price for oppression. "China's Evil National Security Law, moreover, offends everyone around the globe, as it is probably applied to anyone, who is courageous to criticise the bad policy of Hong Kong or China." Honcques also clarified.
Honcques also pointed out that the recent Hong Kong government's use of China's national security laws to persecute independents in Hong Kong is distinctly a violation of freedom of speech and a humanitarian disaster. "If I haven't moved to the UK promptly, then I would be politically arrested and persecuted by the Hong Kong government today." Honcques said.
-The photo was taken by Honcques Laus and could be used freely.
Enquiry or Interview:
human rights first asylum 在 葉漢浩 Alex Ip Facebook 的最佳解答
URGENT! Sign the petition to German Parliament NOW!
If we collect more than 50000 signatures within 28 days (deadline being Christmas Day), Petition Committee of German Parliament will have to hold a public hearing on solid actions to support human rights in Hong Kong.
HOWEVER, we're not even reaching one-tenth of goal, and we only have 18 days left! The procedure is not as straightforward, but please follow this video and ask everyone to sign.
Subject of petition: Stop the humanitarian crisis in Hong Kong with immediate concrete measures by the Federal Government
👉 聯署網址 Petition website: https://epetitionen.bundestag.de/…/…/_23/Petition_99604.html
English teaching video for signing the petition: https://youtu.be/c3rSaJzd_8o
聯署信的英譯請轆到最低參閱!The English translation of petition content is attached below, please scroll down to read.
Germany Stand with Hong Kong
[English Translation of Petition]
Safeguard Hong Kong, No More Suppression on Human Rights!
We are a group of Hongkongers living in Germany. Due to the out-of-hand violence of the Hong Kong Police Force (hereinafter referred to as the "HKPF"), the social movement in Hong Kong has turned into a humanitarian disaster. We call on the Federal Republic of Germany (hereinafter referred to as the “Federal Government”) to provide emergency assistance and we urge the Federal Government to take immediate and practicable action.
Abusive use of weapons and dereliction of duty by HKPF:
1. Protesters and passengers were assaulted by suspected triad groups in metro stations, and police only arrived 40 minutes after reports were made (Yuen Long MTR station on 21 July; similar attacks happened in Tsuen Wan and North Point on 5 August and 11 August respectively)
2. Mishandling a teenage female protester by male police officers, exposing her body parts during the arrest (Tin Shui Wai on 4 Aug)
3. Manipulation and deliberate planting of evidence (eg. putting sharp bamboo stick into protester’s backpacks, unsealing evidence bags that should remain sealed until presented at court)
4. 3 Members of Legislative Council, and more student activists were arrested by the police and 2 organizers of demonstrations were attacked by thugs on 30 August which is the eve of a massive demonstration
5. Police stormed the metro station, beat protesters and passengers in the station and on the train, closed all the exits and then expel all reporters and first-aiders from the metro station (Prince Edward MTR station on 31 Aug)
In order to protect German expatriates and the interests of German enterprises in Hong Kong, as well as to protect the human rights of EU citizens in Hong Kong, we urge the Federal Government to consider taking the following actions:
1. Halt all export of crowd control equipment and “less-lethal” weaponry to Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF)
2. Express concerns regarding the escalating tension in Hong Kong and safety of German expatriates in Hong Kong
3. Deploy official Human Rights Observer to Hong Kong and to make an independent observation at the frontline
4. Acknowledge that protesters in Hong Kong may be persecuted on political grounds and adjust its asylum policy to Hong Kong asylum seekers
5. Halt any cooperation and exchange programme with the HKPF
6. Forbid entry into the EU / Revoke the right of abode or EU citizenship (if any) / Freeze the assets in EU of senior officers of Hong Kong Government and pro-China legislators and their immediate family members (if any)
made up of lovable Hongkongers,
who yearn for freedom, democracy and human rights,
was, is now and ever will be
a FREE PORT which belongs to the world of civilization.